外研版英语八下《Module 2 Friendship》word重难点讲解

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1、Module 2 Friendship一. 教学内容:Module 2 Friendship二. 重点内容:语法知识:宾语从句;语言知识:词汇及词语辨析三. 具体内容:(一)语法指南宾语从句放在动词后面做宾语的句子,我们称之为“宾语从句” 。宾语从句根据其表达意义与疑问的差别可以分作三类,一类由 that 引导,一类由 whether/if 引导,还有一类由疑问词引导。常用作宾语从句的连词有:that, if whether, what, which, who, whom, where, how, why 等。1. 当谓语动词表示肯定概念时,如“希望” 、 “相信” “知道” “说” ,其后面

2、的句子一般用 that 引导。That 没有任何词汇意义,只有语法功能,使读者清楚后面的句子是前面动词的宾语。That 在从句中不充当任何句子成分,只起连接主句和从句的作用。that 不用翻译出来,在口语当中常省略。除此以外,又语从句中有自己的主语,很容易与前面的主句分开,因此多数情况下 that 可以省略。如:Betty thinks(that)trees improve the air.贝蒂认为树可以改善空气。I hope(that)it will snow this winter.我希望今年冬天能下雪。I believe(that)well become good friends.我相信

3、我们会成为好朋友。有一点要注意,并非所有的动词后面都可接 that 引导的从句。接 that 引导的从句的谓语动词不可含有疑问的含义,常见的多是表示观点、看法、意念、要求等方面概念的词,如:believe, feel, hear, hope, expect, explain, prefer, promise, report, say, see, tell, think, understand, wish, warn 等。2. whether/if 引导的宾语从句如果我们要标达一个不确定的概念,比如:“记不清” 、 “不知道” 、 “问” 、 “想知道”等等,就要用 whether/ if 表示

4、,不能再用 that。He doesnt know whether they will plant trees on Saturday or not.他不知道他们周六是否会去植树。I cant remember whether/if I have seen him before. 我记不清以前是否见过他。He asks whether/ if we will go fishing on Sunday.他问周日我们是否去钓鱼?Tom wants to know whether/ if he needs to come early tomorrow.汤姆想知道明天他是否有必要早来。注意:一般情况下

5、 if 和 whether 可以通用。但如果从句后面还有一个选择性词语 or not,则常用 whether,构成 whetheror not 的结构。3. 疑问词引导的宾语从句有的句子不是用 that 连接,也不是用 whether 或 if 连接,而是用 when,where,how,Why 等疑问词连接。这是从句意思表达的需要。比如“他问什么时间出发”中的“什么时间出发”必须用一个疑问词才能表达;如果遇到什么时间,什么地点,什么方式,什么原因之类的疑问时,我们就要是用相应的疑问词来连接从句。但是同学们一定要注意,在疑问词引导的宾语从句中,一定要用陈述句语序。如:He asks how w

6、e can help protect the environment.他问我们怎样才能为保护环境出点力。I cant understand why they like computer games so much.我不理解他们为什么如此喜欢电脑游戏。They havent decided where they should go for the holiday.他们还没有确定到什么地方去旅行。Do you know when we will hold the sports meeting?你知道我们什么时候开运动会吗?(二)语法专项训练1. Do you know _ I could pass

7、 the exam?Sorry, Ive no idea.A. thatB. whetherC. whatD. which2. Im waiting for the mail. Do you know _ it will arrive?Usually it comes by 4:00.A. howB. whereC. whenD. what3. Id like to know _ or not.A. whether will he comeB. whether has he comeC. whether he will comeD. that he will come4. They asked

8、 me _ during the May Day holidays.A. where had I goneB. where I had goneC. where had I beenD. where I had gone5. She did not tell us _.A. how old the patient isB. how old was the patientC. how old the patient wasD. how old is the patient6. We dont know _ he is.They say he is much better these days.A

9、. whatB. whoC. howD. where7. Could you tell me _ yesterday?A. what they doB. what they didC. what do they doD. what did they do8. I knew that the sun _ in the east when I was a child.A. will riseB. roseC. riseD. rises9. She said _ she would leave the message on the headmasters desk.A. thatB. whereC.

10、 whichD. what10. The man asked me if I _ him the way to the bus stop.A. can tellB. could tellC. will tellD. tell(三)重点句子详解1. Dig slowly, or youll be too tired to finish.慢慢挖,不然的话你会很累,干不完活的。* 本句是“祈使句+or+并列分句”的句型,or 连接连个分句,前面的分句相当于 if 引导的否定性从句。如:Hurry up, or youll be late.= If you dont hurry up, you wil

11、l be late.你快一点,不然就迟到了。Take the chance, or you will regret.=If you dont take the chance, you will regret it.抓住这个机会,否则你会后悔的。Stand still, or Ill shoot.=If you dont stand still, Ill shoot.* 有时前一个句子只有一个名词或名词短语。A word from you and hell change his mind.=If you say a word, hell change his mind.只要你说一句话,他就会改变

12、主意。One more foul and hell be sent out of the court.他再犯一次规,就要罚出场了。*“祈使句+and+并列分句”的句型中,祈使句表示条件,相当于一个条件状语从句。如Work hard and youll succeed.= If you work hard, youll succeed.努力学习,你就能成功。Stir,and you are a dead man.=If you stir, you are a dead man.动一动我就打死你。* tooto 意为“太而不能” ,其句型结构为“too+形容词/副词+to+动词原形” ,该句型用于

13、肯定句,但表达否定的意思。如:He is too old to walk.他太老了,以致走不动了。Its too hard for him to learn English well.学好英语对他来说太难了。The box is too heavy for me to carry.那只箱子对我来说太重了,搬不动。* 当 tooto do 前面有 only,but 等词时,或出现“never tooto do”或“toonot to do”的双重否定时,该句型就不表达否定含义了。如:Its never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。You are never too old

14、to enjoy the music.你不会因为年纪大了而不喜欢这音乐。2. Were cutting down too many trees.我们正在过量砍伐树木。* cut down 此处意为“砍倒”A quarter of the forest reserves had been cut down by 1974.到 1974 年,四分之一的森林保护区已被砍伐一空。How much is it going to cost us to cut all these trees down?把这些树全部砍倒要花费我们多少钱?* cut down 可意为“削减” “减少” ,如Save time

15、for yourself by cutting your shopping down to twice a week.拔去商店购物减少到每星期两次,以此为自己节省时间。She cut down on smoking.她抽烟有所减少。* cut down 可以表示“改短(衣服) ”If you cut down this T-shirt, itll fit your son.如果你把 T 恤改短,就能适合你儿子穿。* cut someone down to size 表示“使(某人)知道自己的分量” “使(某人)有自知之明”That should cut her down to size.那该让她有点自知之明了。



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