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1、一、一、personperson1. 好老师的character1. What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a teacher should have?) 1. 说一个你敬佩的人的好性格 1. 你最崇拜的人是谁?1. An older people you respect 1. 描述你的 role mode 1. 对你影响最深刻的人。1. Describe the person who have had positive impact on you 1. (Important) character

2、istic of friends; 1. 问好朋友什么最重要?loyalty,honest还是humor 1. Who would you love talking with? What do you talk about? 1. What qualities should a leader have? 1. 遇到困难时,找谁寻求建议,你为何 value that persons advice 1. 说说作为 team member 一个重要的 quality1. many students do volunteer work, 问 what kind of volunteer do you

3、want to be?2. 人是被电视、报纸、广播上的信息影响得多,还是家人朋友得影响多2. Get advice from family and friends/learning through personal experience, which one do you prefer? 2. Do you agree or disagree, the most important influences that young adults have are from their families. 2. Family can help young adults a lot(大概是这意思),ag

4、ree or disagree?2 2. Do you always make friends who have different interests from you? Why? 2. 你是愿意当 leader 还是当 follower2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: artists and musicians are useful nowadays 大概这样.二、二、moneymoney1. Power and money is the definition of success.2. 你是想把多余的一点点钱马上用掉,还是存

5、2.飞来横财,是用来do practical thing还是用来只do leisure thing,也偷听到了,但是说 得烂。三、三、eventsevents 1. Describe the most important decision that you made in your life. 1. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration 或者moment1. Describe a social or political event celebrated in your country (culture) 1. A po pular activity in your country 1.

6、 说一个参加过的memorial 活动之类的(有意义难忘的一件事) 1描述一件童年很happy 的event,然后explain why it is memorable1. 讲一个难忘的event,跟你家人和朋友在一起的 1. The most memorable and important event of you happened in school 1. 印象比较深的celebration,为什么important? 1. 描述你最enjoy的一天and why 1. 你朋友曾經做過讓你開心的事的經驗1. Describe a recent experience。一个重要经历。解释为什么

7、 1. Challenging experience and how to overcome it. 1. 描述一个最失望的经历 1 一项你不会却想学的技术,为什么要学? 1. 你的一个技能以及他对你的作用1. Describe one of the difficulties in which you received help from your family, friends or classmates and please give specific details to describe how their suggestion helped you. 1 describe an ex

8、perience that you accomplish while you think it is difficult to you ,explain why it is difficult for you 1. Please talk about the advice or suggestion somebody has given to you when you made a decision. 1. 说一个你以前遇到的问题,然后说 relative/friends/teachers 怎么帮你解决的 1.外国人到你家,用什么招待他1. Describe some good news an

9、d why. 1. Describe a special opportunity that you are given to.2. 打手机该不该在一些地方禁止四四、TV有用 学得快 2. attend college 是否比不读college 容易successful in career ,why? l学习知识处理人际2. 有些人觉得在大学的学习是很重要的,有的人觉得它并不怎么重要,你的观点?)2. 大学是应该向所有人开放还是只对一部分学生开放 全体 大学资源丰富可造福社会,人 人都有受教育的权力2. Agree or disagree: students should have a year

10、 break before they attend college. 减轻压力放松心情 do lesure 了解书本外的知识 2. 有人认为大学应该免费,有人认为大学应该收费。你的观点是什么 免费 2 新生是和其他年级混住还是单独住一个楼 混住;与高年级同学更多的交流学习经验;学习与各类人交往的经验。 2. 有些学生在晚上打工,有些学生在白天打工,你更支持哪个 看时间安排;白天有课,选 择晚上,而且晚上工作机会多;如果晚上学习效率高,就白天,而且白天更安全 2. 对于课余时间的安排你是有计划的还是没计划的?Why?有计划 平衡学习和娱乐的关系完成所有事情;节约时间,清楚的知道应该做什么,不会造

11、成拖延2. Some people think that students should study during weekends, but others think that they should relax and to socialize. 2. 有的学生上大学 full-time,有的学生上大学 part-time,对此你有什么看法? Based on personality2. 你喜欢以教室内还是教室外方式接受教学?1.preference2.更深刻的印象 practice不容易忘2. 你愿意以大教室还是小教室的形式上课及解释2. 你最喜欢网上教学还是传统教学? 2. 你选择 o

12、nline courses 还是 traditional courses2. Subject which will lead to better job or subject which you are interested. 2. Do you agree or disagree: Students should wear uniform in school?2. Long vacation or short vacation, which do you prefer have a trip;relax myself completely2. 喜欢一个人住还是和室友住2. Do you th

13、ink it is better for a student in lecture to participate in discussion? 交换 想法,没有有两个;加深印象举例子 2、Do you agree to the statement that “Not allow students to take cell-phone in the classroom” 同意。分散自己的注意力;打扰他人2. 你觉得课内学习重要还是课外学习重要 都很重要2. University 是应该用 fund 来提供 more entertainment 还是来academic program 都很重要 e

14、ntertainment:锻炼身体,释放压力 academic: more books and labs十十二二、careerrelationship 2. When you choose a career, what factor is the most important, money or your personal satisfaction?。 Do not feel tired;get the true happiness 2 你会在不同的时期换工作还是一辈子只做一份工作? Personality; make more friends十十三三、杂杂1. Difference in f

15、ive years compared with now. degree for teacher;family 1. 说说十年后的你和现在的你有什么不同 2 政府是否应该资助建博物馆和剧院。说出你的观点和理由。 应该,博物馆是历史的见 证,剧院让市民接触艺术2. Do you agree or disagree: People should always tell the truth? 2. Modern technology makes the life simple or hard. Simple。Serch internet;television 2. 城市建设中应该保持 old buil

16、ding 呢还是应该用 new building replace old building2. 科技进步给人类的生活带来的是方便还是更复杂了2. Some people think childhood is the most significant period for one people. Yes;pressure,friends2. Agree or not: children play teamwork sport will be more competitive (?) not corporative? No. teamwork to success; 两个都学,更学会了处理二者关系,知道什么 时候合作什么时候竞争 2. making mistake 好不好? Good;experience for success;love from teacher parents and friends 2. 是否现代年轻人了解世界比父母年轻时了解得多? Yes.technology.


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