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1、大 连 大 学D A L I A N U N I V E R S I T Y2009 届本科毕业说明书(论文)论文题目:成品油运输系统优化设计学 院: 机械工程学院 专 业 、班 级: 物流工程 051 班 学 生 姓 名: 赵燕文 指导教师(职称): 朱敏捷(高级经济师)论文题目:成品油运输系统优化设计总 计:毕业论文 38 页表格 3 表插图 8 幅学 院: 机械工程学院 专 业 、班 级: 物流工程 051 班 学 生 姓 名: 赵燕文 指导教师(职称): 朱敏捷(高级经济师) 评 阅 人: 完 成 日 期: 2009-5-22 I摘 要我国成品油运输是伴随着我国炼油工业的发展而壮大的。

2、由于我国炼厂布局分散、规模偏小,成品油管道不发达,因此成品油运输主要以铁路运输为主。由于历史原因,我国成品油具有生产相对集中和消费相对分散的特点。我国炼化企业相对集中在东北 、西北地区,成品油的长距离运输是我国成品油运输的主要特点。然而成品油的长距离运输也是我国成品油物流中费用居高不下的主要原因之一。所谓成品油运输系统优化,是指在一定运输条件下(如:铁路、车辆) ,如何使运送量最大、输送距离最短、输送费用最小。成品油运输的基本实质可以用“降低成本、提高效率、发送服务”来概括,这种实质内涵对作为其管理与经营运作的核心环节,在效率、成本、服务方面提出了更高的要求;成品油运输组织能否适应这种新的要求

3、,将在很大程度上关乎现代成品油物流系统的构建和系统运转的顺畅。成品油运输系统的优化会提高现代成品油运输的效率,提高成品油供应链的整体绩效及运输成本优势和竞争性。本文通过分析建立成品油运输系统优化模型,进而进行理论上和实际上的分析,从而选出最优方案,以改善我国成品油运输现存的问题。关键词:成品油运输 运输优化 表上作业法 IIABSTRACTChinas refined oil transport is accompanied by the development of Chinas oil refining industry and growing. Because of Chinas ref

4、ineries scattered layout and size too small, oil product developed, so the transport of oil products mainly to the main railway transportation. Due to historical reasons, Chinas refined oil with the relative concentration of production and consumption relative dispersion characteristics. The relativ

5、e concentration of Chinas petrochemical enterprises in the northeast and northwest regions, the long-distance transportation of oil products refined oil in our country the main features of transport. However, long-distance transportation of refined oil is also Chinas refined oil logistics in one of

6、the main reasons the high cost. The so-called refined oil transportation system optimization, refers to certain conditions of transport (such as: railways, vehicles), the largest amount of how to make the delivery and distribution of the shortest distance, the smallest transmission fees. Refined oil

7、 transportation basic substance can be used “to reduce costs, improve efficiency, delivery service,“ summed up the substance of this on as part of its management and operation of the core areas of efficiency, the cost of services has put forward higher requirements; refined oil transport organizatio

8、n can adapt to this new requirement, will depend in large measure related to the modern logistics system of oil products and systems to build smooth functioning. Refined oil transportation system will enhance the modern optimizing the efficiency of freight transport of refined oil, refined oil suppl

9、y chain to improve the overall performance and transportation costs and competitive advantage. In this paper, by analyzing the establishment of refined oil transportation system optimization model, which carried out the analysis of theory and in practice to elect the best program to improve Chinas r

10、efined oil transport the existing problems.Key words: Refined oil transportation Transport Optimization Act on the operation tableIII目录1绪论. 1 1.1 成品油运输系统优化问题的提出. 11.2 我国成品油运输系统优化研究现状综述. 21.3 本文主要研究内容和研究框架. 21.4 本章小结. 32我国成品油运输现状及成品油运输分类. 42.1 我国油田、炼厂及成品油运输管线的分布. 42.2 我国成品油运输的特征. 92.3 成品油运输现存的问题. 112.4 本章小结. 123成品油运输系统优化指标分析. 133.1 成品油运输系统优化概述.133.2 成品油运输系统优化的目标.133.3 成品油运输方式分析和选择. 143.4 成品油运输系统优化指标分析. 203.5 本章小结. 234成品油运输系统优化设计. 244.1 成品油运输系统优化的基本问题. 244.2 成品油运输系统优化的基本方法及措施. 314.3 成品油运输系统优化模型的建立与分析. 324.4 本章小结. 34结论.



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