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1、知识改变命运,学习成就未来欢迎各位老师踊跃投稿,稿酬丰厚 邮箱:第 1 页 共 3 页专题训练 (19)11 . It is strange that the twin girls _(无共同之处). (common)12. To the delight of the WHO, the Chinese government _(在采取措施阻止) the spread of AIDS. (take)13._(下次你进来时), please close the door. (next time)14. Colour-blind people often find it difficult _(区别

2、绿色和红色). (distinguish)15. The man _ (被指控杀人) said that he was innocent. (accuse)16. A shopkeeper was sentenced to eight years in prison because he _(兜售了) fake milk powder. (sell)17. Have you seen a book, _(它的封面破了)? (cover)18 _(丢了新自行车) made her very upset. (lose) 19. He works hard day and night _ (不辜负)

3、 his parents expectations (live)20. A thief may _(装着在看别的东西) while his / her hand is taking your wallet. (pretend)专题训练 (20)11. With_(越来越多的森林被毁), some animals are facing the danger of dying out. (destroy)12. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment; _(我将永远珍惜的时刻). (one)13. Hel

4、en is much kinder to her younger child than to others, _(这一点使其他的孩子不高兴). (which)14. The poor young man is ready to accept _(他能得到的一切帮助. (what)15. My Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who_( 可能拿走 ) it away? (can)16. My hometown is not _(和过去的一样). (what)17. Chemicals _(有害的) fish in the water. (harm)18.

5、_(不管他有多少困难), he would finish the book as you requested. (how)19. The role that women_(一直起的作用) in human history is of great importance. (play)20. Not until we know more_ (才能够)improve the situation. (able)专题训练(21)11. In the late 1960s, the government passed laws to strengthened the rights of the black

6、 and _(改善他们的居住条件) . ( improve )知识改变命运,学习成就未来欢迎各位老师踊跃投稿,稿酬丰厚 邮箱:第 2 页 共 3 页12. _ (毫无疑问)that Taiwan is part of China. ( doubt )13. More and more people _(意识到重要性)of planting trees. ( aware )14. Everything _(考虑在内), they would have raised their output quickly. ( take)15. _ (分离)other continents for millio

7、ns of years, Australia has many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. ( separate )16. I began to wonder why they _ (反对我参加)extreme sports in the first place. ( object )17. For many weeks we _ ( 习以为常 )seeing fallen trees and houses as well as dead animals. ( accustom )18.

8、 If you want to catch up with the team, the only way is _them.(抄近路追他们)(beeline)19.The ability of _(使你自己尽快适应新环境)is of great help to your success. ( adjust )20._(对我来说没什么影响)whether you agree or not. ( difference )(19) 参考答案11. (should) have nothing in common12. is taking measures to prevent13. Next time

9、 you come in14. to distinguish between green and red/ to distinguish green from red15. (who was) accused of killing16. had sold17. whose cover / the cover of which is broken18. Losing her new bike19. to live up to20. pretend to be looking at something else(20) 参考答案11. more and more forests destroyed

10、12. one I will always treasure13. which makes the others unhappy14. whatever help he can get15. could have taken16. what it used to be17. are harmful to18. however much difficulty he had/no matter how much difficulty he had19. have been playing20. will we be able to (21) 参考答案11. to improve the livin

11、g conditions知识改变命运,学习成就未来欢迎各位老师踊跃投稿,稿酬丰厚 邮箱:第 3 页 共 3 页12. There is no doubt13. are aware of the importance14. taken into consideration15.Having been separated from16. had objected to my taking part in17. have been accustomed to18.to make a beeline for19. adjusting yourself to new environment20. It makes no difference to me


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