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1、作文题目目录作文题目目录1. About doing physical exercises (关于体育锻炼)(关于体育锻炼) 2. About TV ads (关于电视广告)(关于电视广告) 3. My first year at college (我在大学的第一年)(我在大学的第一年) 4. The one I love most (我爱的人)(我爱的人) 5. My hometown (我的家乡)(我的家乡) 6. Water pollution (水污染)(水污染) 7. A good teacher to remember (难忘的一位好老师)(难忘的一位好老师) 8. The Chi

2、nese New Year (中国农历新年)(中国农历新年) 9. Friendship (友谊)(友谊) 10. My study plan (我的学习计划)(我的学习计划) 11. My favorite TV program (我最喜欢的电视节目)(我最喜欢的电视节目) 12. Difficulties in studying English (英语学习中的困难)(英语学习中的困难) 13. My ideal job (我理想的工作)(我理想的工作) 14. Activities in leisure time(业余活动)(业余活动) 15. My hobby (我的爱好)(我的爱好)

3、16. About wealth and health(关于财富和健康)(关于财富和健康) 17. My favorite means of getting information (我喜欢的获取信息的方式)(我喜欢的获取信息的方式) 18. My plan for the summer vacation (我的暑假计划)(我的暑假计划) 19. Ways to keep fit (保持健康的方式)(保持健康的方式) 20. My close friend (我的好朋友)(我的好朋友) 21. On money (关于金钱)(关于金钱) 22. My dream (我的理想)(我的理想) 23

4、. My best friend (我最好的朋友)(我最好的朋友) 24. Book lost (寻书启示)(寻书启示) 25. TV (电视)(电视) 26. My teacher (我的老师)(我的老师) 27. My plan for Spring Festival (我的春节计划)(我的春节计划) 28. Newspapers (报纸)(报纸) 29. Self-study (自学)(自学) 30. Why I like learning English (为什么我喜欢学习英语)(为什么我喜欢学习英语) 31. How I spend my spare time (我的业余时间怎么过)

5、(我的业余时间怎么过) 32. Happy things in my childhood (童年趣事)(童年趣事) 33. The sports activities I like best (我最喜欢的体育运动)(我最喜欢的体育运动) 34. How to keep healthy (如何保持健康)(如何保持健康) 35. Private cars in China (中国的私家车)(中国的私家车) 36. 生日邀请,回信拒绝并阐述原因生日邀请,回信拒绝并阐述原因 37. 写一个失物招领通知写一个失物招领通知 38. Pollution and health (污染和健康)(污染和健康) 3

6、9. My ideal friend (我理想的朋友)(我理想的朋友) 40. The person I feel most grateful to (我很感激的人)(我很感激的人) 41. My respected teacher(我尊敬的老师)(我尊敬的老师) 42. The person I can never forget (我难以忘记的人)(我难以忘记的人) 43. Should we learn to do homework? (我们是不是应该学会做家务?)(我们是不是应该学会做家务?) 44. Western festivals in China (西方节日在中国)(西方节日在中

7、国)45. A friend in need is a friend indeed (患难见真情)(患难见真情) 46. Make the most of schooldays (充分利用在校时间)(充分利用在校时间) 47. My view on working at home (论在家工作)(论在家工作) 48. My view on One-child family (论独生子女家庭)(论独生子女家庭) 49. My view on studying abroad (论国外留学)(论国外留学) 50. Advantages and disadvantages on going abroa

8、d for holidays (国外度假的利弊)(国外度假的利弊) 51. Make a decision in choosing to study history or computer science (选择学习历史还是计(选择学习历史还是计 算机科学)算机科学) 52. The tight job market (严峻的就业市场)(严峻的就业市场) 53. Which holidays to celebrate, the Chinese or Western? (庆祝哪个节日,中国的还是西方(庆祝哪个节日,中国的还是西方 的?)的?) 54. Getting along well wit

9、h others (好好与他人相处)(好好与他人相处) 55. Living in the city or the suburbs? (居住在城市还是郊区?)(居住在城市还是郊区?) 56. Dealing with pressure in life (排解生活中的压力)(排解生活中的压力) 57. Relationship between co-operation and competition in modern times (当今社会中合作与(当今社会中合作与 竞争的关系)竞争的关系) 58. The traveling plan (旅行计划)(旅行计划) 59. The book I

10、like best (我最喜欢的书)(我最喜欢的书) 60. My favorite food (我最喜欢的食物)(我最喜欢的食物) 61. How to overcome difficulties in my English studies? (我如何克服英语学习中的困难)(我如何克服英语学习中的困难) 62. My English study (我的英语学习)(我的英语学习) 63. My father (我的父亲)(我的父亲) 64. My family (我的家人)(我的家人) 65. Physical Exercise (体育锻炼)(体育锻炼) 66Plant More Trees

11、(多种树)(多种树) 67.My Favorite Form of Entertainment (我最喜欢的休闲方式)(我最喜欢的休闲方式) 68.Help Me to Buy a Spoken English Book (帮我买本英语口语书)(帮我买本英语口语书) 69.Bad Manners in Public (公共场合的陋习)(公共场合的陋习) 70.My Opinion on Cell Phones (我对于手机的观点)(我对于手机的观点) 71.Can Money Buy Happiness? (金钱可以买来幸福吗)(金钱可以买来幸福吗)72.The Digital Product

12、s (数码产品)(数码产品) 73.Splendid Saturday (绝妙的星期天)(绝妙的星期天) 74. Is Stress a Bad Thing? (压力是件坏事情吗)(压力是件坏事情吗) 75. My Teacher in High School (我的高中老师)(我的高中老师) 76. Failure is the Mother of Success. (失败乃成功之母失败乃成功之母) 77. Where to Live (住在哪里)(住在哪里) 78.请假条请假条 79. 写一个活动通知写一个活动通知 80. 旅行计划旅行计划写作写作Instructions:建议你在 30

13、分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于 80 词的短文。1. About doing physical exercises Recently we had a discussion about whether students of Senior 3 should take physical exercise. Some people think the students should take exercise every day, such as doing morning exercises, playing ping-pong and basketball, but it sh

14、ouldnt take up too much time. Proper exercise can build up ones body and reduce diseases. Whats more, sports let their brains have a rest so that they can study effectively. On the other hand, Some believe taking exercise is a waste of time and it is tiring. After having sports, they are much too ex

15、cited for a long time to pay attention to their lessons. Its also possible get hurt in sports. To me, doing physical Exercises is a good way to keep fit.2. About TV ads Nowadays advertisements are very common. Whenever you turn on TV, you are likely to see ads. The advertisers are trying to inform you of the many different sorts of new products on the market. Besides, it often occurs while you are absorbed in watching a wonderful film on TV; endless comm



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