外研版英语八下Module 2《Unit 1 Can you tell me where you’re from》word教案

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《外研版英语八下Module 2《Unit 1 Can you tell me where you’re from》word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语八下Module 2《Unit 1 Can you tell me where you’re from》word教案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 2 FriendshipUnit 1 Can you tell me where youre from? Step 1 Warming up and Leading-in 1. Lets sing the song “Where are you from?”2. Fill in the blanks according to the song.eg. 1) Tony sings that hes from China ( 一共4句)设计意图 在学生进教室时播放一首与新授知识有关的轻松活泼的歌曲 Where are you from? 既是为了活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣, 又

2、是为了能很快进入主题 Can you tell me where youre from?Step 2 Pair work1. Where are you from? 2.Where is your good friend from?S1: Where are you from? S1: Where is your good friend from?S2: I am from S2: My good friendis fromS1: S2 says that he / she is from S1: S2 says that 设计意图 联系学生生活实际,体现用中学原则。用地图操练巩固目标句型-t

3、hat 引导的宾语从句。Step 3 Group work1. Say something about my good friend Sally.2. Report S1has heard that SallyS2knows that SallyS3says that SallyIthink that Sally设计意图 通过谈论熟悉人物 Sally, 进一步加强目标语的操练。同时,相互交流和帮助又培养了合作精神。 Step 4 Presentation 1. Free talkeg. Have you ever made telephone calls?Who do you usually

4、call?2. Listen and find out:What do Anns mother and Bill talk about on the phone(事先交代情景: Ann s classmate Bill called Ann. But Ann wasnt in. Anns mother answered the phone.)Expressions of making telephone calls:Hello! Could I speak to Ann, please?Im afraid she isnt here right now. Can I take a messag

5、e for you? This is Bill.Ill give her the message设计意图 新语言项目在情景中自然呈现,通过多媒体演示, 比较中、英文打电话的不同用语,引导学生判断、总结, 从而达到理解、学习并运用语言的目的。充分体现了学习的过程。Step 5 Practice1. Listen and find out how many people you hear. (Turn to page 10-1)2 . Listen and number the order. (Turn to page 10-2)3. Make a telephone call.Mr. Wang

6、telephoned Father. But Father wasnt in. You answered the telephone. (用两只电话机让学生在课堂上表演4. U3 Activity 5, 2, 3, 4设计意图 在常规听力练习中进一步提高学生听的能力,在尽可能真实的情景中巩固打电话用语。 Step 6 Presentation Why does Sally call Chen Huan?设计意图 激发求知欲望。顺利进入新课的学习。Step 7 Listening and reading: (Turn to Page 10-3)1. Listen and answer the q

7、uestions:1) How many persons are there in the dialogue?2) Where are they?2. Read and answer (必须用宾语从句回答)1) What does Chen Huan say? He says that2) What does Sally say? She says that 3. Read and check ()the true sentences. (Turn to Page 11-4)设计意图 听读两方面入手,由易到难,层层推进,重视对学生学习能力和技巧的培养。Homework1. Listen and read after the tape for 15 minutes.(P10-3)2.通过因特网等途径课前收集有关运动员刘翔的资料。3.给好朋友打个电话,告诉他/她你喜欢做什么设计意图 1.英语是一门语言,而语 言是用来交际的。只有多听、多读,才能让我们的英语说得更加流利,掌握得更加牢固。2. 让学生学会一切可利用的资源来获取更多的学习信息。学习活动由课堂向课外延伸。


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