外研版英语七下《Unit 2 What traditions do you have at the Spring Festival》word教案

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《外研版英语七下《Unit 2 What traditions do you have at the Spring Festival》word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语七下《Unit 2 What traditions do you have at the Spring Festival》word教案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ThemeModule 2 Spring Festival Unit2 What traditions do you have at Spring Festival?TypeNew Hour1Teaching objectivesTo match photos with paragraphs and match questions with paragraphs. To get information from the reading material about Spring Festival. To write sentences. Key vocabulary: tradition, b

2、ad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, paper cut, everyone, haircut, New Year, New Years Eve, dumpling, sweet pudding, fireworks, few, a few, week, round, all the year round, bring, colour, something, cut, Christmas.Key pointsTo get information from the reading material about Spring Festival.D

3、ifficultiesTo understand the reading materialMethodsPictures, reading comprehension and practice.PropertiesPPT and teaching CD.Writing on blackboardModule 2 Unit 2Teaching proceduresTeacher activitiesStudents activityMethodsPreparation: Let one student write the theme of this lesson. Step I. Organiz

4、ing the class 1. Ask the students to get ready for class. 2. Greetings between the students and the teacher.Step II. Recall Recall what they have learnt in Unit 1; let students say it in Chinese.Step III. Showing aimsHave the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in

5、 this lesson:Learn some traditions about Spring Festival; read and understand the paragraphs.Step IV. RevisionChange some words into 3rd single and present participle: get, cook, learn, sweep, happen.Step V. Leading-in Show some pictures and new words: dumpling, fireworks, paper cut.Step VI. Reading

6、 (Activity 1, 2, 3)Look at the pictures in Activity 1.Read the paragraphs in Activity 2, and match the photos in Activity 1, then answer the questions in Activity 3. Give the requests: read, match with the photos, say what tense they use,Recall the festival and things what they do at Spring Festival

7、. Look at.Write on the blackboardRead, match and answer. 1. A, C, D, B;3. B, D, C, A.Recall.Grammar practice. Pictures. Read com-prehension.Teaching proceduresTeacher activitiesStudents activityMethodsfind out the phrases and difficulty.Step VII. Discussion (Activity 4) Know the words in Activity 4.

8、 Let them read the sentences and try to answer the questions in Chinese.Step VIII. Writing (Activity 5, 6,7 )Give a short introduction: In China, Spring Festival is the most important festival. Buy in western countries, what is the most important festival?The answer is Christmas.What do they do, cho

9、ice them in Activity 5: Before Christmas, people get ready for it; During Christmas.Make sure the students understand the headings. Call back the answers from the whole class.To join decorate homes and have a Christmas tree and write one sentences. What can we use between these two notes?Can we writ

10、e for short?To write more base on different items, such as decorations, food, getting ready, presents, and traditions.Finally, let the students write in different headlings. Say their difficulty, and solve together. Discuss. Try to answer. Choice.The answers are:Getting ready: a, d, e, fDecorations: dFood: b, f, hPresents: a, c, eTraditions: d, g, i, jWrite. Teaching proceduresTeacher activitiesStudents activityMethodsStep IX. Summary What do you do at Spring Festival?


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