外研版英语九上《Unit 2 Remember three words Reduce, reuse and recycle》word教案

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《外研版英语九上《Unit 2 Remember three words Reduce, reuse and recycle》word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语九上《Unit 2 Remember three words Reduce, reuse and recycle》word教案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 6 Save our world Unit 2 Remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle课型:读写课【学习目标学习目标】1.掌握词汇waste、energy、pollution、recycle、reusable、reduce、reuse、repair、environmental、hopeless、necessary、plastic、sort、harm、material词组句型 instead of、do harm to、make a difference to、Its+adj.+to do 、stop from能够使用本单元的

2、新词汇;2.能够通过阅读,从生活细节中采取措施来保护环境,保护地球,进而培养学生的忧患意识和主人翁意识。3.能根据关键词复述课文,并发表自己的看法。【课前准备课前准备】1、课前朗读本模块的词汇(学生自己朗读、领读或齐读) 。2、四人一组口头检查词汇拼写情况。【学习过程学习过程】1、 复习 Unit 1. 2、 背景知识。Saving Our Natural ResourcesThe problemIn 1991 the worlds population was 5.4 billion people and growing exponentially at a rate of 1.8%. Th

3、is meant that in 1992 there were another 97 million people to feed, house and clothe. Even then one out of every five people went hungry and didnt have drinking water. More and more our resources are being tapped to the point of exhaustion. Non-renewable resources such as minerals, metals and fossil

4、 fuels must be conserved. Perpetually renewable resources such as flowing water as well as solar and wind energy must be used and potentially renewable resources such as our air, water, soil and animal and plant life must be cared for. Our air:The 1990 Federal Air Toxics Inventory ranked Passaic Cou

5、nty as 6th in the State of New Jersey for toxic emissions. 52% of those toxins were foun d to come from manageable sources. Of these, 38% were from mobile sources (with cars and trucks making up 29%) and 9% from non-road vehicles such as lawnmowers and boats. Another 32% were from solvents such as t

6、hose used in degreasers, pesticides and cleaners.Our water:The earth has a huge amount of water, yet only about 1% is fresh and usable. In 1988, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) found that 71% of our monitored streams and rivers were too polluted from bacteria to allow s

7、wimming. They also found that 28% of our coastal waters had to be closed to shellfish harvesting.Our soil: According the NJDEP, as of 1992, only 2% of New Jersey residents participated in hazardous waste collection events, so the chances of toxins from used motor oil, pesticides, cleaners and solven

8、ts are being dumped onto the ground and eventually polluting our ground water is very high.3、多层阅读。a 快速默读文章,回答下面的问题:Do you open a window instead of turning on air conditioning?Do you buy things produced local instead of made aboard?Do you take your own cloth bag when shopping instead of using plastic

9、 bags?Do you sort the waste before throwing it away?b.再次阅读文章,选择答案:Which things you should do if you want to be green?A. Buy the latest fashions B. Choose local productsC. Waste energy when things are made D. Buy things from abroadE. Repair things F. Use paper cups and bagsG. Throw things away H. Bur

10、n things c.小组讨论:完成下列表格We shouldWe shouldntreason 1.save2buy anything that is unnecessary.Reduce(use less)3 This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment1 2Throw broken things and buy new onesReuse(use again)3Use a paper cup or a paper bag.1 2 Throw things away or burn t

11、hem. Recycle (changethings intosomething else)3 It saves energy4、语言知识归纳。 请精读文章,找出并写下疑难问题_ 结队或小组内交流,记下仍然解决不了的问题_ 语言点导学: Do you care about protecting the environment and saving energy?你关心环保和节能吗?care about 可以表示“关心,重视;介意,在乎“。如:Most parents care very much about their childrens future. 大多数父母都特别关心自己孩子的将来。

12、【拓 展】care 这个词的用法很多。care for sth. 用于否定句或疑问句中,常与 would 连用,表示“愿意或同意做某事;希望或喜欢做某事“。如:Would you care for going for a walk with me? 愿意和我一起去散步吗?care for 还有“照看;照顾“的意思,与 take care of 和 look after 同义,常用于被动语态中。如:Old people are cared for by the whole society老年人受到整个社会的照顾 it does harm to our environment. 对我们的环境有害H

13、arm 作名词,意为“损害;伤害”,应和介词 to 连用。如:Smoking does harm not only to the smokers but also to people around them. 吸烟不仅危害吸烟者,而且还殃及周围的人。【拓 展】harm 还可以作动词。如:Lots of houses were harmed in the Wenchuan earthquake. 汶川地震中大量房屋受损。 harm 对应的形容词是 harmful, 意为“对有害的;可致损伤的”,也应和介词 to 连用。如 Sleeping too much is as harmful to he

14、alth as sleeping too little. 睡得太多太少都会危害健康。do harm to“对有害处” do good to “对有好处”如:Ill never do harm to them.A holiday will do good to you. In fact,even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment.其实,即使是最简单的日常小事也能对环境产生很大影响。make a difference to“对产生重大影响”everyday 是形容词,意思是“

15、日常的”、 “普通的”。如:We learn everyday English. The man wore everyday clothes.【拓 展】every day 是副词短语,意思是“每天”、 “天天”的意思。如:How do you go to school every day?I pay visits to Mr. Green every day. Use things for as long as possible.as long as possible.是 as+adj/adv as possible 这样一种结构,表示“尽可能。 ” 相当于 as+adj/adv+as one can,强调形容词或副词。如:See these men as soon as possiblePlease come to school as quickly as possible.(同义句)Please come to school as quickly as _ _ We should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away.instead of 意为“代替,而不是”instead of 是介宾短语,后面



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