新人教版英语高二上Module 6《Unit 3 A healthy life》word教案

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1、HIV/AIDS: Are you at risk? 学案学案 一、A few minutes reading, and fill in the blank with the appropriate words: 1. How many parts is the passage divided into? _. Please mark from where to where: 2. Tell the main idea of each part: (fill in the blank with the appropriate words) Part 1: _ about what HIV/AI

2、DS is Part 2: _to protect yourself Part 3: _ about HIV/AIDS dispelled(消除) 二、 Another several minutes reading, fill in the blank with the appropriate words: 1. What is HIV? It is _ virus, which is a very small _ thing that _ disease. It is the_ for Human Immune Deficiency Virus. 2. What is AIDS? It i

3、s a serious _, _ full name is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. 3. If you have a HIV in your body for a long time, which _ a persons immune system, it will _ do the great _ to your immune system. 4. If you _ AIDS, your _ of _ are very small. 5. How much do you know about HIV/ AIDS? Tick “T” or “F

4、”: (1) You can only get HIV from injecting drugs. ( ) (2) It is very likely that you will die if you get infected with HIV. ( ) (3) If you look healthy, you cannot have HIV. ( ) (4) It could be dangerous to have sex without a condom. ( ) (5) Taking food from the same dishes as someone infected with

5、HIV will give you HIV too. (6) If you have HIV, you will always get AIDS eventually. ( ) 三、Analyse the following points and give a summary: 1. 出处:出处:A virus is a very small living thing that causes diseases. (1) Do you know what it was that _ her to change her mind? A. made B. caused C. led D. had I

6、m sorry to have caused you so much unhappiness. The heavy rain caused floods. (3) According to the recent research, heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily _and effect. A. reason B. excuse C. fact D. cause- Im sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired. - There is no _ f

7、or this while you are on duty. A. reason B. excuse C. cause D. explanation Carelessness is often the cause of accidents. Conclusion: (1) as a noun. (1) _ (2) _ (3) _ (2) as a verb. (1) _ (2) _ (3) _ 2. 出处:出处:HIV weakens a persons immune system; that is, the part of the body that fights disease. (1)

8、Well meet you in a week, that is, on March 1. (2) Three weeks from today, that is to say, the 1st of May, you have to turn in the paper.Conclusion: 常用做_, 等于_. 3. 出处:出处:If you develop AIDS, your chances of survival are very small. (1) You wont get another chance _ abroad if you miss this one. Which i

9、s wrong? A. to go B. of going C. winning D. that you will go (2) I met her in this large city quite _ chance not _ purpose. A. by; on B. of; on C. on; by D. for; by (3) - Youve booked on a four oclock flight. - What chance _ of taking an earlier plane? A. there is B. is it C. there it is D. is there

10、 =What chance _ to take an earlier plane? =What chance _ that we will take an earlier plane? If we go on using energy wastefully, _ are that our oil wells will be dried up before new energy sources can be found to replace oil. A. chances B. difficulties C. questions D. problems Conclusion: (1) =oppo

11、rtunity _; _; _ (2)=luck _ (3) =possibility _; _; _; _ 4. 出处:出处:For a person to become infected, blood or sexual fluid that (1) If there is a lot of work _, Im glad to just keep on until it is finished. A. to do B. to be done C. done D. doing (2) -Can those _ at the back of the classroom hear me? -

12、No problem. A. seat B. sit C. seated D. to seat The trees _in the storm have been moved off the road. A. blowing down B. being blown down C. to be blown down D. blown down (3) The flowers _sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be sme

13、lt Look at the houses _ at present, which are for teachers. A. to be built B. being built C. built D. to build Conclusion: 非谓语动词作定语:非谓语动词作定语: (1) to do_ (2) doing _ (3) done_ 5. 出处:出处:do not share anything else that a person has used while injecting drugs. (1) The most important thing to keep in min

14、d when _ with an emergency is to stay clam. A. dealt B. dealing C. being dealt D. deal (2) No matter how frequently _, the work of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. A. being performed B. performing C. to be performed D. performed (3) She glanced about now and then _ to make sure she was not being followed. A. so that B. as though C. even if D. in case (4) Check your answers carefully and make some changes _. A. if it necessary B. if you are necessary C. it is necessary D. if necessary (5) Unless


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