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1、知识改变命运,学习成就未来欢迎各位老师踊跃投稿,稿酬丰厚 邮箱:第 1 页 共 3 页专题训练 (16)11. Poverty in this area will _(消除) sooner or later .( wipe)12. _(由决定) you whether we should leave at once or not. (up )13. _(行动) before its too late, or well lose the battle . ( action)14. Rather than go for a walk, he _(宁愿呆在家). ( prefer)15. To ou

2、r surprise, this is _(跟我丢失的项链一模一样) last week. (same)16. _(难怪) that he falls far behind others. (wonder)17. Harry Potter _(熟知) both children and adult.(familiar)18. Those _(赞成) this proposal ,please put up your hand. (favour)19. He has formed a habit of _(储蓄) 10 yuan each week since he was 11 years o

3、ld. (lay)20. _(是在一个十一月份的夜晚) I finished writing this novel. (be, night)专题训练 (17)11. Although the truth is hidden now, it _(暴露) in time. (light)12. She couldnt _(抑制) her tears and wept aloud. (hold)13. The breathtaking beautiful scenery certainly _(达到) the expectation. (live) 14. Carelessness _(导致) hi

4、s failure, which almost cost him his life. (result)15. Since the foreigner came, we have been giving her Chinese lessons _(作为交换) her teaching us English. (exchange )16. _(由于) of his absence, neither agreement was reached. (consequence).17. It is said that the old building _(始建于) 1928. (date)18. You

5、_(不妨) stand on the table to reach the ceiling. (may)19. If you never make an effort, how can you _(希望) success? (hope)20. _(就而言) intelligence, you are more clever than him. (term)专题训练 (18)11. Our English teacher suggested _(我们每人买) a good dictionary. (buy)知识改变命运,学习成就未来欢迎各位老师踊跃投稿,稿酬丰厚 邮箱:第 2 页 共 3 页12

6、. _(听到这个消息), she couldnt hold back her tears. (hear)13. The purpose of the fence is _(不让进来) a type of wild dog called a “dingo”. (keep)14. Do you have any difficulty _(学英语) ? (learn)15. _(与相比) Shanghai, Yichang is a small city. (compare)16. Your exercise is quite good, _(除了书写有点糟糕). (except)17. They

7、are in short of money, so they _(拿不出钱给每个办公室装空调) air-conditioners. (afford)18. This medical team _(由组成)five women and three men doctors has been sent to the remote village. (make)19. We should finish the task ahead of time _(无论有多难). (matter)20. This film is so instructive that it is worth_(再看一遍). (se

8、e)(16) 参考答案 11. be wiped out 12. Its up to 13. Take action 14. prefers to stay at home 15. the same necklace as I lost16. Its no wonder 17. is familiar to 18. (who are) in favour of 19. laying aside 20. It was on a November night that(17) 参考答案11.will come to light 12. hold back 13. lives up to 14. r

9、esulted in15. in exchange for 16. As a consequence/in consequence of 17. dates back to 18. might/may as well 19.hope for 20 In terms of (18) 参考答案知识改变命运,学习成就未来欢迎各位老师踊跃投稿,稿酬丰厚 邮箱:第 3 页 共 3 页11. we each (should) buy a good dictionary12. Hearing/On hearing the news13. to keep out14. (in ) learning English15. Compared to / with16. except that your handwriting is a little bad17. cant afford to equip every office with 18. (that/which are) made up of 19. no matter how difficult it is20. seeing a second time


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