北师大版高中英语选修六Unit 16《Stories》word导学案2

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1、Unit16 STORIES 导学案导学案(9)Language Awareness编者:祝引弟 审核:高二英语组Tips: The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you cant have them. Learning Aims:1.Master some words and phrases.2.Enjoy the some English ads.3. Learn about & use the grammar -have get sth done. Learning importa

2、nt points:1.Master some words and phrases.2. Learn about & use the grammar-have get sth done. Learning difficult point: Learn about & use the grammar-have get sth done.Learning procedures(学习过程): Step I Words A 级 (英汉互译,并记忆单词) 1. tactic _ 2.fantasy _ 3.shave_ 4.image_ 5.domestic_ 6.violence_ 7.charity

3、_ 8.justified_ (B 级) 9.deliberately_10.offensive_ ( B 级) 11.upgrade _( B 级)StepII Pharses B(理解下列短语含义) 1.present sb with sth _ = _ 2. make sense_ 3.work out the solution_ 4.play with words _ 5.hold ones attention _ 6.in this that case _ 7. go too far_ 8. put up with _近义词_ _ StepIII 汉译英 (C 级 使用上述短语翻译下

4、列句子) 1. 我们决定送他一本新小说。 _2. 这个句子没有意思。 _ 3. 在那种情况下,为了不引起他人的注意,你应该忍住疼痛。 _ 4. 不要只玩文字游戏,这太过分了。 _ Setp IV Grammar (理解语法规则并运用) To have get something done (即 have get 的复合结构) 一、概念:C 级 表示:要别人为自己做某事 【比较下列句子】 I fixed the washing machine.(I did it myself)(我自己做的) I had my washing machine fixed.(I asked someone to f

5、ix it for me) (我让 别人为我修的) 【及时反馈】 C 级 Do the exercise 3 on page 15. Answers: 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 二、形式(forms) C 级 ( 用 have get 的相应时态填空 ) 1.一般现在时 I _ my hair cut. 2.一般过去时 I _ my hair cut. 3.现在进行时 I_ my hair cut. 4.过去进行时 I _ my hair cut. 5.现在完成时 I _ my hair cut. 6.过去完成时 I _ my hair cut. 7.will I _ my

6、 hair cut. 8. must I _ my hair cut. 9.be going to I _ my hair cut. 【及时反馈】 C 级 Look at the exercise 3 on page 15 again and speak out their forms.(说出属于此用法的句子的形式) Answers: 1. _ 2. _ 3._三、后接过去分词作宾补的词有:1. 感官类,如:see, notice, watch, observe, hear, feel,find 等2. 使动类,如:keep, leave,make, have,get 等【及时练习】 D 级1

7、.我发现这个猫被杀了。_2.我看到花被浇过水了。_3.今天早上我去剪了头发。_Step V 单选 D 级1.He was disappointed to find his suggestions _.A. been turned down B .turned downC. turn down D. being turned down2.he had his leg _in the match yesterday.A. to break B.broken C .break D .breaking 3. Good morning . Can I help you ? Id like to have

8、 this package _ , madam . A . be weighed B . to be weighed C . to weigh D . weighed 4. The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself_. A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard 5. The house had been out of condition for years,so they decide to_A.get it rebuilt B.get it to rebuild C.have i

9、t be rebuilt D.have rebuilt it 6.Im going to have my radio _, without which I cant listen to music.A. to fix B. fixed C. fix D. fixing 7. Jack didnt get his bicycle _because he was very busy.A. to be repaired B. repaired C. to repair D. repairingStepVI 单句改错 D 级1. This morning Mr. Green got his son g

10、o to school so early that he could have enough time to meet his friends._ 2. Susan went to the hospital so early as to get her daughter examing on the day ._ 3. The old man had his old car sell this morning and got 200._ 4. All the boys had their eyes fixing on the moving basketball._ 5. Seeing their star come into the hall, the fans got theirs hands to raise high._ Step VII 小结与反思_



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