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1、主谓一致主谓一致动词是表示动作或状态的词。动词在句中充当谓语时,它的形式要受主语的限制,要和它 在人称和数上一致,因此常称为动词的限定形式,这种形式主要表现在: 1 人称上与主语一致 2 与主语在数上一致 3 时态变化( 表示动作发生时间)4 语态( 表示主语是做动作的人或物)5 . 语气( 表示说话人认为这句话是事实,是要求做的事还是假想的事)一. 名词做主语时的主谓一致 1. 名词作主语,是单数时谓语动词用单数,是复数时谓语动词用复数。 2. 其中集合名词情况需另外鉴别,一些单复数同形的词需根据上下文确定其单复数含义, 再配合动词; The football team consists o

2、f 20 players. The football team are having a bath now.常见的这部分名词有: army, audience, class, club, committee, company, crowd, couple, family, group, government, jury, party, personnel, staff, team, union, public 等.有些集合名词如: folk, people, police, youth 等, 总是跟复数动词形式. The police have caught the murderer. PS:

3、 people 意为民族,种族时,有单复数之分;police 意为“ 警察机关” 时,可用作单数。 The Chinese people is a greet people.3. 单复数同形的名词作主语, 要根据意义来决定谓语的形式. 常见的这部分名词有: aircraft, deer, fish, means, sheep, species, series, works headquarters 等 The species of fish are numerous. This species of rose is very rare. Every means has been tried.

4、The means of communication between here and outside are interrupted. 规则一 如果名词后面跟有 as well as, like, together with, including, no less than( 不少于,不少于, 多达)多达), rather than, as much as, accompanied by, in company with, besides, but, except, in addition to, along with 等词时,其谓语动词与这些名词前面那个名词的数一致。例如: Mr. Smi

5、th, together with his wife, is to arrive. A library with five thousand books is offered to that nation as a gift. All but one were here just now.规则二 复数名词用作专有名词时,用单数谓语。例如: The United States was founded in 1776.His Selected Works was published in 1957. 规则三 表示由两部分构成的物体的名词,如:glasses ,gloves ,jeans ,pant

6、s ,scales ,scissors ,trousers 等,若被 a pair of 修饰, 用单数;如果 pair 为复数,谓语 用复数 。例如: Here is a pair of glasses. Three pairs of scissors are lying in the drawer. 规则四 以定冠词+形容词(或分词) 做主语,是形容词的名词化用法。如果指的是一类 人 ,谓语动词用复数 形式;如果指的是抽象概念 (一类不可数的事物)时,则谓语动词 用单数 。例如: The old are respected in our country.The agreeable is n

7、ot always the useful. (好看的不一定实用).二. 数词、量词等作主语时的主谓一致 规则一 用作运算的数词作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。加法和乘法可用单数,可 用复数;减法和除法必须用单数。 表示运算的词有:minus ( 减) ; plus ( 加) ; multiply ( 乘) ;divide( 除) 。例如: Five plus five equals (makes, is) ten.Ten minus four equals six. 规则二 数词和表示时间、金钱 、距离 、温度等的名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用单 数。例如: Twenty miles seems

8、 a long walk to the young man.Five minutes is all that I can offer to talk with you.规则三 如果名词词组中心词是数词 one,后跟由 in 或 out of,of 等引导的介词词组,谓 语动词复数。例如: One of the statements has turned out to be untrue. 注意:如果此结构被定语从句修饰,从句谓语动词通常是复数。 This is one of the best novels that have appeared this year. 但如果 one 前有定冠词

9、the,则定语从句的谓语动词要用单数形式.” the only one of + 复数 名词+定语从句 “ 例如:She is the only one of the young women in the town who receives a scholarship from Oxford.Kathy is the only one of a few girls who studies in a foreign country without feeling homesick.规则四 若主语是由“more than one+ 单数名词” 或“many a+ 单数名词” 构成时,尽管 意义上是

10、“ 不止一个” ,但谓语动词用单数。例如: Many a house was damaged in the earthquake.There is more than one answer to the question.规则五 a number of ( 许多) ,a variety of ( 各种各样的) , “a group of ( 一群,一组) 修 饰的名词作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。但是 the number of” ( 数目) 和“the variety of( 种 类) 等修饰名词做主语时,中心词是 number 和 variety ,谓语动词用单数形式。例如: A numbe

11、r of students have done their homework.The number of the workers on strike is large.三. 并列主语时的主谓一致 规则一 下列结构中谓语动词用单数形式 (1) 如果指的是同一个人用单数。例如: My colleague and good friend is coming to the party.The singer and dancer has left here. (2) 如果指的是同一个物用单数。例如: A cart and horse is near. (3) 某些由 and 连接而成的习语。这类习语有:

12、:trial and error( 反复试验) ,truth and honesty ( 真诚) ,law and order ( 法制) ,knife and fork( 一套刀叉) ,fire and flame ( 战火) 等。例如: Bread and butter is my usual breakfast (4) 主语是 and 连接的两个单数名词,前面有 each ,every ,no ,many a 等修饰。例 如: Each boy and each girl gets a gift from the headmaster No student and no teacher

13、is admitted. 规则二 下列结构中谓语动词通常用复数形式 由 both and 连接的两个名词作主语,谓语动词用复数。例如: Both the president and the secretary have agreed to attend the party.规则三 并列主语的就近一致问题 (1 )由连词 or , eitheror., neithernor., not onlybut also . 等连接的两个名词或代 词作主语时,谓语动词形式要与邻近的主语相一致。例如: Either you or I - going to attend the meeting.One or

14、two girls - to be chosen for this role-play.(2) “There be”结构中,be 的形式取决于主语的单复数;但是当主语为并列结构时,be 动词的单复数形式取决于靠近动词的名词(Here 结构与之相同)。例如:There - a pen and a few books on the desk.Here - some suggestions and an instruction book for you. 注意:有时该结构不是用动词 be,而是用了表示状态的其他动词,如: exit,stand,remain 等。四. 代词作主语时的主谓一致 规则一

15、由合成代词 every / any / some/no + thing/body/one 作主语,由 either, neither, each , each of, the other, another 做主语,以及由限定词 either, neither, each, every, many a, more than one 等+名词作主语时,谓语动词都用单数。例如:Neither of your parents has come to our university.Nothing is to be done.Each of the students is required to atte

16、nd the opening ceremony.规则二 some(all,more,most)+of 后接可数名词复数词时,谓语动词用复数;后接不可 数名词时,谓语动词用单数。例如: Some of the students have visited the Great Wall.Most of the food at the party tastes good.规则三 none 和 any 做主语时,谓语动词要和其所指的名词一致,如果是可数名词往往 用复数谓语配合。例如: -He has eaten many apples.- there any left for me? None of the money - mine.规则四 不定代词 all 作主语时,如果指抽象整体的概念,谓语动词用单数;如果



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