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1、英语中“像”的表达种种英语中“像(一样)”的表达方法很丰富,有单词、短语和句型结构等。为探讨何种情况的“像”能用词和短语,何种情况的“像”可用句型结构,现根据汉语“像”字所表示比较状况的不同涵义,来讨论英语的相应表达形式。 一、实形相比的“像”。 “像”字若表示两种事物(包括“人”下同)在外貌、性格、颜色等方面的共同点相像,即实形相像,英语相应的表达有动词、短语动词和短语,如:resemble, favour, take after, be like, be similar to 等。例如: Tigers resemble cats. 虎像猫。 Gold is similar in colou

2、r to brass. 金的颜色像铜。 She favours her mother. 她长得像她母亲。 Youre just like your grandmotherobstinate and determined. 你非常像你祖母(的性格):倔强又自信。 John takes after his grandfather; they both have fair hair and blue eyes. 约翰的外表像他的祖父。他们俩都有金黄色的头发和湛蓝的双眼。 (注)表示性格、举止相像,英语常用 be like, take after 来表达。 二、等同相比的“像”。 “像”表示两种事物在

3、某种程度上相比较,显示出二者的相像,如快慢、大小等,即等同相像。英语相应表达常用同等比较结构:(just) as.as; as.。例如: Yesterday I saw a man as old as Father, singing in the park. 昨天我看到一个像我父亲年龄一样的男子在公园里唱歌。 His brain was just as full of knowledge as theirs. 他的大脑像他们的一样,装满了知识。 Mr Zhang is a poor speaker as I am. 张先生像我一样是不善言辞的人。三、互动相比的“像”。“像”表示两种事物的变化相

4、同,二者有共进共退相连的比较关系。英语表达此意时,可用 as.so 或 as,表强调可用 just as。例如: As you go higher so the trees get smaller. 你走得愈高,好似树变得愈小。 The house looks just as it did when Lu Xun lived in it. 这房屋还像当年鲁迅居住时一样。 四、假定比拟的“像”。 “像”表示对客观情况作出不十分肯定的估量,所说的事也未必会发生,仅是一种假定。这个意思英语有十分相似的表达形式。就是用连词 as if / as though 或口语的 like 接从句;as if /

5、 as though 接不定式、分词、副词、介词短语等;还可用 look like 表达。例如: The boss speaks aloud as if he were angry. (或说.he is angry.) 老板说话声音很高,好像生气了。(用虚拟语气,只是假定;真的生气,用陈述式。) He sat there smiling like it was his birthday. 他微笑地坐在那儿,像他过生日似的。 The footballer is rolling on the ground as if hurt badly in the leg. 那位足球队员在地上滚来滚去,好像是

6、腿部受了重伤。 He moved his lips as if to speak. 他蠕动双唇,好像是要说话。 When he had finished he waited as though (he was waiting) for a reply. 他说完了,好像在等待答复。(通常可省去括号里的部分,避免重复原来的动词) It looks like rain. 像要下雨了。 五、类别列举的“像”。 “像”表示划分类别归属的相同或相似。英语相应的表达可用 such.as, such as 或介词 like。例如: Such materials as copper and silver are

7、 called good conductors. 像铜和银那样的材料称之为良导体。 Rare animals such as the giant panda should be put under protection. 像大熊猫这样珍稀的动物,要加以保护。There are several people interested, like Mrs Jones and Dr Simpson. 有几个人与此事有关,像琼斯太太和辛普森医生。六、引物作喻的“像”。 “像”能引出作喻体的另一事物,来表示两种事物在某点上相似。英语中相应的表达方式有介词(just) like;连词 as; as.as; t

8、he same as 等;还有几种句型也能表达“像”。例如: She ran like the wind. 她跑起来像一阵风。 It is with time as with the current of water: once it goes, it never comes back again. 时间像流水,一去不复返。 Animals feel pain the same as we do. 动物像我们一样会感觉到疼痛。 有关“像”在英语的比喻句型中用法如下1. “喻体名词+of+主体名词”句型。 He is an oyster of a man (=He is a man like a

9、n oyster). 他是一个像牡蛎般沉默寡言的人。 This is a palace of a house (=.a house like the palace). 这是一幢像宫殿一般的房子。 2. “主体 A is to 主体 B+what / as 喻体 X is to 喻体 Y”句型。此句型是主句在前,从句在后;what / as 作连词。句型含义是“A 对于 B 犹如/正像 X 对于 Y。”该句型常有以下 4 种变式,但意思相同。例如: Education is to human soul what gardening is to a piece of ground. 教育之于心灵,

10、犹如园艺之于土地。 Parks are to the city as lungs are to the body. 花园对于城市正像肺对于人体一样(必要)。 3. “What X is to Y, that A is to B.”句型。它是上一句型的变式:将从句提前,主句移后,用连词 that 衔接。主句中的主语和表语可以倒装。例如: What blood vessel is to a mans body, that railway is to a nation. 铁路对于国家好比血脉对于人体。 What leaves are to the forest, that to the world

11、are children. 人世之有儿童,犹如森林里有树叶。 4. “(Just) as X is to Y, so A is to B”句型。是句型 3 的另一式。主句有时可用倒装。例如: As food is to man, so manure is to crops. 肥料对于庄稼正如粮食对于人类那样重要。 Just as the house is to the man, so is the nest to the bird. 住宅对于人正像窝巢对于鸟一样。5. “What X is to Y is A to B”句型。what 在此句型中常被看作连接代词。例如: What heart is to a man is CPU to a computer. (CPU 是 Central Processing Unit 首字母缩写词)中央处理器同电脑关系正像心脏同人的关系一样。 6. “A does for B what X does for Y”句型。例如: A family does for a society what a man does for a family. 家庭与社会的关系就像个人与家庭的关系一样。 (注)汉语表示“像”的词有“宛如” 、 “好像” 、 “恰如”,此类词都归于本文的“像”之中。



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