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1、Unit 3 Computers Part Writing 写作指导写作指导 一、佳作展示与背诵来源: 现在电脑已经走进普通人的家庭,它在给我们带来方便的同时也带来了问题。电脑的优势1.方便查询信息 2可以玩游戏、可以用 QQ 或 MSN 聊天、听音乐来源: 3发电子邮件和朋友保持联系等电脑的劣势来源:1.长时间使用电脑危害身体健康 2有些人痴迷于网络游戏,不能专心工作和学习,浪费大量的宝贵时间 3很多不良信息对青少年产生不良影响 你的观点 根据以上信息写一篇英语短文。来源: 注意:1.可根据内容需要适当增加细节; 2词数:100 词左右; 3参考词汇:对上瘾 be addicted to;方

2、便 convenience As we all know,were in the time of information technology.Computers have come into millions of homes.However,computers have their own advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand,people can find any information that they need on a computer.They can also play computer games,have a chat

3、 on QQ or MSN,and listen to music for entertainment in their spare time.Besides,people can send emails to their friends to keep in touch with each other.On the other hand,computers have caused a lot of problems.It does great harm to peoples health if they use a computer for a long time.Whats more,so

4、me people are so addicted to computer games that they waste a lot of valuable time,and they cant be devoted to their work and study.Whats worse,the bad information on computer has bad effects on teenagers.来源: In my opinion,though computers bring us much convenience,we should make full use of its ad

5、vantages and avoid its disadvantages.来源:来源: 二、思路点拨 本文是写一个问题的两个方面,即电脑的利与弊。第一段首先说明电脑的普及以及其 利弊。第二段用 on the one hand 和 on the other hand 分别详细说明电脑的利与弊,这一部 分是所写文章的重点,不要漏掉所给要点。在详细说明电脑利与弊的同时,可以适当增加 一些细节,但不可无限扩充。最后用 in my opinion 陈述自己的观点,这一观点要简明扼要, 不可拖泥带水。这样能使所写的文章段落分明,层次清晰,使两种对立的观点在文中融为 一体,同时体现出布局谋篇的能力。 三、经

6、典句式 1As we all know,we re in the time of information technology. 本句运用了 as 引导的定语从句。 2Whats more,some people are so addicted to computer games that they waste a lot of valuable time,and they cant be devoted to their work and study. 本句运用了 whats more 这一连接词,以及 so.that.这一句型,展示出语言功底。来源: 3本文运用了 however,on the one hand,on the other hand,besides,whats more,whats worse,in my opinion 等这些语段中的连接词,从而使所写文章过渡自然,符 合高考的要求。提示:提示:用最精炼的语言把你当堂掌握的核心知识的精华部分和基本技能的要领 部分写下来并进行识记。来源:数理化网


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