冀教版英语九下《Unit 5 Culture Shapes Us》word学案

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1、冀教版九年级下冀教版九年级下Unit 5 Culture Shapes US 学案学案 【基础知识精讲基础知识精讲】 单词精讲单词精讲 Shape Perhaps Dinner ThoughKnockHangOfferserve Strange Mind flat politely hardlycentral respect difference memory compare accept storkbeak rudely ancestor immigrant tolerate dancerhost 短语与句型精讲 knock on May I come in?hang uphelp your

2、self (yourselves) to,May I serve you some? Thank you!Just a little, please. Would you like some more?hand in Its very kind of you. Thank you.Ive had enough. compare to/ with 重点句子分析:1. At 6:00 on Saturday, Jenny and Brian knock on Dannys door. 詹妮和布莱恩星期六 6 点 来敲丹尼的门。 knock 是不及物动词,后面跟介词 on 或 at 再加宾语,意为“

3、敲”She wanted to knock at the door to make her son wake up. 她想通过敲门叫醒她的儿子。knock 还可以做名词,例:There is a big knock at the door. 有大的敲门声。2. Just hang up your coats in the closet! 就把你的大衣挂在壁橱里吧!hang 是动词, “挂,悬” 。过去分词为 hung,同过去式表示“绞死”时,过去式和过去分词为 hangedhang up“挂起” ,后面接宾语,当宾语为人称代词时,代词应放于 hang 和 up 中间。为 名词时,宾语可以放中间

4、也可以放于整个词组后,例:Just now she hung up her bag behind the door. 刚才她把包挂在了门后。 类似短语:put up,look up 等有宾语时有同样的用法。3. Im only offering dinosaur food tonight. 今天晚上我只提供恐龙食物。offer v. 提供,提出,构成的句式为: offer sth. to sb. 或 offer to do sth.提供某人某物 提出做 例:Offer some apples to the guests 给客人上些苹果4. “Help yourselves to some gr

5、ass.”随便吃些草。Help yourself/ yourselves to 随便吃(喝)例:“Help yourself to some pears, Jim.” Jim,随便吃些梨。5. “May I serve you some grass?”我可以给你上一些草吗?serve v. 提供(饭菜等) ,构成的句式为:serve sb. sth.The waiter served us some fruit.服务员给我们上了一些水果。6. Is that enough? 那足够了吗?enough adj. 足够的,充足的,表语。enough 作形容词时可以用来修饰名词,后面加不可数或可数复

6、数,例:Thee are enough people to pick up the apples. 有足够的人摘苹果。There is enough food for us to eat. 有足够的食物我们吃。enough 做副词,修饰形容词或副词,后置。例:He runs fast enough. 他跑得足够快。7. Look what time it is! 看几点了!look 此处表示惊叹的语气,主要用于引起对方注意。通常 look 后有逗号,有时也不用逗 号直接跟一个从句。例:Look, he is the boy I want you to meet. 嗨,他就是我想让你见的男孩。L

7、ook where youre going! 嘿,你往哪走!Look what Ive bought for you!瞧,我给你买什么了!8. “Pardon?” Says Danny. 丹尼说:“再说一次好吗?”pardon 原意为“原谅” ,经常在句中用来表示“请再说一遍。 ”表示没有听清对方的话,此时要用升调,相当于“I beg your pardon?”请再说一遍好吗?9. Thats what dinosaurs drank long ago. 那就是以前恐龙喝的水。what dinosaurs drank long ago 是表语从句 long ago 很久以前 【重点知识拓展重点

8、知识拓展】 1. Is that where you learn how to be a dinosaur? 那就是你学习做恐龙的地方吧?where you learn how to be a dinosaur 是表语从句2. Well, this week they taught us to sing some very old dinosaur songs. 噢,本周他们教我们 唱一些很古老的恐龙歌。 teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事She taught children to read and write. 她教孩子们读和写。teach sb. sth. 教某人某物

9、(双宾语)He teaches us English. 他教我们英语。 teach sb. 教某人He teaches us. 他教我们。 teach sth. 教某物He teaches Chinese. 他教语文。3. I find other cultures very interesting.我发现别的文化很有意思。此句的结构为:find sth. + adj. 句中的形容词 interesting 是 other cultures 的补足语,还可 以用 v-ing 形式,过去分词,动词不定式 to be 作 find 的宾语补足语。例如:I found him smoking in

10、class. 我发现他在课堂上抽烟。When I got out I found my bike stolen. 我出来后,发现车子被偷了。I found her (to be) honest. 我认为她诚实。find 还可以加 it 作形式宾语,句式为: find it + adj. + to do 例:I find it difficult to learn English well. 我发现学好英语很困难。4. I hope we will like dinosaur food. 我希望我们喜欢恐龙食物。hope 后面的“we will like dinosaur”是宾语从句。hope

11、后可以直接加动词不定式。I hope to see him soon. 我希望早日见到他。5. Ill invite you to my home for a special dinosaur dinner. 我要邀请你去我家吃一顿特殊 的恐龙晚餐。invite sb. to + 地点 邀请某人去某处 invite sb. to do 邀请某人做某事He invited us to play football with them. 他邀请我们和他们一起踢足球。6. No, those arent really dinosaur foods, though I do love them.不,那些

12、不真的是恐龙食物,尽管我的确喜欢它们。 though 尽管,即使。常用来表达 让步状语从句,Though he is ill, he is still working. 尽管他病了,他还是继续工作。do 表示强调, “的确,一定” ,例:I do like him. 我的确喜欢他。 重点知识讲解:1. We would like to learn about your ways, so we can be friends. 我想了解你们的文化,这样 我们可以成为朋友。learn about “了解到的消息”We were grieved to learn about his death. 听到

13、他的死讯,我们非常悲痛。2. We welcome you to our home.我们欢迎你(们)来我们家。welcome sb. to + 地点 欢迎某人到某处 Welcome you to our school. 欢迎你们来我们学 校。Welcome here. 欢迎来这。 【中考考点衔接中考考点衔接】 选择填空从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择正确的一项。12. Jacks father is _ doctor.A. a B. an C. some D. / ( )13. He often does some washing _ Sunday.A. at B. in C. on D. by

14、 ( )14. This room is ours,and that one is _.A. they B. them C. their D. theirs ( )15. Tom is _ boy in his class.A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest ( )16. “Can you come here next Friday?” “Sorry,I _.”A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. may not ( )17. Did you _ the football match last night?A. see

15、 B. watch C. look D. read ( )18. There _ many high buildings in this city.A. is B. are C. have D. has ( )19. John has two brothers. One is an artist, _ is a scientist.A. the others B. another C. the other D. others ( )20. The man asked the policeman _.A. let him to go B. to let him to goC. let him go D. to let him go ( )21. Please


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