外研版高中英语必修4 Module 4《Great Scientist》word学案4

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1、Book4 Module4 Great Sientists Learning paper2 Itensive Reading Learning aims: to learn about Yuan Longping an d his achievements Importance and difficulty: the passive voice and “by+doing” Part one: Read the passage on page32 and do the following exercises. 1. Match the main ideas with each paragrap

2、h. Paragraph 1 As a boy he was called “the student who asked questions” Paragraph 2 As a young teacher, he began experiments in crop breeding Paragraph 3 Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the rice growing wold. Paragraph 4 The yield of the ew hybrid rice is much greater than that of other types o

3、f rice grown in Pakistan.来源:Zxxk.Com Paragraph 5 He discovered a new type of rice. Paragraph 6 His discoveries have brought in great profit. 2. Activity 2 True or False on page 32 3. Activity 3 and 4 on page 33 4. Put the sentences in order of time when they happened. 1) The results of his experimen

4、ts were published in 1966. 2) Chinese rice production rose by 47.5%. 3) He study agriculture in college. 4) He began experiments in crop breeding.来源:Zxxk.Com 5) His rice was exported to other countries. 5. Discussion: 1.Do you think the title is a best one? Can you think of a better title?2. What do

5、 you think has made Yuan Longping become a great scientist?来源:学*科*网What can we learn from him?Part two: language points .Fill the blanks with the given verbs, paying attention to the Voice, and then translate the sentences. 1.Rice _(grow) in many other Asian countries. 2.Yuan longping was born and _

6、(bring up ) in China. 3. As a boy he _(educate) in many schools and _(give) the nickname, “the student who asks questions”. 4. The resultsof his experiments _(publish) in China in 1966. 5. Finally, a naturally sterile male rice plant _(discover). 6. Researchers _(bring in) from all over China to dev

7、elop the new system. The research _(support) by the government. 7. 50000 square kilometres of rice fields _(convert) to growing vegetables and other cash crops.8. Yuan longpings rice _(export) to other countries. 9. In Pakistan rice _(grow) in many parts of the country. 10. The new hybrid rice _(dev

8、elop) by Yuan Longping High-tech Agricultural Company of China. List the forms of passive voice of different tenses. 一般现在时:_ 一般过去时:_ 一般将来时:_ 现在完成时:_ 过去完成时:_ 现在进行时:_ 过去进行时:_.He thought there was only one way to do this-by crossing different species of rice plant. (if he crossed different species of r

9、ice plant) _ You can get a job if you study hard. (用 by 改写)Researchers learn things when they carry out experiments.(用 by 改写)You will become a better player if you practise often. (用 by 改写)1.在当前的世界,水稻是主要食粮。中国是世界上最大的水稻产地。(staple ;producer) 来源:学|科|网 2.在水稻种植界,中国科学家袁隆平是一位重要人物( world; leading)3.作为一个年轻的教师,他开始了作物育种的实验。(experiment)4.首先,他对不同种类的水稻进行实验。接着,他开始寻找一种特殊的稻种。(experiment ; search)5.由于他的发现,中国的水稻产量在 20 世纪 90 年代增长了百分之四十七点五。(as a result of; rise by)来源:学科网 ZXXK6.它的产量远高于巴基斯坦其他种类的水稻。(yield)


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