北师大版高中英语必修1 Unit 2《Heroes》(Lesson 3)word教案

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1、Unit2Unit2 lesson3lesson3 SportsSports StarsStars Teaching PlanTimeTimeAugust8 , 2007 Teaching time:90 minutes(2 periods)TopicTopicUnit2 lesson3 sports stars StudentsStudents Senior1 ContentContentLesson 3 reading and grammar 课堂设计课堂设计设计原则设计原则循序渐近,操作性强。充分利用教材资源,小组活动,教学内容教学内容To practice reading for sp

2、ecific information. To provide a title appropriate for a whole text. To use the Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses appropriately. To practise using positive and negative opinion adjectives. 目标目标学生通过阅读练习 ,能从阅读材料中提取信息 学生能通过语法学习来区别 现在完成时和一般过去时 学生能通过所学句型来谈论明星重点重点通过阅读材料,让学生在实际运用中学会 用 positive and neg

3、ative opinion adjectives 利用一步一步的练习来帮助学生在运用中掌握语法.难点难点学生能够理解教学要求,但表达能力跟不上能力训练能力训练模仿,理解,归纳,交际运用评价手段评价手段自我测定式评价 Period1Period1Step by StepStepStep 1 1Leading-in Activities: Before you start 1Show some pictures about sports stars to arouse students interest. 2 Students to finish exercise1 in pairsStep2St

4、ep2While-reading: Read to learn Read the text and finish the tasks from exercise2 to exercise4 according to the suggestions on the books.StepStep 3 3Post-reading: Vocabulary Finish exercise6 HomeworkHomeworkExercise 5 and practise reading the text aloud and fluently Period2Period2Step by StepStep1St

5、ep1 Leading_in: Check the homework given yesterday1 Exercise 5 2 Read the text.Step2Step2 GrammarGrammar leaning:leaning: FinishFinish exercisre7exercisre7 toto exerciseexercise 9 9 andand thethe GrammarGrammar Summary4Summary4 onon page93page93 andand thethe supplimentsuppliment onon thethe ppt.ppt

6、. accordiaccordingng toto thethe arrangementarrangement ofof thethe text.text. IfIf timetime isis limited,limited, omitomit exercise12exercise12Step3Step3 Practice:Practice: FinishFinish exercisre10toexercisre10to exercise12.exercise12. IfIf timetime isis limited,limited, omitomit exercise12exercise

7、12HomeworkHomeworkLanguageLanguage inin Use:Use: FinishFinish thethe exercise13exercise13 andand exerexercise14cise14EvaluationEvaluation Period1Period1 KeyKey wordswords usingusing3 3 个以上个以上 1 13 3 个个0 0 个个 TextText understandingunderstanding完全理解完全理解 大概理解大概理解根本不懂根本不懂 PronunciationPronunciation流畅且准确流畅且准确过得去过得去 错误很多错误很多 AttitudeAttitude inin thethe groupgroup积极踊跃积极踊跃 勉强跟着勉强跟着不参与不参与 Period2Period2 GrammarGrammar understandingunderstanding完全理解完全理解 大概理解大概理解根本不懂根本不懂 GrammarGrammar usingusing 熟练熟练 少数错误少数错误 很少正确很少正确 AttitudeAttitude inin thethe groupgroup积极踊跃积极踊跃 勉强跟着勉强跟着不参与不参与


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