外研版九上《Module 6 Save our world Unit 3 Language in use》word导学案

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1、Module 6 Save our world Unit 3 language in use课型:语法课【学习目标学习目标】1、前缀、后缀构词法:2、能够读懂环境保护的文章并能写出有关污染问题你能采取哪些措施。【课前准备课前准备】1.小组朗读并检查模块词汇。2.小组内复述 unit 2 课文。【学习过程学习过程】1、 新知导入。介绍:Match the underlined words with the meaning归纳:请仔细观察以上例句,回答下列问题:哪些前缀和后缀表示“否定”意思?哪个后缀表示“有能力的”_哪个后缀表示“充满的”哪个前缀表示“再”_交流:分组讨论你所发现的规律。前缀、后

2、缀构词法:前缀、后缀构词法:1.表示否定意义的前缀和后缀: dis- dishonest, dislike in- incorrect im-, impossible, un- unable, unusual -less careless, hopeless2.带有“有能力,适合于”的含义 :后缀 -able, movable, comfortable3.表示“充满的”:后缀 -ful, beautiful, wonderful, helpful4. 表示“再”的含义: 前缀 re- reuse rewrite retell2、专项练习:(1)Choose the number and do

3、exercises using “-able,-ful,-less,im-re-un-”1)If people like you a lot, you are_Polluted water is not healthy Its something we can use again. The water in the river was very dirty. Its not true that we dont listen to the students. It was not possible to clean up the whole river. The people on the mo

4、untain top were not comfortablereusable uncomfortable unhealthy unclean impossible untrue2)If you are always ready to help people, you are_3)If you write something and it isnt very good, you should _ it4)If you arent certain about something, you are _.5)If something isnt perfect, it is_6)If somethin

5、g is without any use, it is _.(2)请在小组内或结对,进行说的训练,并结对互评或小组互评,纠正出现的错误。1).Find more words which are composed of prefix and suffix, such as “-able,-ful, -less, im-,re-,un-” as many as possible.2). Make sentences with the words you find.(competition :say as many sentences as you can3、综合运用a.Complete the s

6、entences with the correct form of the words in the box1.Cycling to school is both _ and environmentally friendly.2.You really need to be _ with things bad to the environment.3.Everybody can do a little bit to help with _ problems4.It is _ to throw away the _ shopping bags5.Scientists are _ about new

7、 ways to save energyb. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the phrases in the box:Mike: I hear youre off t o the Caribbean for a long holiday! Lucky you! But arent you _1_ the dangers of such long flights on the environment?Ken: Why should I be worried?Mike: Planes cause_2_.Ken: I kno

8、w, but what can I do about it? I already try my best to_3_.I recycle, I dont just _4_ things if I dont want them any more. I _5_ the lights when I leave a room. Dont tell me we shouldnt travel by plane any more!Mike: No, of course not. But there is something we can do about it. Have you _6_ ? Its an

9、 environmental group that helps to_7_ By planting more trees, We can help keep the air clean, because trees _8_the environment. In this way, we can reduce the dangers of pollution.Ken: Good! So I can enjoy my holiday, and when I come back, Ill _9_!Mike: Thats the idea! Maybe we can all _10_ and star

10、t a small forest!c.阅读理解This is News on the Hour, ED Wilson reporting. The president and First Lady will visit Africa on enjoy environment care waste reuse hopeBe good at, hear of, turn off, worry about, a lot of pollution, plant some trees, join in, protect the environment, look after, throw awaya g

11、ood will tour in May. They plan to visit eight African countries.Reports from China say the Chinese want closer ties between China and the U.S. and Western Europe. A group of top Chinese scientists starts its ten-nation tour next month.Here in Miami, the mayor is still meeting with the leader of the

12、 Teachers Union to try to find a way to end the strike. City schools are still closed after two weeks. In news about health, scientists in California report findings of a relationship between the drinking of coff ee and the increase of heart diseases among women. According to the report in the Ameri

13、can Medical Journal,the five-year study shows that: women who drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than women who do not.In sports, the Chargers lost again last night. The BBS beat them 1 to nothing. The Wingers had better results. They beat the Rifl

14、es 7 to 3.It was their first win in their last five months.Thats the news of the hour. And now back to more easy listening with Jan Singer.1. To improve the ties between China and the U.S. and Western Europe .A.some Chinese scientists will visit U.S. and Western EuropeB.China will send some scientis

15、t to visit the U.S. onlyC.China has expressed its strong wishes.D.China has given many reports to improve the ties2. From the news in Miami we know .A.peaceful way will soon be foundB.the teachers strike will last longC.students cant go to school with the classroom tightly closed D.students havent been to school for two weeks3. The news about health tells us that .A.no one should drink more than two cups of coffee a d


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