外研版英语八下Module 2《Unit 2 No one knew who I was》word导学案

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《外研版英语八下Module 2《Unit 2 No one knew who I was》word导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语八下Module 2《Unit 2 No one knew who I was》word导学案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、导学案:导学案:M2 Unit 2 No one knew who I was 设计者:杨术秀课前延伸课前延伸课前检测:课前检测:1 他父亲使他把礼物送给别人。His father _ him _ the gift _ .2 和往常一样,他没有说一句话就走了。_ _, he left _ _ _.3 在黑暗的日子里,他变得与家人更亲近了_ _ _ _, he became _ _ his family.4 在那时,林琳害怕去交朋友。_ _ _, Lin Lin was afraid _ _ _ _.5 我不记得买过这种礼物。I couldnt _ _ this kind of _.学习目标学习

2、目标: 1 熟记 Unit 2 的单词;并掌握重点短语的运用。2 会阅读和理解 A beautiful smile 这篇文章并回答问题。3 会谈自己的感受 happy and unhappy课内探究课内探究重点和难点解释(聪明的你有选择地做好笔记)重点和难点解释(聪明的你有选择地做好笔记):1 .How can you make other people feel happy? 你怎样使其他人感到开心?make sb do sth 使某人做某事feel 是连系动词其后跟形容词Eg:感到不开心 觉得好些 2 .a boy gave (give 的过去式)me an important gift

3、一位男孩给我一个重要礼物give sb sth =give 把某物给某人回忆与此相同的用法的词: 3. far away 远离 远离某地 far away 4. I was very lonely and afraid to make friends with anyone. lonely 主观上觉得孤独 alone 客观上孤独 eg: He lives but he never feels .他独自居住但是他从不觉得独单be afraid sth 害怕去做某事 be afraid sth 害怕某物 be afraid of sth 害怕做某事5. Every time I heard (he

4、ar 的过去式)the other students talking and laughing.hear sb sth 听见某人正在做某事hear sb sth 听见某人做了某事6. I didnt want my parents to worry about me.我不想要我的父母担心我。 担心/担忧want sb sth 想要某人做某事7. He couldnt remember smiling at me.他并不记得对我笑过。remember sth 记得曾经做过某事remember sth 记得去做某事 对某人微笑本节课小结:本节课小结: 课后提升课后提升单词拼写 1. I am _(

5、害怕的) that hes out.2 .What made the baby _( 大笑)?3 .His mother always_(担心) about him.4 .Dont _(碰) my things.5 .With the help of Project Hope , the classrooms are _(明亮的) than before.6 .I didnt _( 相信)what he said.7. The teacher _(经过)me, but I didnt know what his name is.8 .It doesnt _(要紧)whether he come

6、s or not.校本作业:校本作业:M2 Unit2 堂堂清作业堂堂清作业 姓名姓名 等级等级 一选择填空( )1 My school is _ my home.A far away B away from C far away from( )2 The old man lives _ , but he doesnt feel _A lonely;alone B alone ; lonely C alone; alone D lonely ; lonely( )3 Im growing up happily _A day by day B some day C one day D some

7、time( )4 When you stand in front of the class, please remember to smile_ your classmates. A to B on C at D with( )5 What makes you _ unhappy?A feel B felt C feels D feeling( )6 The girl is very shy. She is afraid _make friends with anyone.A in B for C of D to( )7 Dont worry _ your parents .Ill look

8、after them well.A about B for C in D to( )8 _ usual he came back at five oclock.A For B From C At D As二.完成句子1 你是否对每个人微笑是没有关系。It _if you _everyone2 汤姆太懒了,他现在很担心考试。Tom is _, hes _his exam right now.3 他们几个星期之后就回来。They will come back _ weeks.4 他长得一天比一天壮。He grew stronger_.5 在那时,林琳害怕去交朋友。_, Lin Lin _.校本作业

9、:校本作业:M2 Unit2 课后延伸提升作业课后延伸提升作业 姓名姓名 等级等级 一英汉互译1. feel like _ 2. in fact _3. make friends _ 4. next week _5.私人问题 6.害怕做某事 7.在那时 8.对某人微笑 9.close to sb. 10.担心 11.像往常一样 12.at the moment 二 单词拼写1 I am _(害怕的) that hes out.2 What made the baby _( 大笑)?3 His mother always_(担心) about him.4 I didnt _( 相信)what h

10、e said.5 The teacher _ (经过)me, but I didnt know what his name is.6 It doesnt _(要紧)whether he comes or not.三、选择( )1. Im growing up happily _A day by day B some day C one day D some time( ) 2. When you stand in front of the class, please remember to smile_ your classmates. A to B on C at D with( ) 3.

11、Tom went to school by bus _A usual B usually C as usual D before( ) 4. What makes you _ unhappy?A feel B felt C feels D feeling( ) 5. Dont worry _ your parents .Ill look after them well.A about B for C in D to( )6.The old man lives _ , but he doesnt feel _A lonely; alone B alone ; lonely C alone; alone D lonely ; lonely


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