第四讲 商务会议记录

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《第四讲 商务会议记录》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第四讲 商务会议记录(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第四讲第四讲 商务会议记录商务会议记录 一会议记录简介一会议记录简介 (一)什么是会议记录? 会议记录一般记录会议的主要内容,并分发给各与会者(或应该出席的 人)。缺席者也可以通过会议记录了解会上的决定。 在许多国家,会议记录是由秘书完成的,但有些情况下,由主管人员亲自作 会议记录会比较好,因为: 秘书可能不理解会议所涉及的技术细节。 如果会上只用英语交谈,秘书在理解上可能有困难。 经理可能不愿意较低级职员出席他们的会议。 (二)怎样写好会议记录 会议记录不仅要记下会议的内容,而且还要抓住会议的精神。因此会议记 录者不仅要理解发言的内容,更要领会其言下之意。 二会议记录的内容,格式和过程二会议

2、记录的内容,格式和过程 引例: The Hooper Trust Board of Trust Meeting May 11, 2001 The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Tuesday, May 11,2001. Present: Dr. Xxx, President Ms. Xxx, Director Mrs. Xxx, Vice President Mr. Xxx, Secretary Mr. Xxx Mr. Xxx, Clerk Absent: Ms. Xxx, Judge Xxx, Ms.

3、Xxx Call to Order 宣布会议开始 Dr.Xxx Called the metting to order at 6:30 p.m. Approval of the Minutes 通过前一次会议记录 On a motion by Mr.Xxx, the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. Report of Standing Committee 常务委员会报告 The Special Service and Personnel report were distributed before

4、 the meeting and were accepted for fling on a motion by Mr.Xxx. On a motion by Mr.Xxx, the Board approved the following change order for the annex: “Substitute Terne-coated stainless-steel roofing material for the zinc material originally specified. ” Yes: Mrs. Xxx No: Mr.Xxx Mr. Xxx Mr.Xxx Unfinish

5、ed Business 待议事宜 After amendment and further debate, the following resolution was adopted: “Resolved, that the Trust hire Stuart DeRosa at a sum of $1,500 to appraise the 56 Main St. property. ” New Business 近期事宜 The Board agreed that a special meeting should be held on May 18 at 4:00 p.m. to discus

6、s the companys goals. Adjournment 休会 The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.m. _ 记录员签名 Clara Jordan, Clerk 记录员姓名、身份 (一)会议记录一般都包括下述内容: (1) 会议开始和结束的时间,以及下次会议举行的时间; (2) 会议主办单位(如某个部分、管理层、指导委员会 等); (3) 与会者和缺席者及会议的主席和秘书名单; (4) 进行的讨论; (5) 分派给个人的任务; (6) 个人的报告; (7) 将来要采取的行动; (8) 所做的决定; (9) 作决定有关的个人的详细情况。 (二)会议

7、记录的格式 (1) 用白纸写 (2) 把题目居中、大写。如 “MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE” (3) 内容要双倍行距 (4) 缩进 510个字母 (5) 列出主持人和记录员的名字 (6) 尽量紧跟会议日程主题 (7) 列出缺席者 (8) 如果有任何议题,决议或投票,要一字不差地记录下来 (9) 记录下会议休息时间 (10)用商业语言,避免描述性的语言, (11)列出并总结会议要点 (三)会议记录的全过程通常包括 (1) 会场记录; (2) 参阅与会议有关的文件、稿件、名单等; (3) 补充修改现场记录稿,将其整理成文; (4) 收集、排列附件; (5)

8、将记录及附件交主管审核。 三会议记录的措辞和结构三会议记录的措辞和结构 会场中撰写会议记录分三个步骤: (一)听 听懂会上的发言是做好会议记录的必要条件。 (二)做笔记 下面介绍三种做笔记的方法: 1使用缩略语 2使用缩写 (1) 单词缩写:记中常省略词尾元音。如: -ability/-ibility -ment feasiblty = feasibility encouragmnt = encouragement capablty = capability managmnt = management -ion -ing distn = distribution raing =training

9、 popn = population nvestng =investing operatn = operation affng =staffing (2)句子缩写:一般来说,句子由两类词构成:虚词(grammar words)和 实词(content words)。 (3)使用符号:使用符号也是笔记中常用的方法,用于表示不同内容之间 的关系。 因果关系通常可以用箭头()表示 常用的符号。如:=、 (三)撰写会议记录 (1)最后一个步骤是要把笔记整理成一篇文理通顺的会议记录,反映出 会议的精神。下面我们列举了一些常用的引述动词。这些动词可分为以下几 类: 提出观点(Introducing an

10、idea/opinion) 表示反对(Rejecting an idea/opinion) 表示异议(Countering an idea/opinion) 表示同意(Accepting an idea/opinion) 作出反应(Responding to an idea/opinion) 作出决定(Coming to a decision) 这些引述动词一般都作用以下五种文法结构,单词后面括号中的数字代 表这些文法结构: 结构 1(+ that + sentence) Mr Xie admitted that the Company had spent rather too much on

11、 training in the previous year. 结构 2(+ to + infinitive verb) The Senior Engineering Officer, Mr Han, offered to visit the plant in the coming month. 提出观点提出观点 报告情况(报告情况(Reporting) 提出建议(提出建议(Suggesting) 发表意见(发表意见(Giving an opinion) announced offered believed brought up proposed expressed the opinion c

12、laimed put forward felt declared suggested thought disclosed 表示反对表示反对 argued against denied disagreed disagreed with disputed refused 表示同意表示同意 accepted acknowledged admitted agreed conceded 表示异议表示异议 complained contended refused to comment on 作作出反应出反应 answered apologized for countered 作出决定作出决定 resolv

13、ed decided agreed 结构 3(+ ing) Mr Liu suggested taking on a number of new members of staff to cover the shortfall. 结构 4(+ the fact ( or idea) that + sentence) Mrs Chuang referred to the fact that the Company had previously had trading contacts with Taiwan. 结构 5(+ noun) Mr Chau apologized for the inco

14、nvenience caused by his Departments reorganization. (2)间接引语 在结构 1和结构 4 中,引述动词之后必须跟完整的句子。 引述时的时态和原话使用的时态是不同的, 例如: 原话(Spoken Statement) 引述(Reported Statement) Y stated that The Company spent rather too much the Company had spent rather too much on on training last year. training in the previous year.

15、Efforts must be made to increase links efforts had to be made to increase links with mainland China with mainland China. I shall oversee the move to new she would oversee the move to new premises personally. premises personally. The personnel issue will not go away the personnel issue would not go away i


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