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1、1本地大專院校獲政府委託進行的顧問研究本地大專院校獲政府委託進行的顧問研究 Government-commissioned Consultancy Studies Conducted by Local Tertiary Institutions 院校名稱香港城市大學院校名稱香港城市大學 Nature of Institution : City University of Hong Kong年份年份 Year項目項目 Item顧問研究項目顧問研究項目 Title of the Study19991就“照顧長者,責任誰屬”進行焦點小組調查 Survey on “Focus Groups on th

2、e Responsibility for Taking Care of Our Elderly2香港社會長者生活質素的顧問研究 Consultancy Study on Quality of Life of Elderly Residents in the Community in Hong Kong3用作評估影響的漁業及海洋生態準則顧問研究 Consultancy Study on Fisheries and Marine Ecological Criteria for Impact Assessment20001測試懸浮固體對石斑魚的致死及亞致死效應 Testing the Lethal

3、and Sublethal Effect of Suspended Solids on Groupers2在香港使用泥土以控制紅潮有害藻華之研究 Study on Application of Clay to Control Red Tides/Harmful Algal Blooms in Hong Kong3就研究端足目動物 Melita koreana 的生理反應提供服務 Provision of Service to Investigate the Physiological Response of the Amphipod, Melita koreana4地政總署僱員工作意見調查 S

4、taff Attitude Survey in Lands Department20011有關國際投資機構對香港企業管治水平的態度的調查 Survey on the Attitudes of International Institutional Investors towards Corporate Governance Standards in Hong Kong2審計委員會、提名委員會和酬金委員扮演的角色和功能 Consultancy on the Roles and Functions of Audit, Nomination and Remuneration Committees3其

5、他司法管轄區的企業管治水平發展情況的比較調查和分析 Comparative Survey and Analysis of the Development of Corporate Governance Standards in Other Jurisdictions4香港間接稅的主要經濟特色的進一步研究 An Extended Study of the Key Economic Characteristics of Indirect Taxes in Hong Kong5利用人工魚礁及可食用貝類來減輕香港養魚區對環境影響的研究 Study on the Deployment of Artifi

6、cial Reefs and Edible Shellfish to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Fish Culture Zones in Hong Kong2本地大專院校獲政府委託進行的顧問研究本地大專院校獲政府委託進行的顧問研究 Government-commissioned Consultancy Studies Conducted by Local Tertiary Institutions 院校名稱香港城市大學院校名稱香港城市大學 Nature of Institution : City University of Hong Kong年份年

7、份 Year項目項目 Item顧問研究項目顧問研究項目 Title of the Study6香港海洋底棲生物群落顧問研究 Consultancy Study on Marine Benthic Communities in Hong Kong7為監測海洋污染制訂一套生物指標系統 Development of a Biological Indicator System for Monitoring Marine Pollution8就採用大渦流(Les)模擬技術獲取湍流及微氣象擴散參數資料供計算本地空氣的擴散 情況提供服務 Provision of Services to Derive Tur

8、bulence and Micro-Meteorological Dispersion Parameters for Local Dispersion Calculation by Using Large Eddy Simulation (Les)9露宿者三年工作計劃及現有露宿者的服務評估研究 An Evaluation Research on Pilot and Existing Services for the Homeless Persons20021用檢控以外的措施處理頑劣兒童和少年的顧問研究 Research on Measures Alternative to Prosecutio

9、n in Handling Unruly Children and Young Persons in Overseas Countries2欣葵計劃的評估 Evaluation of “Ending Exclusion” Project3有關香港住宅固定電訊網絡服務(固網服務)市場競爭的研究 Study on the Competition in the Residential Fixed Telecommunication Network Services (FTNS) Market in Hong Kong4行人閃動錄燈倒數器的安全效益 The Safety Benefit of Pede

10、strian Flashing Green Count Down Display20031改革小一入學辦法對幼兒和小學教育在教與學之影響的研究 Consultancy Study on the Impact of the Reform of the Primary One Admission System on Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education2就審核一套使用本地海洋底棲端足目動物Melita koreana進行的沉積物毒性測試程序 提供服務 Provision of Service

11、s for the Validation of the Sediment Toxicity Testing Protocol Using an Indigenous Marine Benthic Amphipod Species, Melita koreana3地政處顧客滿意度及意見調查 Lands Administration Office Customer Satisfaction Level and Opinion Survey3本地大專院校獲政府委託進行的顧問研究本地大專院校獲政府委託進行的顧問研究 Government-commissioned Consultancy Studies

12、 Conducted by Local Tertiary Institutions 院校名稱香港城市大學院校名稱香港城市大學 Nature of Institution : City University of Hong Kong年份年份 Year項目項目 Item顧問研究項目顧問研究項目 Title of the Study4在康樂及文化事務署轄下的公眾游泳池進行顧客服務調查,並按調查結果為該署員 工設計改善顧客服務訓練課程,藉以推廣及培育以顧客為本的服務文化 To Conduct a Survey on Customers Service Provided by Public Swimmi

13、ng Pools and to Develop a Training Package, Based on the Outcome of the Survey, for Promoting and Developing a Quality Service and Customer Focused Culture for Staff Working in Swimming Pools5學校課程改革及學習領域課程實施情況調查(2003) Survey on the School Curriculum Reform and Implementation of Key Learning Area Cur

14、ricula in Schools 20034本地大專院校獲政府委託進行的顧問研究本地大專院校獲政府委託進行的顧問研究 Government-commissioned Consultancy Studies Conducted by Local Tertiary Institutions 院校名稱香港浸會大學院校名稱香港浸會大學 Nature of Institution : Hong Kong Baptist University年份年份 Year項目項目 Item顧問研究項目顧問研究項目 Title of the Study19991污水廠沉澱物分析 Analysis of Sewage

15、Treatment Works Sediment20001檢討投訴調查組的品質管理系統以符合獲取 ISO 品質認證的要求 To Review the Quality Assurance System of the Complaints Investigation Unit for Meeting the ISO Accreditation Requirements20011就有關教育電視的良好做法提供專業意見,並向學校進行調查,以找出學校的教育 電視節目收視率,並收集它們對這類節目的意見 To Provide Expert Advice on Good Practices in Educati

16、onal Television (ETV) and to Perform Surveys on Schools to Ascertain Their Viewing Rates of ETV Programmes and Their Views of these Programmes20021珠三角區域的土地用途資料 Hong Kong 2030 : Planning Vision and Strategy Consultancy Study to Analyse Broad Land Use Pattern of the Pearl River Delta Region2香港動植物公園顧問研究 檢討所飼養和栽種的動植物及輔助設施(與香港大學共 同進行與香港大學共 同進行) Consultancy Study on Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens Review on Zoological and Botanical Collections and Supporting Facilities



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