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1、阅读新题型部分阅读新题型部分Part BDirections:You are going to read a list of headings and a text about preparing in the academic community. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each numbered paragraph (41-45). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading

2、 which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) 一、青春期变化一、青春期变化A Physical Changes B Low Self-Esteem C Emerging Independence and Search for Identity D Emotional Turbulence E Interest in the Opposite Sex F Peer Pressure and ConformityThe transition to adulthood is diffic

3、ult. Rapid physical growth begins in early adolescence typically between the ages of 9 and 13 and thought processes start to take on adult characteristics. Many youngsters find these changes distressing because they do not fully understand what is happening to them. Fears and anxieties can be put to

4、 rest by simply keeping an open line of communication and preparing for change before it occurs. The main issues that arise during adolescence are:(41) _A childs self worth is particularly fragile during adolescence. Teenagers often struggle with an overwhelming sense that nobody likes them, that th

5、eyre not as good as other people, that they are failures, losers, ugly or unintelligent. (42) _Some form of bodily dissatisfaction is common among pre-teens. If dissatisfaction is great, it may cause them to become shy or very easily embarrassed. In other cases, teens may act the opposite loud and a

6、ngry in an effort to compensate for feelings of self-consciousness and inferiority. As alarming as these bodily changes can be, adolescents may find it equally distressing to not experience the changes at the same time as their peers. Late maturation can cause feelings of inferiority and awkwardness

7、. (43) _Young people feel more strongly about everything during adolescence. Fears become more frightening, pleasures become more exciting, irritations become more distressing and frustrations become more intolerable. Every experience appears king-sized during adolescence. Youngsters having a diffic

8、ult adolescence may become seriously depressed and/or engage in self-destructive behavior. Often, the first clue that a teenager needs professional help is a deep-rooted shift in attitude and behavior. Parents should be alert to the warning signs of personality change indicating that a teenager need

9、s help. They include repeated school absences, slumping grades, use of alcohol or illegal substances, hostile or dangerous behavior and extreme withdrawal and reclusiveness.(44) _There is tremendous pressure on adolescents to conform to the standards of their peers. This pressure toward conformity c

10、an be dangerous in that it applies not only to clothing and hairstyles; it may lead them to do things that they know are wrong.(45) _Adolescence marks a period of increasing independence that often leads to conflict between teenagers and parents. This tension is a normal part of growing up and for p

11、arents, a normal part of the letting-go process. Another normal part of adolescence is confusion over values and beliefs. This time of questioning is important as young people examine the values they have been taught and begin to embrace their own beliefs. Though they may adopt the same beliefs as t

12、heir parents, discovering them on their own enables the young person to develop a sense of integrity.Although adolescence will present challenges for young people and their parents, awareness and communication can help pave the way for a smooth transition into this exciting phase of life.答案答案41.B42.

13、A43.D44.F45.C总体分析总体分析本文是介绍青春期变化的说明文,共七个段落,可以分成三个部分。第一段:指出青春期的变化带来的苦恼和恐惧可以通过交流和提前准备得以消除。第二段至第六段:分别论述青春期出现的问题。第七段:再次重申第一段的观点,即了解问题和交流能有助于这个时期的平稳过渡。试题精解试题精解(一)审题,读主题词。虽然几乎每个标题配对题的题目表述几乎一致,但题目中唯一不同之处就是主题词的所在。比如,本题中的主题词是 preparing for change(为变化做好准备) ,由此考生可以预测文章的内容应包括变化是什么、如何做准备等。(二)查找选项中的关键词或段落主题句中的关键词,

14、并匹配选项与段落实现这个步骤有两种方法:一是先将所有选项都审完,标记出选项中的关键词,再回到原文中去寻找相对应的段落。二是先通过浏览段落主题句,标记出每段的关键词,再到所提供的备选项中寻找对应项。首先推荐第一种方法,因为题目给出的选项中有较大的逻辑联系,可以通过阅读它们将文章大概思路和内容整理出来。在做这一步时,要小心陷阱。备选项中总会有几个选项的内容能够在段落找到文字上完全相同的对应。这些能够与原文对应的选项有时只是某个段落中提到的一个细节内容,而我们需要做的是找到段落的主旨。记住:光提到是不够的,关键要与主题对应。本文中选项及其翻译如下,其中关键词用黑体显示:A Physical Chan

15、ges 身体变化B Low Self-Esteem 自卑C Emerging Independence and Search for Identity 开始出现的独立和寻求认同的倾向D Emotional Turbulence 情感波动E Interest in the Opposite Sex 对异性的兴趣F Peer Pressure and Conformity 同辈人的压力和从众心理概括这些选项的内容可以推测出文章的主要话题是青春期的变化及如何为这些变化做准备。接下来主要是概括各段落的主旨,特别注意各段的主题句。第一段先论述过渡到成年期是很艰难的,倒数第二句(该段的主题句)指出通过开放

16、性交流和在变化来临前作好准备就能消除(青春期的)恐惧和焦虑情绪。末句是过渡句,主要作用是引出下面的内容。41第 41 题所在段落即第二段的主题句是第一句,即青春期孩子的自我价值感特别脆弱。后面的内容具体论述其表现。主题句中的关键词是 self-worth,它与B项中的self-esteem 是同义词。该段中的其他关键词或表达,如 nobody likes them,not as good,failures, losers, ugly or unintelligent 正好可以用B项 low self-esteem 一并概括。42. 第三段第一句(主题句)提到,学龄儿童中普遍存在着某种形式的对自己身体的不满。接着,该段论述了这种不满的两种极端表现:过分羞涩和异常愤怒。最后两句话补充到,晚熟(即不和同龄人同时经历身体变化)会造成自卑感和呆板。因此该段的关键词是 bodily dissatisfaction 和 bod


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