冀教版英语九下《Unit 4 Work for Peace》word教案

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1、 Unit 4 Work for Peace本单元的话题是“为和平工作”,掌握有关和平的信息及一些语句,尤其是表达同意、不同意的一些语句,激发学生的爱国热情,为维护世界和平而努力学习。(一)语言知识1. 掌握的词汇:fight , flood , peaceful , raise , symbol , army , prepare , gun , obey , agree , speech , probably , belong , disagree , angry.2. 认知词汇:thief , unhappy , agreed , dove , olive , branch , Eden

2、, God , gather , battle , rage , suffering , opinion , council , religion , earn.3. 词组和句型:Whose money do you think it is ?stop fighting , have / hold a meetingThat sounds like a good idea.the Garden of Eden , and so on, I agree with you.agree to do , You two have already agreed about something.have

3、a talk , belong to , at last , I really cant agree with .4. 功能意念:Agreement and disagreement 同意和不同意5. 语法:Object Clause (II) 宾语从句(二)语言技能1. 听听懂接近正常语速的故事,理解故事的因果关系,并能以词或词组方式记录主要信息。2. 说有效地询问信息和请求帮助。3. 读根据不同的阅读目的运用阅读策略获取文章大意,找出文章主题,理解大意,预测其发展及结局。4. 写独立写短文、短信,并在教师的指导下修改。(三)学习策略通过音像材料丰富自己的学习,注意生活中英语的使用,在交际中

4、运用课文中的语言知识。(四)情感态度敢于说英语,培养兴趣和信心,了解世界,热爱和平。(五)文化意识培养热爱和平的文化意识。(六)重点和难点1. 要求掌握的词汇及短语。2. 表达同意不同意的语句。3. 宾语从句。Lesson 25 Talk, Dont Fight学习目标掌握的词汇及短语:fight (fought / fought)重点语句分析1. Jenny and Brian see Danny walking down the street, carrying a bag.詹妮和布来恩看见丹尼拿着包沿着街走着。walk down . 沿着走(go down . / walk along

5、/ go along)carrying a bag 是 v-ing 形式短语,作 walking 的状语,说明方式或伴随情况,作伴随状语,例:The boy sat there , crying.那个男孩坐在那里哭。They ran out of the classroom, talking and laughing.他们说笑着跑出教室。2. Im sorry to hear that. 听到这件事我很难过。此句一般用来回答听到一些不好或不幸的消息。例: My mother is ill. I have to stay at home to look after her. Im sorry t

6、o hear that.3. You should give me back my money.你应该把钱还给我。give sth. back to sb. / give sb. back sth.把某物还给某人,相当于 return sth. to sb. 或 return sb. sth.give back 归还 come back / be back 回来get back 取回 go back 回去4. Whose money do you think it is, Jenny?詹妮,你认为钱是谁的?do you think 在特殊疑问句中常被看作插入语,但要注意后面用陈述句的语序。例:

7、Who do you think is standing there?你认为谁站在那儿?Where do you think he will go?你认为他要去哪儿?When do you think he will come?你认为他何时来?Whose book do you think this is?你认为这是谁的书?5. It was mine, and I spent it on Sandras shirt.是我的,而且我已花在了 Sandras 的衬衫上了。spend . on . 在某方面花(时间或金钱),还有spend . (in) doing sth. on 后加名词,in

8、后加 doing 形式的动词,in 可以省去,例:I spend a little time on TV.我花很少的时间看电视。I spend much time reading books.我花很多时间看书。另外,cost,pay for,take 也可以作“花费”讲,句式为:Sth. costs (sb.) + money. (常用作花钱)Sb. pays money for sth. (常用来指花钱)It takes sb. time to do sth. (花时间)某人用时间做The book cost me ten yuan.这本书花去我 10 元钱。I paid ten yuan

9、for the book.It will take me much time to do that work.做那个工作会用去我很多时间。Lesson 26 Good Friends Shouldnt Fight学习目标1. 掌握的词汇及短语:have / hold a meeting2. 识别的词汇及短语:thief , unhappy , agreed , stop fighting重点语句分析1. You two arent still fighting, are you?你们两个不再打架了,是吗?two 作 you 的同位语。此句是反意疑问句,前面(陈述部分)是否定形式,后面(疑问部分

10、)用肯定形式,注意答语。例:You arent a teacher, are you?你不是老师,是吗?Yes, I am. (不,我是)No, Im not. (是的,我不是)2. “Jenny, ” says Brian, “Will you please tell Danny that I think hes a thief?”“詹妮,”布莱恩说,“请你告诉丹尼,我认为他是个贼,好吗?”“that I think hes a thief”是宾语从句,hes a thief 又是从句中的宾语从句。Will you please do .? 请求句式,请你做好吗?否定形式在 please 后

11、加 not。Will you please help me?请你帮我好吗?3. If you want to say something, you should talk to each other.如果你想说什么,你们应该谈一谈。If you want say something 是条件状语从句,在条件状语从句中通常用anything,此处用 something 表示说话人希望对方(肯定)想说些什么。4. Shall we meet at 7:30 tomorrow evening at Jennys house. Agreed!我们在 Jenny 家明天 7 点半见面好吗?Shall we

12、 do .? 表示请求用于第一人称(I,we)Shall we watch TV? 我们看电视好吗?Shall we have a rest? 我们休息一会儿好吗?at Jennys house 在詹妮家,也可以表示为:at Jennys。agreed 形容词,同意的、意见一致的。Lesson 27 The Dove and the Olive Branch学习目标1. 掌握的词汇及短语:flood,peaceful,raise,symbol,and so on,drive out of (驱逐出)2. 识别的词汇及短语;dove,olive,branch,Eden,God重点句子分析1. T

13、hey must die in the Great Flood, all except Noah because he is a good man.人们必须在大洪水中死亡,诺亚除外,因为他是个好人。Great Flood. 大洪水,灭世洪水。because he is a good man 是原因状语从句except 介词,除之外,but 也有此含义。例:All went to the cinema except (but) Jim.所有人都去看电影了,除了吉姆。2. In the evening the dove comes back with a green olive branch in

14、 its mouth, showing that land is near and the danger is over.傍晚,鸽子嘴里叼着一个绿色橄榄枝回来了。这表明陆地在附近,危险结束了。with a green olive branch in its mouth 是介词 with 的复合结构,作伴随状语。showing that land is near and danger is over 是动词的 ing 形式,作结果状语。land is near and danger is over 是两个宾语从句。She said good-bye with tears in her eyes.

15、 她含着泪说再见。3. Since then, people think both the dove and the olive branch mean a peaceful land and a peaceful life.从那时起,人们认为鸽子和橄榄树意味着和平的土地和和平的生活,所以他们用鸽子口衔橄榄枝的图画来表示他们热爱和平。both the dove and olive branch mean a peaceful land and peaceful life 是宾语从句;with an olive branch in its mouth 是介词短语作 dove 的定语,to sho

16、w their love for peace 是不定式短语,表示目的。both . and . 既又,不但而且,连接句中并列成分,连接主语时用复数形式。例:Both he and his sister like computer games.他和妹妹都喜欢电脑游戏。peaceful 形容词“和平的”,peace 是名词。4. I would love to raise doves and plant an olive tree.我想养一只鸽子种一棵橄榄树。raise 动词,饲养、种植,增长,举起 例:They raised their hands. (put up) 他们举起手。They raise rice. (grow) 他们种水稻。He raises a dog. (keep)



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