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1、五年级第十册每模块知识重点五年级第十册每模块知识重点Module 1单词:1. drive 驾驶2. flute 笛子3. player 演奏者 4. office 办公室5. parent 父亲:母亲6. young 年轻的7. driver 司机8. music 音乐9. doctor 医生10. children 孩子们11. factory 工厂12. hospital 医院13. train 火车短语:1. in this picture 在这个图片里2. drive a bus 驾驶公共汽车3. a bus driver 一个公共汽车司机4. a flute player 一个笛子

2、演奏者5. Chinese music 中国音乐6. play the flute 演奏笛子7. in the office 在办公室8. in a factory 在工厂9. in a hospital 在医院10. in a shop 在商店11. a train driver 一个火车司机12. drive a train 开火车13. work very hard 工作非常努力 14. in the sun 在阳光下15. in the rain 在雨中句子:1. My grandma was a driver before. 我的奶奶以前是一个司机。2. My grandpa was

3、 a flute player before. 我的爷爷以前是一个笛子演奏者。3. What did she drive? 她是驾驶什么车的?4. What was he before? 他以前是做什么的?5. What music did he play? 他演奏什么音乐?Module 2单词:1. email 电子邮件2. sausage 香肠3. sandwich 三明治4. delicious 美味的5. breakfast 早餐6. lunch 午餐7. dinner 晚餐8. traditional 传统的9. different 不同的10. family 家庭11. toget

4、her 一起12. vegetable 蔬菜13. chicken 鸡肉14. potato 土豆短语:1. an email from一封来自的电子邮件2. English breakfast 英式早餐3. have breakfast 吃早餐4. eat lunch 吃午餐5. on Fridays 每逢周五6. want to do sth. 想要做某事7. be good for 对有好处句子:1. What did she have for breakfast? 她早餐吃的什么?2. Dinner is usually at half past six. 晚饭通常是在六点半。3. W

5、hat time does Sam have breakfast? Sam 什么时间吃早饭?4. She had eggs and sausages. 她吃了鸡蛋和香肠。Module 3单词:1. Harry Potter 哈利波特2. return 归还3. borrow 借4. video 录像带5. computer 电脑6. shelf 书架7. favourite 最喜爱的8. library 图书馆9. homework 家庭作业10. story 故事11. together 一起12. vegetable 蔬菜13. chicken 鸡肉14. potato 土豆15. typ

6、e 种类短语:1. Harry Potter 哈利波特2. at/in the library 在图书馆3. look on the computer 查阅电脑4. lots of 许多5. in China 在中国6. library card 图书卡7. in two weeks 两周之内8. Snow White 白雪公主9. Maths for Children儿童数学10.The Three Bears 三只熊11.use the computer 使用电脑12.do homework 做作业13.talk to 和谈话14.books with stories 故事书15.CDs

7、with music 音乐光盘16.from far and near 来自四面八方句子:1. Have you got the Harry Potter videos? 你有哈利波特录像带吗?2. Youve got lots of Harry Potter books here! 你这儿有这么多哈利波特的书啊!3. Please return the books in two weeks. 请在两周之内还书。4. We like Harry Potter in China, too. 在中国,我们也喜欢哈利波特。5. We havent got the videos. But we have got the books.我们没有录像带,但是我们有书。



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