外研版英语九上《Unit 2 Liu Xiang was trained for gold》word教案

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1、Module 3 Sporting life Unit 2 Liu Xiang was trained for gold.课型:读写课一、一、Read words and dialogues before class.二、二、Have a dictation 三、三、学习目标学习目标1.掌握重点单词:overnight , coach, regularly, sportsman,sportswoman,set up, first of all.2.能够掌握一般过去时的被动语态。3. 读熟文章并理解其内容。4. 能运用所学知识进行写作。四、教学过程四、教学过程1.、复习检测(1)检查词汇预习。(

2、2)Make a conversation about your favourite sports star .2、读前导入Show a picture of Liu Xiang.Ask :Do you know Liu Xiang ? Do you want to know how he became a sporting hero ?引入本课的学习3、泛读训练(1)Read the passage and complete the line wih the notes.future plans200420022001199819931983a won an Olympic gold med

3、al in Athensb hurdling skill noticed c training programme changedd appear in films , advertisements and record music e born in Shanghai f won in Switzerland and Koreg started training at a sports school (2) Read again and answer the questions.1).As a symbol, what does Liu Xiang represent ?2).Why isn

4、t Liu Xiang an overnight success?3).What does Liu Xiang advised to do in 1998?4).What was the special programme set up in 2001?5.)What will he be encouraged to do in the future ?(3) Read and check T or F :1). Liu Xiang is a symbol of Chinas international sporting success. ( ) 2). Liu Xiang doesnt tr

5、ain regularly because he is asked to appear in advertisements and films.( ) 3.) Liu Xiang is an overnight success. ( )4). Liu Xiang will spend more time awayfrom sport. ( )5). I n 2002 Liu Xiang won his first Olympic gold medal. ( )4、精读足练(1)学生自主精读课文,找出疑难问题,然后结对或小组内进行交流,不能解决的,教师给予点拨或指导。(2)帮你学1)First

6、of all ,hell be invited to competitions around the world.首先,他将被邀请去参加世界各地的比赛。Invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事EG:He inv ited me to have coffee.2)And now that hes well known all over the world , Liu Xiang will also be asked to appear in现在由于刘翔已经世界闻名了,他还会被邀请出现在。 。 。Now that 连词,现在已经。 。 。 ,既然已。 。 。 ,如今。 。 。 ,由

7、于。 。 。EG:Now that Ive seen how he lives,I know why he needs so much money.3) He started training when he was very young.Start doing sth. / start to do sth. 开始着手做某事。EG: It started raining / to rain .但在下列情况下,必须用 to do a.主语为物时A strong wind started to below.一阵强风开始刮起来。b. start 本身用进行时She is starting to pr

8、epare the lunch.她开始准备午餐。b.to 后的动词表示内心的作用时。He started to understand it.4)., and his performance was compared with the worlds best sports stars.把他的表现和世界级运动明星做了对比。Compare A to / with B 把 A 和 B 比较。用语比较时常用 with;用于比喻时常用 to.EG:I compared the translation with the original.我把译文拿来和原文对照一番。He compared the bread

9、 to a lump of rock .他把面包比喻成硬石头。5)No,Liu Xiang will go for more medals for China because he was trained for gold.不,刘翔会为中国争取更多的奖牌,因为他会为金牌而战。Go for 努力争取;喜欢;抨击,批评EG: Do you go for cooking ?5. Exercises选择题( )1。Please a red flag on the square.A. build B.set up C. put up D. set on( ) 2. you have go a chanc

10、e ,you might as well make full use of it .A. Now that B. after C. Although D. As soon as( ) 3. This is the shop I have bought many things from.A. there B. when C. where D. which ( ) 4.Mr. Green always weekends playing with his children.A. spends B. takes C. costs ( ) 5. Daniel is the first student a

11、nd the last one .A.come; leave B. coming; to leave C. to come; to leave D.to come;leaving改写下列句子(主动句改为被动句,被动句改为主动句)1)A special programme helped Liu Xiang 2)His skill at hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping. 3)Coach Wang Bilin noticed Zhang Yining . 4)Wang Bilin asked Zhang Yining to go to Shichahai Sports School 五写作训练五写作训练Name: Zhang Yining Sex: Female Place of birth: BeijingBirthday: 1981.10.5 Height: 188 cm Body weight: 54 kgProject: table tennis Hobby: swimming教后记教后记


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