
上传人:艾力 文档编号:36567993 上传时间:2018-03-30 格式:PDF 页数:1 大小:299.60KB
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1、The United States and China have joined forces in a com- binedoperationtocrack down on counterfeit goods, seizing more than 243,000 fake electronics products, including popular consumer items made by Apple, Samsung, Dr.Dre and Blackberry. The two coun- triesagreedinrecenthigh- level talks that they

2、would work together to try to stem the large quantities of fake goods flowing between China and the United States. (U.S., China team up to seize counterfeit goods in joint operation, by Reuters) 美国和中国在最近一次知识产 权联合执法行动中袁 共缴获了超过 24.3 万件假冒电子产品袁其中包括时 下流行的苹果尧三星尧德瑞博士和黑 莓等品牌遥在最近的中美高级别会谈 中袁两国达成共识袁将一起努力袁以阻 止大

3、量流通于中国和美国之间的知 识产权侵权假冒产品遥渊叶美中联合行 动打击假冒伪劣产品曳袁路透社冤Comment:China has been responsible to protectIntellectualPropertyfromboth domestic and overseas, and pre- ventIntellectualPropertyinfringe- ment. Intellectual Property infringe- ment is a global issue and cross- bor- der efforts are needed to fight it.

4、Here, both China the U.S. need to work together to effectively curb the movement of counterfeit products.点评院中国一直在保护国内外知识产 权方面采取负责任的态度并努力遏 制知识产权侵权遥知识产权侵权是一 个全球性的问题袁它需要跨境合作来 寻求解决遥 中美需要联合起来袁采取 行动袁以有效打击侵权假冒行为遥 The UK is investing less in research and development in- to technologicalinnovation than the U

5、nited States and China, a recentsurveybyAccenturehasfound. Of the 275 UK executives interviewedforthesurvey,56% shared the view that the UK is be- hindonspendingintechnology, which is slowing down the rate of innovation. More than two thirds of participantsbelievedthatChina would either pull ahead o

6、r match Europe爷s innovation levels by 2023.(UKinvesting lessin technological innovation than the US and China, by Business Technology) 根据埃森哲公司最近的一项调查 显示袁英国在技术创新研发上的投资少 于美国和中国遥在 275 名受访的英国企 业高管中袁有 56豫的人认为英国在技术 研发支出上是落后的袁这直接导致了创 新速度放缓遥 超过 2/3 的受访者认为袁 中国将在2023年追上或超越欧洲的创 新水平遥渊叶英国技术创新投资少于美国 和中国曳袁商业技术网站冤C

7、omment:Chinaishugelyinvestingin technologyandconductingmore and more innovation. However, the majority of participants in the sur- vey took the view that breakthrough technologies that have the potential to change the way businesses oper-ate are not being produced. Becom- inganinnovationleading,Chin

8、a needs to keep going forward.点评院中国在推动技术发展方面投入 巨资并促进了越来越多的创新活动遥 尽管如此袁大多数调查受访者认为袁有 望改变商业运营方式的突破性技术还 没有产生遥 要想成为真正全球创新领 袖袁中国还需要不断努力遥CHINAREPORTINTELLECTUAL PROPERTYINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY社址院北京市海淀区蓟门桥西土城路 远 号邮编院员园园园愿愿电邮院糟蚤责灶藻憎泽岳增蚤责援泽蚤灶葬援糟燥皂编辑中心院82803936采访中心院82803956办公室院82803009发行部院愿圆园猿源猿愿缘广告部院愿圆园猿源猿缘愿印刷院解

9、放军报印刷厂圆园13 年 8 月 14 日星期三出版中文主编院吴辉英文审校院崔卫国英文审校院柳鹏August 14袁 圆园13孕怎遭造蚤泽澡藻凿 燥灶 Wednesday悦澡蚤灶藻泽藻 耘凿蚤贼燥则原蚤灶原悦澡蚤藻枣押 宰怎 匀怎蚤耘灶早造蚤泽澡 砸藻增蚤泽藻则押 Cui Weiguo耘灶早造蚤泽澡 砸藻增蚤泽藻则押 蕴iu Peng责任编辑柳鹏耘曾藻糟怎贼蚤增藻 耘凿蚤贼燥则Liu Peng英文翻译茹果TranslatorRu GuoAccording to the latest statis- tics released by SIPO, Chi- na receivedatotalof

10、256,000 invention applications from home and granted 73,000 invention applications,up27.6%and4.3% respectively. The steady fast growth in invention filings reflects that the structureofpatentapplicationis now being further optimized. In the first half of 2013, the topfiveprovincesininvention patents

11、 filings are Jiangsu (49,756), Guangdong(29,833),Beijing (27,655),Zhejiang(18,949)and Shandong(18,533);The top five provinces for invention patent grant- ed areBeijing,Guangdongand Jiangsu, Shanghai and Zhejiang with 10,726,10,148,8,499,5,614 and5,437respectively.Compared with the list last year, Gu

12、angdong, usuallyrankingthefirstonthe patent grants list, was replaced by Beijing, and the tenth place was re- placedbyAnhui,Tianjinentered the top 10 provinces in patent ap- plications. TheprovincesinChinahold ontolastyearshigherrankings. Thefirst- tieroftheprovinceare fromeast- coastaldevelopedarea

13、 like Jiangsu, Guangdong and Bei- jing which reflects the patenttheregions owned are directly propor- tional to regional economic develop- ment; in the second tier, Sichuan, Hubei and Shannxi the provinces in the Midwest of China maintains a rapid development in patent applica- tion and grants. For

14、instance, Shan- nxi province makes efficient use of science and technology research re- source to help quantity and quality of the patent be increased. Most of the cities in China al- so remainedinpositionsinthe ranking of patent filings and grants. Beijing paces all cities in patent ap- plicationan

15、dgrantsfollowedby Shanghaiwhichshowsthatthe more innovation companies the re- gion owned, the higher ranking the cities held. All rankings of the provinces and municipalities of patent applica- tion and grants in China nearly re- mained the samein recentyears. The 12th Five- Year Plan clearly de- fi

16、nes the main objectives for China爷 spatentdevelopmentin thenext five years that the main target is to increase every 10,000 people to 3.3 invention patents. After the govern- ment stresses implementation of the innovation driven development strat- egyinthe18thCPCNational Congress, many provinces and mu-nicipalities now are attaching more importancetopatentquality.The steady fast growth in invention fil- ings from home reflects that China are now eyeing on enhancing patent quality, according to


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