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1、ENBACE1009 第 1 页 (共 11 页)本宝典由以下三部分组成:本宝典由以下三部分组成:样题解析与应考技巧提示样题解析与应考技巧提示复习资源建议复习资源建议考核要点的串讲考核要点的串讲高级英语文学文化模块高级英语文学文化模块“变化中的英语变化中的英语”课程终结考试笔试课程终结考试笔试试卷试卷(模拟试题)(模拟试题)课程编号:课程编号:ENBACE1009 学籍号:学籍号:_学习中心:学习中心:_ 姓姓 名:名:_Information for the Examinees: This examination consists of FOUR sections. They are: Se

2、ction I:Listening Test(20 points, 25 minutes) Section II:Awareness of Course Content(40 points, 30 minutes) Section III:Reading Test(30 points, 45 minutes) Section IV:Essay Question(10 points, 20 minutes) The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examinati

3、on is 2 hours (120 minutes).YOU MUST WRITE ALL YOUR ANSWERS ON THE ANSWER SHEET.Section IListening Test 20 points本题选自课本或课外。若选自课外,主题与课本中涉及的主题相关,难度相当。失分主要原因:对课本内容不熟悉,没有掌握课本中的概念和观点,或对所学知识不熟悉。ENBACE1009 第 2 页 (共 11 页)对策:把课本中的对话听一遍,把对话中的观点和概念搞清楚。Click here to download the sound file.Instructions: The lis

4、tening test will take approximately 30 minutes. There are TWO parts to the test. There will be a pause of 30 seconds before each part to allow you to look at your questions. There will be a pause of 30 seconds after each part to allow you to think about your answers.Part 1. Questions 1- 5 are based

5、on this part. (10 points) You are going to listen to a conversation between two people. As you listen, decide whether statements 1-5 are true or false. Write T for “true” and F for “false” on the Answer Sheet._ 1. This conversation takes place on the telephone. T _ 2. Julie wants to talk to Simon to

6、 give him some information about language. T _ 3. There are approximately 500 languages spoken in India today. F _ 4. Each of the official languages is spoken by over a million people. F _ 5. English was phased out in India by 1965. FStrategies for Listening (听力策略)(听力策略)You are going to listen to th

7、e conversations twice. Read the listening questions to get a picture of what you will listen. Grab general ideas in the first listening, and more details in the second. Listen for key words. Dont waste time thinking about one or two words you missed. Associate the recording with what you have learnt

8、 from the textbook (与课与课 本学到的知识联系起来)本学到的知识联系起来) Decide the choice in the first listening and check it for the second listening. from our textbookENBACE1009 第 3 页 (共 11 页)Opportunity costPart 2. Questions 6 - 10 are based on this part. (10 points) Questions 6-10: You are going to listen to a conversa

9、tion about Welsh. As you listen, choose the best answer from A, B, C and D to complete each statement below. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.6. The people Liu Gang heard talking in a strange language were _D_. A.foreigners B.Chinese C.English D.Welsh7. The majority of the people in Wales spea

10、k _B_. A.Welsh B.English C.Celtic D.Gaelic8. Irish and Scottish Gaelic are _A _. A.now separate languages B.the same dialect C.spoken in England D.dead languages9. Cornish is a language that _C_. A.is very similar to Gaelic B.is taught in schools in Wales C.died out a couple of hundred years ago D.i

11、s still spoken as a mother-tongue10. Welsh and Gaelic speakers are _D_. A.not officially encouraged B.growing in numbers C.ashamed of their languageENBACE1009 第 4 页 (共 11 页)D.fewer than they were beforeSelected from outside, theme-related, with similar difficulty level.Reasons for language changeThi

12、s is the end of the Listening Test.Section IIAwareness of Course Content 40 points本题选自课本,这部分重点测试对教材中所涉及的基本概念、观点的掌握。失分主要原因:A)对课本中的概念和知识点不熟悉; B)对教材的内容和面授辅导课内容下的功夫不够。对策:按教学平台里的备考要点,对照教材和面授辅导课的课程讲义,从头到尾地详细复习一遍。Part 1. Questions 11- 20 (20 points) Decide whether the following statements are true or false

13、 according to what you have learned from the course. Write T for “true” and F for “false” on the Answer Sheet.这次考试本题是简答题!不要求完整句,回答出问题即可。_11.The term interlanguage is used for the language of learners who have only partial control of a language. T _12.There are differences in spelling in American and

14、 British English, and the differences are quite large in number out of the total English vocabulary. F _13.Latin and Sanskrit are dead languages. T _14.Local varieties of English are not so difficult to learn as Standard English because students can feel that the language they are learning belongs t

15、o their own country and culture. T _15.When they say all languages are equal, they mean all languages are well developed. F _16.Spanish, French and Portuguese are descendents of Latin. F _17.R.P. is the abbreviation in common use to stand for Right Pronunciation. F _18.Contemporary English has evolved from earlier varieties. TENBACE1009 第 5 页 (共 11 页)_19.When a teacher is doing prescriptive teaching, he usually teaches the four skills. T _20.When a teacher is doing Descriptive teaching, he us


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