冀教版英语七下《Unit 2 On the Train》word复习教案

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1、Unit 2 On the Train一、一周课程概述1掌握现在进行时态的各种句型。2识别可数名词和不可数名词,掌握可数名词的复数变法。3学会使用就餐用语。二、重难点提示(一)重点句子1I see a big brown cow. 我看见一只大的棕色奶牛。a big brown cow 大的棕色奶牛当有几个形容词修饰一个名词时,其排列顺序应该是:限定词性质特征大小长短颜色中心词e.g. My sister is in a big yellow skirt today.今天我妹妹穿着 一件大的黄色裙子。Do you see that tall black boy? 你看到了那个黑黑的高个男生了吗

2、?He wears a very beautiful big gray cotton jacket. 他穿一件非常好看的大的灰色的棉外套。This is the very clever small 10-year-old Chinese girl. 这就是那个非常聪明的 10 岁中国小女孩。2What are you doing ? 你在干什么?Who is sitting behind you ? 谁正坐在你的后面?以上两句都是现在进行时的特殊疑问句。特殊疑问句一般由 how, what, who, why, where 等特殊疑问词引导。因为是特殊疑问句,故一般不能直接由 yes 或 no

3、 来回答。e.g. How is it going? 事情进展的怎么样啊?What is Li Ming doing now?李明现在在干什么呢?Who is listening to the music now? 谁现在在听音乐?Why is she doing this now? 为什么她现在要干这个?Where are you doing your homework now? 你现在在哪儿做你的家庭作业?3Everyone is tired and hungry. 每个人现在都又累又饿。everyone 是不定代词,在句中可做主语和宾语等。注意 everyone 只能用来指人,做主语时,

4、谓语动词要用单数,其意思相当于everybody.e.g. Everyone is going into class.人人都去上课了。Everyone knows him.大家都认识他。Everyone listens carefully in English class.上英语课时,每个人都听得很认真。类似的不定代词还有很多,比如 every, each, somebody, anybody, nobody, everyone, someone, anyone, everyone, something, anything, nothing, everything 等等。当它们在句中做主语,或

5、做限定词限定一个名词时,后面的谓语一律用单数。e.g. Each family has a clever and lovely child.每家都有一个聪明可爱的小孩。Listen! There is someone singing in the next room.听!隔壁有人在唱歌。4Would you like a cup of tea, Jenny? Jenny,你要不要喝一杯茶啊?would like 表示“想要” ,和 want 的意思相近, 但 would like 的语气要婉转,常表示客气的请示或建议。(1)would liken. e.g. Id like a cup of

6、coffee. 我想要一杯咖啡。(2)would liketo do 想要做e.g. Id like to have a walk. 我想去散散步。注意 would 的用法:(3)would 是情态动词 will 的过去式。e.g. He said he would come. 他说他将会来的。 (表在过去某个时刻所说的将来)(4)表示“喜欢,愿意;肯,要,会” 。e.g. What would you like? = What do you want? 你想要点什么?Even if I know, I would not tell. 即使我知道,我也不愿说If any friend shou

7、ld call, I would see him. 如果任何友人来访,我都愿意见他。(5)表示婉转的请求:e.g. Would you do this for me? 你帮我做这个行吗?Would you help me? 帮帮我行吗?(二)重点单词与短语1look out of 朝外面看e.g. Dont look out of the classroom when you are having class.上课时不要朝窗外看。look 还可以构成很多词组(1)look after 照料,照顾或照看某人(或某物)e.g. He needs to look after her mother a

8、fter school.他放学后要照顾他母亲。Please look after my little dog when I am out.当我不在的时候请照顾我的小狗。(2)look for something 寻找某物,期望或期待某事物e.g. What are you looking for? 你在找什 么?We shall be looking for your progress this semester. 这学期我们期待你的进步。(3)look out for sb./sth. 警惕某人或当心某人e.g. Look out for pickpockets!小心扒手!Do look o

9、ut for your spelling mistakes when you check your homework.检查作业时要当心拼写错误。2point 指,指向(不及物动词)point to sth. / point at sth 指向某物一般来说,指远的地方用 point to;指近的地方用 point at.e.g. He points at the screen.他指着屏幕。Mother pointed at the socks under the bed and said.妈妈指着床底下的袜子说。He points to the trees on the hill.他指着山上的树

10、。point 还可构成词组:point out 指出e.g. Please point out my errors.请指出我的错误。3have fun 玩得高兴,过得开心相当于 enjoy oneselfe.g. Do you have fun today?你今天玩得开心吗?Look! They are having fun!他们玩得正起劲呢!上面的句子也可以说成:Do you enjoy yourself today?Look! They are enjoy themselves!4play with 和一起玩e.g. Dont play with dirty animals.不要和脏动物一

11、起玩。Please dont play with fire.请不要玩火。My mother plays with me in the park every Sunday afternoon.我妈妈每个周日下午都会陪我在公园玩。三、语法小结(一)现在进行时态1现在进行时态的主要用法:(1)表示说话时正在进行的动作。e.g. Im reading, while hes writing我在读书而他在写字。(2)表示现阶段正在进行的动作,但此刻不一定在进行。e.g. He is writing a novel. 他正在写一本小说。 (但说话时不一定在写小说)2现在进行时态的构成:*肯定结构:主语+系动

12、词(be)+动词-inge.g. We are having English class.我们正在上英语课。*现在进行时态的否定形式:结构:主语+系动词的否定形式(be+ not)+动词-ing.e.g. I am not waiting for my mother.我不是在等我妈妈。It is not raining heavily outside. 外面现在没有下雨了。*现在进行时态的一般疑问句形式:结构:系动词+主语+动词-ing+?e.g. Are you waiting for an important call from your boss in Shanghai?你是在等你上海老

13、板的一个重要电话吗?Is it raining heavily outside?外面还在下大雨吗?*现在进行时态的特殊疑问句形式:结构:疑问词+系动词+主语+动词-ing+?e.g. What are you doing?你正在干什么Who is watching TV?谁在看电视啊?What is cooking on the stove now?火炉上在煮什么?3现在分词的构成规则:(1)一般在词尾加 ing,如:go-going, play-playing (2)结尾有不发音的 e 时,去 e 加 ing,如:live-living, write-writing (3)重读闭音节词,在词

14、尾双写最后一个字母,加 ing,如:put-putting, sit-sitting (二)名词的数英文中名词分可数名词和不可数名词。凡是可以计数的名词是可数名词,不能计数的名词是不可数名词。通常修饰可数名词的词有:不定冠词、定冠词、数词、many, a lot of, some 等。修饰不可数名词的词有:定冠词、much、a lot of、some、a little 等。1规则名词的复数形式:名词的复数形式,一般在单数形式后面加-s 或-es。如下表:2不规则名词复数:英语里有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,现归纳如下:食物和饮料类名词的简单分类:(1)可数名词:apple, pear, ora

15、nge, banana, cake, noodle, dumpling, chip, potato, tomato ,carrot, onion, vegetable, drink, chicken, hamburger.(2)不可数名词:rice, milk, porridge, bread, meat, pork, beef, fish(鱼肉), coke, coffee, juice, water, ice-cream, chicken, tofu, tea, food, fruit不可数名词不能用数量词直接修饰,但如果它前面带了量词,那么它可以用数词修饰。e.g. a piece of bread 一块面包a bag of rice 一袋大米five pieces of meat 五块肉ten bags of milk 十袋牛奶


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