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1、1影響教師參與課程改革的因素:以中文科新課程試行計劃為例的質性研究摘 要本研究旨在考察教師對20022003 年度實施中文科新 課程的感觀,探討語文教師在回應課程改革過程中的 心路歷程,了解他們在課程實施中的自我定位,從而 分析影響教師參與課程改革的因素,並對新修訂課程 的實施提出建議。本研究在課程試行計劃的第二年 (20002001年度)進行,訪問了12 位教師(參加及沒 有參加新修訂中國語文科課程試行計劃的各佔半 數),從教師的角度探討影響香港中學中國語文教師參與課程改革的因素。香港課程發展議會為配合整體的教育改革和課程檢 視,重新修訂中國語文科課程,並建議於20022003學年 起全面實

2、施。課程改革文件推出後,引起廣泛討論,其中 談得最多的,是新修訂中學中國語文科課程 (以下簡稱 新課程 )配套不足,教師工作量大,難以真正實 施。但是,在討論過程中亦有指課程實施困難,是因教師 抗阻變革。究竟是配套不足,致令教師有心無力,還是教 師不願改變,藉詞抗拒?課程改革是教育改革的核心問題,改革的成敗,關 鍵在於教師能否成功為學生創立新的教學文化。然而,教 學往往受制度和環境局限,若把課程實施效果不理想歸咎 於教師抗拒改革,並不公平(Churchill New York: Cassell. Fullan, M. G. (1991). The new meaning of educatio

3、nal change. New York: Teachers College Press.59Fullan, M., New York: Falmer Press. Shulman, L. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform. Harvard Educational Review, 57(1), 122. Waugh, R. F., & Punch, K.F. (1987). Teacher receptivity to system-wide change in the implementation st

4、age.Review of Educational Research, 57(3), 237254.60Factors Affecting Hong Kong Language Teachers Involvement in the Pilot Scheme for the Newly Revised Chinese Language CurriculumChoi Yuk-lin, Christine Chow Kin Wong Hin-wah(Abstract)This study aimed to investigate, from the Chinese Lan- guage teach

5、ers perspectives, the factors affecting their involvement in the Newly Revised Chinese Language Curriculum that was to be implemented in the year 2002 2003. The study was carried out in the second year (2000 2001) of the Pilot Scheme for the Newly Revised Chinese Language Curriculum. A total of 12 t

6、eachers, half of whom had taken part in the scheme, were interviewed. The research first collected these teachers views on the newly revised curriculum, analyzed the changes in their perception of and responses to the new curriculum, and how they would see their roles in the implementation of the new curriculum. Based on the research findings, suggestions on its revision were made.



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