外研版高中英语选修7 Module 5《Ethnic Culture》(Section 1)素材

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《外研版高中英语选修7 Module 5《Ethnic Culture》(Section 1)素材》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版高中英语选修7 Module 5《Ethnic Culture》(Section 1)素材(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ModuleModule 5 5 EthnicEthnic Culture-SectionCulture-Section 1 1 BackgroundBackground ReadingsReadings 素材素材PartPart TwoTwo TeachingTeaching ResourcesResources 第二部分第二部分 教学资源教学资源SectionSection 1 1 BackgroundBackground ReadingsReadings forfor ModuleModule 5 5 EthnicEthnic CultureCulture 1.1. TheThe Jin

2、uoJinuo EthnicEthnic Group:Group: The Jinuo Ethnic Group is made up of around 18,000 people who live in the Jinghong area of Yunnan. Their language is a Chinese- Tibetan language with no written script, but they mostly speak Chinese today. They live by farming, and fishing, and they grow mainly rice

3、, maize and tea. Rice and maize, along with beans, are their staple foods; they eat three meals a day, with lunch being taken on their farmland. They live in large houses made of bamboo on mountain slopes. About 20 or 30 families live on the upper floor of the same house, keeping their animals on th

4、e ground floor. The women wear colorful jackets and short black skirts, while the men wear a short white jacket and white or blue trousers. They are known as good singers and dancers, and the drum is a very important instrument for them. In December they have a special Sun-drum Dance, when older peo

5、ple play a special drum and others dance around drum. 2.2. EthnicEthnic MinoritiesMinorities inin thethe UK:UK: Immigration from countries which were former British colonies means that there are many other ethnic groups in the UK. These are the figures from the 2001 censsus (published 2003). Total U

6、K population: 58,789,194. Ethnic groups: White: 92.1%, Mixed: 1.2%, Asian/Asian British: 4.0%, Black/Black British: 1.8%, Chinese: 0.4%, other: 0.6%. 3.3. Naxi:Naxi: With a population of about 278009 (as of 1990), the Naxi ethnic group mainly live in concentrated communities in the Naxi Autonomous C

7、ounty of Lijiang in the Yunnan Province, and the rest are scattered throughout the neighboring counties in Yunnan Province, as well as Yanyuan, Yanbian and Muli counties in Sichuan Province. There is also a small number living in the Mangkang County in the Tibet Autonomous Region. The Naxi ethnic mi

8、nority has its own language which belongs to the Yi branch of Tibeto-Burman Austronesian of the Chinese-Tibetan Phylum. The ancient Naxi people created pictographic characters called the “Dongba” script and a syllabic writing known as the “Geba” script. However, they were difficult to master, and in

9、 1957 the government helped the Naxi design an alphabetic script. Due to close contact with the Han people over the past several hundred years, the Naxi people also use the oral and written Chinese to communicate. According to historical documents, the forefathers of the Naxi people were closely rel

10、ated to a tribe called “Maoniu Yi” in the Han Dynasty (206BC- 220AD), “Mosha Yi” in the Jin Dynasty (265-420) and “Moxie Yi” in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The Naxis also had a number of other names. In 1278, the Yuan Dynasty established Lijiang Prefecture representing the imperial court in Yunnan P

11、rovince. After the founding of the PRC in 1949, following consultation with the ethnic minority, it agreed upon the official name of Naxi ethnic minority.Agriculture is the main occupation of the Naxi people, together with stockbreeding and handicraft industry. The banks of the Jinsha River are heav

12、ily forested, and Yulong Mountain is known at home and abroad as a “flora storehouse”. The extensive dense forests contain Chinese fir, Korean pine, Yunnan pine and other valuable trees, as well as many varieties of herbs. Naxi literature is rich in form and content. The Dongba script created in the

13、 seventh century by the Naxi people is the only pictographic characters extant in the world. The Dongba Scripture, a religious work written in the pictographic script, describes the various aspects of life of the Naxi people during their long transition from slavery to feudalism. It is extremely imp

14、ortant for the study of Naxi literature, history and religion. Most Naxi people were followers of the Dongba religion, which is a form of Shamanism. Lamaism, Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity only have limited access to the Lijiang area. The traditional festivals include the Farm-Tool Fair in Januar

15、y, the God of the Rain Festival in March, and the Mule and Horse Fair in July. There are also the Spring Festival, the Qingming Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid- autumn Festival and the Torch Festival - all being the same as those of the Hans. 4.4. 丽江丽江 丽江既是一个县又一个地区的名称。丽江地区现在管辖 4 个县,其中华坪县

16、是煤炭基地, 永胜县是鱼米之乡,宁蒗彝族自治县和丽江纳西族自治县是重点旅游开发区。全区面积 20600 平方公里,总人口 112 万,除汉族外,人口较多的还来纳西族、彝族、傈僳族、白 族、普米族等 10 个少数民族,人口 64 万,约占全区总人口的 57%。丽江少数民族的语言、 习俗、民居、服饰、节日、歌舞丰富多采,独具特色。 丽江坝子, 云南特有民族纳西族的主要聚居地,它是滇西北最大的高原盆地,面积近 200 平方公里,海拔 2400 米左右。丽江县城大研镇就坐落在坝子的中央。人们通常说的丽 江古城,就是大研镇的中心,在 1997 年 12 月 4 日它被联合国列入世界文化遗产名单,成 为一座世界文化名城。 为什么叫“丽江”呢? “丽江”一名,始于元朝至元十三年(1276 年)设置行政区丽 江路。 元史地理志说:“路因江名。 ”就是说, “丽江”地名的由来最早起源于金沙江 的别称“丽水” 。金沙江就是长江上游,



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