牛津译林版高中英语必修三Unit 2《Language》(Word power)教学设计

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1、单单 元:元:UnitUnit 2 2 LanguageLanguage板板 块:块:WordWord powerpower课堂设计指导思想:课堂设计指导思想: Word power 旨在科学地、有效地、有趣地扩充学生的词汇量。Word power 在设计上采用了与本单元主题相照应的思路,内容上不受课后词汇表的限制,期冀在同一语意场中通过语境的辅助以及构词法等相关知识的输入实现学生词汇的扩展。本节课是以听、说、读为主的词汇教学课。词汇教学应当“有层次”并兼顾“知、情、意” 。首先, “有层次”是指词汇教学应努力遵循认知规律,按照学生温故知新探索新知识使用新知识巩固新知识的客观规律进行教学。其次

2、,兼顾“知、情、意”是指词汇教学要有:知词汇知识、学习策略以及词汇所蕴含的文化知识的输入;情师生间的情感互动、学生的情感融入与兴趣的激发、以及情感体验的过程;意人文精神和人生意义的体悟与提升。TeachingTeaching aims:aims: 1.Get to know the names of some countries and their official languages.2.Learn the differences between formal and informal English.3.Get some background knowledge of related to

3、pics.4.To discuss the important ways that help to achieve better understanding between people from different cultures.TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures: StepStep 1 1 Lead-inLead-inThe teacher introduces the topic of the UN.Basic facts about the UN:Fact1: When was the United Nations founded?A cl

4、ue: In the year 2005 the UN celebrated its 60th birthday. (background knowledge)The students are supposed to get the answer: In 1945.Fact2: Why was it founded?Inform the students of the following aspects:The UN works on: peace and security human rights humanitarian affairs international law economic

5、 and social developmentIn a word, it works on international affairs.Fact3: How was it organized?Show the students the diagram of the UN system.Point out three of them which the students might be familiar with: UNESCO, WHO, WTO.Introduce the 6 principal organs of the UN.Offer the students 2 websites

6、where they can find more information about the UN. (learning strategy: to help The students learn more by themselves)Fact4: What about its members?Ask the students to read the paragraph on page27. (task-based reading) Task: Answer the following questions: How many countries are members of the UN? (1

7、91) Can you give me some examples of the member states? (China, France, etc.) How many languages are spoken in the world today? (About 6000)Check the answers and give more information. 【设计说明】结合课文中的信息,为学生了解联合国提供了一系列的背景知识:联合国建立的时期、目的、组成、以及成员国和使用语言等等。本课教学素材比较简单,如果不增加一定的文化和相关知识的输入,则内容过于单薄。作为导入,介绍相关信息,一方

8、面是为之后的话题提供过渡,另一方面,也拓宽了学生的视野并为学生进一步了解知识提供了信息资源。StepStep 2 2 CountriesCountries andand languages:languages:Divide the students into 2 groups.Present the rule. Some national flags or related information will be shown on the big screen. When a student see a national flag appear or he can guess the answe

9、r from the given information, he/she should stand up immediately and tell the rest of us what national flag it is and what official language people use in that country. And if he/ she makes it right, his/her group will get one point.Give the students some time to prepare. Make sure they know how to

10、recognize different national flags and their official languages.Give the students an example.Start the game. (Get students fully involved in the competition.)【设计说明】学生分组竞赛,有利于充分调动学生参与的积极性。在团体荣誉感的驱策下,学生们都跃跃欲试。游戏的规则比较简单,只要能率先说出相关的国家和语言,即可为所在的组得到相应的分数。教师也可变通,说出一项记一分,目的只有一个:让学生充分融入课堂。Discussion ( to arou

11、se the students to think more about languages)Draw the students attention on the following fact that some countries have more than one official language. Ask the students to discuss the possible answers to this phenomenon.Answers for reference:I. Some countries used to be conquered by Britain, so th

12、ey also use English.II. Some immigrants brought with them not only their wealth and technology but also their culture and languages.III. Switzerland uses three official languages probably because it is where France, Germany and Italy join together. 【设计说明】语言不仅是文化的载体,更是思维的媒介。教授语言的最终目的不能仅限于知识的传递,因为“生有涯

13、而知无涯” 。因此,在语言知识教授的同时,应该兼顾运用与思维的发展。基于这样的想法,在此处的 Discussion 中,有意就一国出现多种官方语言的问题让学生展开了探索性的思考,旨在提高学生主动性思维的质量,使英语的学习能真正成为一种能活用的语言。StepStep 3 3 FormalFormal andand informalinformal EnglishEnglishEnglish is widely used nowadays. And it can also be divided into formal and informal English. Ask the students t

14、o read the paragraphs on page 26. (task-based reading)Task: Read and fill the form.(The form is designed to help the students tell the differences between formal and informal English. The students are supposed to summarize the differences.)Ask the students to read the examples on the textbook and fi

15、nish the exercise after class.Rewrite the letter according to what has learned.【设计说明】正式与非正式英语,只是一个相对且较模糊的概念。就高中学生英语语料的积累来看,学生很大程度上还不可能达到很好地体会与掌握两者间差异的水平。所以在处理这部分教材时,只作了简单的介绍,主要是让学生了解差异的存在,在以后学习和使用的过程中能有意识地注意两者的差别,并选择合适的语言进行表达。StepStep 4 4 Discussion:Discussion:Step1: English is the most commonly use

16、d language in the world. Ask the students to think of other things that also help to achieve better understanding between people from different countries or different cultures.(This question is not easy to answer. So before the discussion, an example is given.)Step2: Show the students a picture. (A little girl is enjoying an ice-cream with her pet dog.)Ask the students to answer why the girl still wants to share the ice-cream w


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