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1、無人駕駛飛機系統 操作安全 你要知Safety Tips for Operating Unmanned Aircraft Systems注意 如因魯莽或疏忽操作無人機系統而危害他人或財產安全,可被檢控 放飛無人機系統時亦需遵守其他香港法例,如個人資料 (私隱) 條例等Caution Recklessly or negligently causing or permitting the UAS to endanger any person or property is liable to prosecution Other legislations in Hong Kong such as Pe

2、rsonal Data (Privacy) Ordinance should be complied withWith the advancement of technology, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are getting smaller in size, better in performance and more affordable. Flying UAS is gaining popularity as a leisure activity. As Hong Kong is a small yet densely populated cit

3、y, people operating UAS for recreational purpose, from novice to expert, should stay alert and observe the following safety tips to avoid causing damage to property, injuries and even fatalities.隨着相關科技日趨成熟,無人機系統體積 愈來愈細,性能更佳,價錢亦更大眾化, 放飛無人機逐漸成為一項新興的消閒娛樂 活動。然而,香港地少人多,航空交通頻繁, 不論是初學者或富放飛經驗的人士放飛無人機 作消閒用途時

4、,均必須時刻保持警覺,注意 以下的安全要點,以免樂極生悲,造成財物 損失,甚至人命傷亡。放飛時間 只可以在白晝Time of Operations Daylight hours only放飛高度 不得超過地面以上300 呎Altitude of Operations Shall not be flown over 300 feet above ground level放飛範圍 以下為選擇適當放飛地點的一些要訣: 地勢平坦,可讓無人機安全升降 無人機操作者能單憑肉眼清楚看見飛行中的無人機 不得在機場及飛機升降航道附近放飛無人機。這些地方包括:-香港國際機場;-大嶼山北部沿岸地區;-大欖涌至荃灣沿

5、岸及青衣島一帶;-維多利亞港一帶及沿岸地區;和-石崗一帶Choice of flying sites The following tips can help you choose a good flying site: The site shall be flat enough to enable safe take-off and landing at all times The operator shall maintain direct visual contact with the UAS during the period of the flight UAS shall not be

6、 flown in the vicinity of an airport and aircraft approach and take-off paths. These areas include: - Hong Kong International Airport;- North Lantau coastal area;- Coastal areas from Tai Lam Chung to Tsuen Wan and Tsing Yi Island;- Victoria Harbour and its coastal areas; and- Shek Kong area The site

7、 shall be clear of persons, vessels, vehicles or structures UAS shall be flown away from helicopter landing pads UAS shall not be flown over, or close to, any object, installation or facility that would present a risk to safety in the event of damage due to any impact by the UAS, or in such a manner

8、 that the good order and discipline and control thereof may be or may likely be jeopardised 遠離人群、船隻、車輛或構築物 遠離直升機坪 不得飛越或飛近任何與之碰撞時會產生危險的物體 或設施, 亦不得飛越或飛近任何設施而影響或可能 影響該設施的秩序和紀律及對該設施的管制可放飛的無人機系統種類 不可超過七千克 (不包括燃料)Types of UAS Shall not weigh more than 7 kg (without its fuel)甚麼情況需要申請? 如在香港以無人機系統作出租或受酬用途,需先

9、向民航處作出申請Is application required? Any person who operates UAS for hire or reward is required to submit an application with the Civil Aviation Department注意 如因魯莽或疏忽操作無人機系統而危害他人或財產安全,可被檢控 放飛無人機系統時亦需遵守其他香港法例,如個人資料 (私隱) 條例等Caution Recklessly or negligently causing or permitting the UAS to endanger any per

10、son or property is liable to prosecution Other legislations in Hong Kong such as Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance should be complied with如欲了解更多有關無人機系統的資訊,歡迎瀏覽我們網頁 http:/www.cad.gov.hk/chinese/Unmanned_Aircraft_Systems.htmlPlease visit our website for more information about operating the UAS: http:/www.cad.gov.hk/english/Unmanned_Aircraft_Systems.htmlDesigned by the Information Services Department Printed by the Government Logistics Department Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government



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