外研版英语七上《Module 7 My school day》word教案

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1、Module 7 My school dayI. Teaching objectives 模块模块教学目标教学目标听Listen and tell the time and identify school subjects说Talk about school lessons读Read about passages introducing ones school day技 能 目 标写Describe a school day Use conjunction: and功能句式Talking about school lessons I have art at half past one. I h

2、ave an English lesson at eight oclock. I dont have art/science in the morning. Describing a school day I get up at seven oclock. I go to school at half past eight. Lessons start at nine oclock. We have lunch at half past twelve.词 汇1. 重点词汇 talk, start, finish, have, time, oclock, half, break, art, ch

3、emistry, history, dinner, breakfast, lunch, house, housework, or, past, about, 2.短语 what about, go home, get up, have a break, do ones homework 重点句子1. We have an English lesson at eight oclock. 2. We dont have art/science in the morning. 3. I like maths. 4. I dont like history. 5. I go to the park o

4、n Sunday. 6. I dont go to school on Sunday.语 言 目 标语法The use of the verbs: do, go, have Present simple I, you, we, they. Prepositions of time at, in, on.II. Teaching materials analyzing 教材分析教材分析 模块 7 以 My school day 为话题,以完成“介绍自己一天的学校生活”的任务为目标,通 过 3 个单元的学与练,紧密结合初中学生学习、生活实际,让学生在这一学习与体验的过 程中,能够就自己的学科与别人

5、进行提问与回答,能够听懂并能简单地向他人介绍自己一 天学校生活的情况。 Unit 1 要求学生通过听、读、说训练,学会讨论所学课程。 Vocabulary 和 Listening 两个部分共设计了 5 个训练活动。Part 1 要求学生在注意观察 钟表所表示的时间及相应的英文表达后,通过听力来反复练习这些表示时间的句子。这一 部分练习可以使学生在复习已有知识的基础上,初步了解本单元所要学习的语言知识,为 相关语言技能的训练奠定基础。Part 2 要求学生根据图片找出与之相对应的时间描述。通 过这一部分的练习,要求学生熟练操作整点和半点的句型表达。Part 3 学习科目名称,掌 握单词正确发音后

6、,要求学生独立完成单词和图片匹配活动。Part 4 要求学生在完成 Parts 1,2,3 的基础上,通过听 Daming, Betty and Lingling 的一段关于他们学校生活的对话,在 理解听力内容的基础上,听录音跟读对话,学习简介自己学校生活的语言材料。Part 5 要 求快速浏览问题,然后通过听录音,捕捉和判断听力材料中的信息,对所给句子作出判断。Pronunciation and speaking 包括 3 部分。Part 6 帮助学生掌握四个双元音的发音规律。 Part 7 要求学生根据实际情况回答问题。Part 8 要求以 pair work 形式,谈论学校课程。 Uni

7、t 2 中训练活动围绕 Alex Greenall 一天的学校生活展开,包括他的饮食起居、学校 及其学习和生活情况等。 Reading and Vocabulary 包括 3 部分。Part 1 用 6 个小段落介绍了 Alex Greenall 一天的 学校生活,并配有 6 幅对应图片。可以要求学生先根据图片预测短文内容,然后通过阅读, 完成匹配任务。Part 2 要求学生将所给时间与相应图片匹配,然后对这些时间所属时间段 作出判断。Part 3 要求学生根据短文内容对描述 Alex 日常活动的句子作出判断。Writing and Speaking 包括 3 部分。Part 4 要求学生根据

8、第三部分的句子,写出与自己 学习生活有关的句子。Part 5 要求在学生已熟悉并能够简述 Alex 的学校生活之后,以阅读 材料为范例,写贴近自己生活的小短文,描述自己一天的“学校生活”。Part 6 要求学生通过 训练学习连词 and 的用法。 Unit 3 是一个复习单元,对学生在前两单元中业已掌握的知识技能进行总结与综合练 习。 Language practice 包含 4 部分。Parts 1 与 Part 2 复习 dont 的用法。Part 3 复习介词 at, in, on 表示时间的用法。Part 4 用 do, go 和 have 这三个英语中使用频率较高的词填空完成短 语。

9、Around the world 介绍了英国学生的学校生活。Module task 要求谈论“学校生活”。可 先让学生开展小组活动,通过问答练习,将各自的信息填入表格。然后参照已完成的个人 信息表格,完成短文“My school day”。III. Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Listening and reading Period 2 Speaking Period 3 Integrating skills (I) Period 4 Integrating skills (II)IV. Teaching plans

10、for each period 分课时教案分课时教案Period 1 Listening and reading Language goals 语言目标语言目标 Key vocabulary 重点词汇重点词汇 talk, about, what about, time, oclock, half, past, art, chemistry, history Ability goals 能力目标能力目标 Enable students to talk about their lessons. Teaching methods 教学方法教学方法 Listening, reading and spe

11、aking. Teaching aids 教具准备教具准备 A tape recorder, some pictures and some books. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式教学过程与方式 Step I Warming up and Matching Bring a clock face into class-it has hands that are easy to move around and is big enough for the students to see. T: Hello! Boys and girls! Do you

12、have a watch? S: Yes. T: Good! Can you tell me the time, please? S: Yes! Its eight oclock. T: Thank you. Well, now, I will show you my clock. It is eight oclock, too. Yes? Now I will move the hands. Can you tell me the different time, please? Move the clock hands and ask students to read the time. T

13、: Very good. Now please turn to page 42, Part 1. Look at the pictures, listen and repeat the time. Write down the following. oclock, half past Ask the students to read the time one by one, and then match the pictures with the sentences in activity 2. Then check the answers.Step II Speaking Show diff

14、erent books of different subjects. Ask students to speak out the correct words and then match the words and the pictures in activity 3. Check the answers and get them to talk about what lessons they have at school. T: Well done! Now who can tell me what lessons you have at school? S: I have English

15、at eight oclock. S: I have maths at half past nine. S: We have Chinese in the afternoon. Step II Listening and reading Get students to listen to the conversation and fill in the following table. Show the following. Subjects Time Check the answers by playing the recording and pause at “subjects” and

16、“time” with the class or by calling back the answers from some students. Ask students to listen again and repeat the conversation. Then ask them to read the conversation in pairs first, and then individually and finish activity 5. Check the answers by asking some students to read and correct the wrong sentences. look at the pictures, play the recording and have students listen and look at the words and pictures. Then play it again and



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