电商专业英语----英文辩论稿 双方版

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1、1一一立论【正 1:】3 在座的老师,同学,对方辩友,大家好,我方的观点是,电子 商务当然不能取代传统商务。尽管,自从 1996 年 IBM 公司首次提 出了电子商务的概念,随着网络不断发展,电子商务日益被广大人 民所接受。在电子商务刚刚兴起的时候,很多人认为:电子商务将 取代传统销售业,传统的销售业将消亡,但是经过几年的发展,从 世界销售业发展的态势分析,电子商务的出现,反而使销售业的各 个环节都发生了变化,但并不能取代传统的销售业。 传统商务可以通过店面装修以及特色服务等方式给人一种直观 而深刻的文化感受,而电子商务只能通过影音技术给人留下虚拟印 象,不能让人有实质的体验感。比如餐饮业,为

2、什么世界上那么多 的餐厅注重装修的品味以及用餐氛围,因为他们关注的不仅体验感, 仅是温饱,而是让顾客享受整个用餐过程,体会其饮食文化。 分析电子商务自身的属性,同样可得其难以构成替代传统商务 形式的结论。电子商务其属性决定难以达到传统商务形式的信任度。 由于网络的虚拟性,未谋面的买卖双方很难达到传统商务形式的信 任度。不全面的商品信息,也增加买方网上贸易的不确定性。况且, 电子商务的运营难以摆脱其所依托的网络所存在的弊端。随着电子 商务的重要性的提高,网络不稳定性所带来的危害将会被无限制的 放大,电子商务自身不可磨灭的弊病也终将阻碍其自身发展。 综上,现实世界的传统商务不可能被虚拟世界的电子商

3、务完全 代替。 Dear Pro. Li,classmates and my fellow debaters. Hello everyone. Our view is that E-commerce cannot complectly replace traditional commerce.In 1996, the concept of e-commerce was firstly proposed by IBM.In recent years,with the rapid development of computer science and modern technology,E-com

4、merce has been increasingly accepted and widely used by the public. Therefore, some scholars predicted that e-commerce would complectly replace the traditional commerce. However, as time went by, the expected results didnt turn up. Admittedly,e-commerce has been one kind of driving force for the pro

5、motion of every section of sales and marketing, rather than a substitute of the traditional commerce. Taking catering industry as an example. Traditional commerce can give customers intuitive and profound cultural experience by providing 2special indoor decorating and distinctive services.while e-co

6、mmerce can only leave an audio and vedio impression,which may eventually lead to an unsubstantial experience.Why there are so many restaurants pay such more attention on the indoor decorating and dining atmosphere,because the whole dining process or even diet cultural are the sellers top concern,as

7、opposed to focus on the food quality only.and this spiritual care of meal can only be offered by traditional commerce. In addition,sense of trust is another problem which can not be ignored.Because the network is virtual,it is difficult for the buyers and sellers to develop a mutual and long-lasting

8、 trust between each other,which forms another barrier for online transactions.Whats more, the ambigious and exaggerating information about the products and the rising number of fraud or dishonesty also intensify the distrust between the traders.So if the distrust of e-com itself cannot be resolved,i

9、t is more likely to prevent the e-com for its further development. All in all, the traditional commerce cannot be completely replaced by e-com, and being the state of co-existence is relatively reasonable for their combination and better development in the future. 【反 1:】3 老师,同学们,对方辩友,大家下午好,很高兴对方辩友能够

10、 承认电商崛起的大背景,正是依据这种背景,我方认为电子商务取 代传统商务将成为必然。近年来,随着全球经济化的发展,电子商 务已经不再是什么新鲜事物了,它正以日新月异的高科技手段挑战 传统的贸易方式,并已经对传统销售业的观念和行为方式产生巨大 的影响和冲击。 为什么电子商务能够短时间内对传承千百年的传统行业造成如 此大的冲击?因为电子商务有着传统行业无法匹敌的多种优势。 首先,成本优势。电子商务通过互联网络实现商务活动,突破 了传统的时空观念,大大提高了物流、资金流和信息流的有效传输和 处理,为制造者、销售者和消费者提供了能更好地满足各自需求的 极好的机会。 其次,便捷时尚。正如我们所见,现在社

11、会处于一个高节奏运 转之中,购物这些事情在人们生活中的地位越来越边缘化。便捷与 时尚成为这个社会追求的一种主流的价值观。电子商务的出现,正 是迎合了消费者的这一点需求。 第三,快速反馈、反应。传统的商业形式反应比较迟钝。电子3商务则不同,快速反应和反馈的机制,可以通过消费者的评价与购 买体验反馈,以及销量的数据库分析,了解商品的最新动态,并针 对反馈或者消费者的购买情况制定价格策略和促销策略。 综上所述,我方认为电子商务是时代的产物,在信息化数字化 的今天,传统的销售和运营方式已经不再被社会所接受,而更为廉 价便捷的电子商务成为取而代之的新一代商业模式,必将取代传统 商务。二二驳论【反 2:】

12、2 非常值得一提的是电子商务这个概念,这里我们讨论的是广义 的电子商务。顾客来餐厅吃饭没有电子商务的参与吗?如何得到餐 厅的信息?如何到达餐厅?如何在点餐前就知道自己要吃什么,而 不是碰运气?另一方面,餐厅的运营,从财务到人力,到原材料的 采购,库存的管理,物流运输调度,无不涉及电子商务的参与,而 随着电子商务的日趋成熟,这种渗透会越来越彻底和全面,传统的 商务则渐渐名存实亡。 对方辩友提到了网络的不确定性,随着电子商务总量的激增, 的确带来了一些困扰,但技术的快速进步同样为问题的解决提供了 支持,总体来说,科技的快速发展,网络技术的成熟为降低不确定 性提供了保障。 【正 2:】2 对方辩友在

13、刚刚的陈述中阐述了以下三点,成本优势,便捷时 尚,快速反馈、反应。我也从这三个反面进行驳论。如今电子商务 的成本也与从前大不一样,从宣传平台的使用,到新的宣传方式的 形成,再到为最终效应所支付的成本已大幅提高,还有多少的空间? 其次,便捷时尚也就从本质上说明了电子商务受众的狭隘性。正因 为其快捷时尚的特点,同时也就忽略了更为广泛、普遍的非时尚群 体。而在这些群体当中有着无数的潜在客户,因为这样的方式而放 弃这些,对方辩友应该更多的考虑这样的结果孰轻孰重。而最后一 点快速反馈、反应更是效用低下,在已经失去了如此多潜在客户的 前提下,即使再快速的反馈也无法带来真实的销量,而这也违背了 销售的初衷。

14、综上所述,电子商务的优势其实也正是它的局限所在。Just now, my fellow debator discussed the advantages of e- commerce from the following three aspects: the cost advantage, convenience and quick response . So now, I will also refute from these 4three aspects. Firstly,issues about the cost of e-commerce has been different from

15、 the very beginning.The e-commerce company has to adopt diverse kinds of propaganda to open up and expand their market,which means tons of excess money be poured into the ads or PRs(public relations) before gaining profits. Secondly,the advantage of convenience essentially illustrates the limitation

16、s of e-commerce audience. Because of its fashion, e-commerce pay more attention on the fashion group and always arise the interest of young person, inevitably they ignore the broader and general non- fashion groups,such as people in their 40s,let alone the seniors. In these groups which has a myriad of potential customers,but it is pretty diffidult for these juniors and seniors to give up their shopping habits . Finally, because its low levels of


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