北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 21《Human Biology》(lesson1.1)word学案

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《北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 21《Human Biology》(lesson1.1)word学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 21《Human Biology》(lesson1.1)word学案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit21Unit21 warmwarm upup学习目标By the end of the class, the students will be able to: learn and revise the words related to the topic. get the general idea of the text and the writer viewpoints. 学习过程 课堂活动 (一)预习交流.Word.Word bank.bank.MatchMatch thethe wordswords withwith theirtheir ChineseChinese meme

2、anings.anings. intervalinterval n.n. 听觉听觉 digestdigest n.n.间隔;间歇间隔;间歇 swapswap n.n. 脉搏脉搏 hearinghearing vt.vt. 消化消化 pulsepulse vi.vi. 交换交换 MatchMatch thethe wordswords withwith theirtheir meanings.meanings. enhanceenhance increaseincrease supremesupreme stand;bearstand;bear toleratoleratete highest,

3、greatesthighest,greatest doubtfuldoubtful yearlyyearly seekseek dodo notnot believe,believe, suspicioussuspicious annualannual looklook forfor (二)合作探究ReadRead thethe texttext again,again, matchmatch thethe keykey informationinformation withwith eacheach part.part. PartPart one.one. (1-2)(1-2) Doping

4、Doping PartPart one.one. (3-6)(3-6) RecordsRecords havehave fallenfallen PartPart one.one. (7)(7) OlympicOlympic spiritspirit PartPart one.one. (8)(8) Gene-therapyGene-therapy (三)分层提高(1). 1.Show the writers attitude towards the drugs and gene-therapy.You may refer to the following words and expressi

5、ons or the text. come across the issue, drug, cure disease; in the wrong hands, abuse, tolerate doping; gene-therapy, big threat, oppose; violate the Olympic spirit, taking part rather than winning(2). Use your own words to show the writers viewpoints.Example: A:Which champion athlete can run 100 me

6、tres in 8 seconds? B:I dont know. But we come across the issue-enhancing drugs. These drugs are developed to help people with illnesses, but in the wrong hands, they create “supreme athletes”. A: Taking these drugs is known as “doping”,they cause problems for those who abuse them. B:The sports world

7、 does not tolerate doping as it is a fundamental form of cheating. A: Yes. “Gene-therapy ”will be the next big threat. It is controversial and many people oppose further research into it. B: I agree. Both doping and gene-therapy violate the Olympic spirit. The spirit of competition-higher,faster, stronger-emphasises taking part rather than winning.Thats why thousands of people are crazy about their hero and the great Olympic!(四)总结归纳(五)巩固反馈Words Complete the exercise.


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