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1、1Module 1 People and places写作任写作任务务写正在游览某地的明信片。精品范文精品范文MondayDear John,How are you? Im writing to tell you what Im doing in Paris now. Im on a school trip and Im having a good time. At the moment,Im standing in front of the famous buildingthe Eiffel Tower. There are forty students in our school. Som

2、e are taking lots of photos happily, some are shopping for presents and postcards for their family and friends, and the others are eating lunch and lying in the sun.Anyway,were all enjoying this trip a lot.See you soon.Love,Sam 参考参考译译文文星期一亲爱的约翰:你好吗?我现在巴黎给你写信,告诉你我正在做的事。我正在参加校游,而且我玩得很愉快。此刻,我正站在著名的埃菲尔铁

3、塔前。在我们学校有 40 名学生,一些在高兴地拍照,一些在为他们的亲朋好友购买礼物和贺卡,其他人躺在太阳底下吃午餐。不管怎样,我们都特别喜欢这次校游。希望尽快相见。爱你的,山姆Module 2 Spring Festival写作任写作任务务写一封关于春节的信。精品范文精品范文Dear Tony,How are you? Were getting ready for Spring Festival. Were cleaning the house and sweeping the floor.My mother is cooking a meal and my father is decorat

4、ing our home with red, green, and gold paper cuts.2Usually we buy new clothes, but we dont buy any clothes this New Year.We sometimes send cards to our friends by email. We always get presents from our famly and friends. Spring Festival finishes at Lantern Festival after two weeks. On Lantern Festiv

5、al day we often eat round rice dumplings called yuanxiao. Tell me about a festival in your country.Best wishes,Jenny参考参考译译文文亲爱的托尼,你好吗?我们正为春节做准备。我们在清扫房屋,打扫地面。我的妈妈在做饭,我们的爸爸在用红色的、绿色的和金色的剪纸装饰家。我们通常买新衣服,但是我们今年不买一件衣服。我们有时用电子邮件给朋友寄贺年卡。我们总是收到亲朋好友送的礼物。春节在两个星期后的元宵节结束。在元宵节那天,我们经常吃圆圆的叫做“元宵”的大米饺子。告诉我你们国家节日的情况。最好

6、的祝愿!珍妮Module 3 Plans写作任写作任务务写周末或假期的打算。精品范文精品范文Im going to have got a holiday next week. Im going to take the plane to England with my uncle. Im going to do some sightseeing because I like foreign culture.First, Im going to travel by train because I dont like cars. Next, Im going to stay in a hotel f

7、or a rest.Then, Im going to go to the theatre and the cinema because I love opera stars and film stars.Finally, Im going to lie on a beach because I enjoy the sun and the sea. I always buy my parents some presents when I have a holiday. Im looking forward to that. 参考参考译译文文我打算下周度假。我打算和我的叔叔乘飞机到英国去。我打算

8、去英国观光,是因为我喜欢外国文化。首先,首先,我打算乘火车旅行,因为我不喜欢汽车。接下来,接下来,我打算呆在旅馆休息休息。3然后,然后,我打算去看戏和电影,因为我喜欢戏剧明星和电影明星。最后,最后,我打算躺在沙滩上,因为我喜欢太阳和大海。当我度假的时候,我总是给我的双亲购买一些礼物。我期待着假期的到来。Module 4 Life in the future写作任写作任务务设计并撰写未来的学习、工作和生活。精品范文精品范文I think there will not be schools in the future. I think everyone will use computers to

9、study at home. We wont use books, but we use the Internet. I also think students will send their homework to the teachers by email and talk to their teachers on their computers.Teachers wont write on a blackboard with chalk.And no one will use paper, pencils and pens.There will be robots in our home

10、s in the future because robots will be very cheap. Robots will do many dull, boring and heavy jobs.They will clean the house, cook food, care for children and help old people. So people will have a lot of free time.参考参考译译文文我认为将来不会有学校。我认为每个人将会在家使用计算机学习。我们不用课本,但是我们用因特网。我也认为学生将通过电子邮件给老师发送作业,而且在计算机上和他们的

11、老师交流。老师不再用粉笔在黑板上写。还有,没有人将用纸、铅笔和钢笔。将来在我们的家里将会有机器人,因为机器人将会很便宜。机器人会做许多枯燥的、烦人的和繁重的工作。它们将清扫房屋、做饭、照顾小孩、帮助老人。所以,人们将会有许多空余的时间。Module 5 My hometown and country写作任写作任务务制作一份比较两个城市或河流的海报。精品范文精品范文Shanghai, on the east coast of China, is the biggest city in the country. Its population is around 13 million, much l

12、arger than Hongkong. There are lots of beautiful buildings and places of interest, especially famous for the 468-meter-high Oriental Pear Tower, so it is very popular with tourists. Shanghai is on the Huangpu river and is an old city-about 800 years old,but it is much newer than HongKong. Shanghai i

13、s very hot in summer and quite old in winter, absolutely different from Hongkong.参考参考译译文文4位于中国东海岸的上海是中国最大的城市。它大约有 1300 万人口,比香港多得多。在上海有 许多美丽的高楼大厦和名胜古迹,尤其以 468 米高的东方明珠电视塔而闻名,所以上海很受 游客们喜欢。上海位于黄浦江上,是一个拥有大约 800 年历史的城市,但是它比香港年轻得 多。上海夏天很热,冬天很冷,完全不同于香港。Module 6 The Olimpic adventure写作任写作任务务制作一份关于运动项目的海报。精品范

14、文精品范文Our favourite Olympic sport is table tennis in China. There are four reasons for this. First, table tennis is more popular than any other sports in China. You can see people play table tennis here and there. Second, Chinese people are very good at table tennis. Ms Deng Yaping is one of the most

15、 excelent players. Third, it is easy for most people to learn it. A seven-year-old child can learn in three months. Finally, I think table tennis is cheaper and safer than gymnastics, so many people can play in schoos, parks and communities. I decide to begin practising playing table tennis from now

16、. I am looking forward to be a great player like Deng Yaping.参考参考译译文文在中国我们最喜欢的运动项目是乒乓球。 有四个原因可以说明这一点。首先,首先,在中国乒乓球是比任何其他运动项目都受欢迎。到处你 都可以看见人们在打乒乓球。第二,第二,中国人很擅长打乒乓球。邓亚萍小姐是最优秀的乒乓球 运动员之一。第三,第三,对大多数人来说,学会打乒乓球是很容易的。一个七岁的孩子在三个月 内就能够学会。最后,最后,我认为乒乓球比体操更便宜更安全,所以许多人在学校、公园和社区 就能够打。 我决定从现在起就开始练习打乒乓球。我期待我能成为一个象邓亚萍一样伟大的运动员。Module 7 Planes, boats and trains写作任写作任务务比较离学校最近和最远的两位同学上学方式的利弊。精品范文精品范文Tony lives the farthest from the school, so he has the longest journey. He goe



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