外研版高中英语必修1 Module 6《The Internet and Telecommunications》(Period 5)word学案

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1、PeriodPeriod 5:5: CulturalCultural CornerCorner学习目标:学习目标: 1. 了解国外青少年短信用语的情况 2. 掌握短文内部分重点单词和短语 3. 了解西方文化,树立跨文化交际意识 学习重点:学习重点: 了解国外青少年短信用语的情况 学习难点:学习难点: 了解西方文化,树立跨文化交际意识 课前预习课前预习 使用说明与学法指导:使用说明与学法指导: 1. 了解西方文化,树立跨文化交际意识 2. 15 分钟之内完成 教材助读:教材助读: 手机新词汇 bluetooth:蓝牙技术(无线耳机接听) WiFi:Wireless Fidelity 无线保真(即

2、“小灵通”所采用的技术) HiFi:High Fidelity 高保真 3G:Generation Three 第三代 PHS:Personal Handyphone System 个人手提移动电话系统 WalkieTalkie:步话机 Gotone:全球通这个应该太熟悉不过了吧 GPS:Global Positioning System 全球定位系统 Monternet:MobileInternet 移动梦网一一我们这儿有,不知道大家那儿有没有,我还 有梦网邮箱 GPRS:General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务这个很重要哦,要掌握 SMS:Short Me

3、ssage Service 短信服务最最流行的 service MMS:Multimedia Messaging Service 多媒体信息服务 SIM 卡:Subscriber Identity Module 客户身份识别卡现在知道 SIM 的全称是什么了 吧 GSM:Global System For Mobile Communications 全球移动通信系统 WAP:Wireless Application Protocol 无线应用协议(即使手机具有上网功能) PAS:Personal Access System 个人接人系统(如“小灵通” ) CDMA:Code Division

4、Multiple Access 码多分址一一超级重点哦 prepaid Phone Card:储值卡 Roaming:漫游 预习自测:预习自测:ReadRead thethe texttext againagain andand thenthen choosechoose thethe bestbest answers.answers. 1If you want to understand the emoticons,youd better look at them . Aupside down Bin the face Cfrom the upside Dfrom the side 2The

5、 text is mainly about . Ahow to make your phone call cheaper Btext messages and emoticonsChow to read text messages and emoticons Dhow to shorten your text messages 3From the text,we know that . Ait is easy to understand some short messages if you are a Chinese Bit is hard to understand the emoticon

6、s if you dont know English Cthe short messages cannot be made by Chinese Dshort messages sometimes make us puzzled 4The emoticon “:O” in a text message means . Asurprised Bbored Cshocked Dshouting 我的疑问:我的疑问:_ _ 课内探究课内探究 质疑探究:质疑探究:ReadRead thethe CulturalCultural CornerCorner onon PagePage 5959 andan

7、d thenthen guessguess thethe meaningmeaning ofof thethe followingfollowing message.message. Why nt gv me a cll? Iv bn wtng fr a lng tme.Im so sd._ _ LanguageLanguage Points:Points: 1. concentrate vt./ vi. 集中,注意力,专心于 n. concentration eg. He concentrated his energies / attention on studying We need to

8、 concentrate resources the most rundown areas. A. to B. on C. in D. with There is too much noise. I cant my attention on my work. All living things depend on the sun for their growth. 2. depend on 依靠,依赖adj. dependent be dependent (加介词)be indepent of ones will 不以愿望为转移。adv. dependently independently n

9、. dependence independence (独立)phrase: That depends =It all depends (口语)视情况而定3. agree with 同意某人或某人的(opinion / idea / words )与一致The verb must agree with its subject in person and number.(气候,食物等)适合The climate here doesnt agree with me. agree to one arrangement (安排)/ program / plan / advice agree on (do

10、ing ) sth. 对取得一致意见They all agreed on the matter.Im glad he agreed my advice . Finally we agreed the time of the birthday party.A. taking; toB. 不填; onC. to take; onD. to take; with 4. particularly 基本等同于 especially, 而 specially 意为“专门,特地”The car was designed for use in the desert.A. particularlyB. espe

11、ciallyC. extremely (极其) D. speciallyShe likes the countryside, in spring.A. especiallyB. speciallyC. naturallyD. usually 5. but she cant help everyone in the class.句中出现 every-,both 或 all 时前加 not 或变成否定句,构成部分否定,意为不是每 个/ 并非都;若变为完全否定句则需将上述词改为 no neither 或 none of. 当英语中的 no,none,never,nobody,nothing,neit

12、her,no one,nowhere,no more,no longer,no way 等表示否定意义的词与肯定式谓语一起使用时,构成“全部否定”We cant eat in the restaurant of us have money with us.A. every oneB. not allC. noneD. nobodyIs this book interesting?Yes, but I in sure it wont interest .A. everybodyB. anybody C. nobodyD. somebody 6. comparewith/ to 把和相比compa

13、reto 把比作compare notes 交换意见/ 情况with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesnt seem high at all.A. When comparedB. To compareC. While comparingD. It comparesOther good students, the teacher thinks Hank is student.A. Compared with; a most satisfiedB. Compared to; the most satisfiedC. Com

14、paring to ; the more satisfyingD. Compared with; a more satisfying 7. and you can make it even cheaper by shortening by doing sth. 通过 By helping them we are helping to save ourselves. 我们是通过帮助他们来拯 救自己。8. If you heed any help, dont hesitate to call us.about calling us.在条件句中一般用 any 而不用 someTranslation: 如果有人找我(ask for),请给我打电话。 课后反思:课后反思:_ _ 课后训练课后训练 微写作微写作写作素材1平均来说,每个班由五十名学生组成。2课堂上,学生聚精会神地学习并提出很多问题。3我们学校作为一所示范学校而出名。提示 用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇 (将以上句子连成一篇 50 词左右的英语短文)_ _


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