仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit 1 Topic 3《What class are you in》(Section C)教案

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1、Unit1 Topic3 Section C 参考教案参考教案The main activities are 1 and 3. 本课重点活动是 1 和 3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some words and expressions:year, years old, now, school, same, but, friend, these, egg, those, bus, box, cake, schoolbag2. Learn the plural form of the countable nouns and the plura

2、l form of the demonstratives “this”, “that”, “am/is”.(1)a pencil three pencils(2)a box five boxes(3)an orange four oranges(4)this these(5)that those(6)am/is are3. Talk about the expressions of this/that/these/those:(1)Is this/that a/an ?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.(2)Are these/those ?Yes, they are. /

3、No, they arent. Teaching aids 教具/图片 /音频设备/学习用品 / 绳子 / 卡片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:7 分钟)1. (复习上节课学过的对话与语法。 )T: Class begins!Monitor: Stand up, please.T: Good morning/afternoon, class!Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Mr. /Mrs.!T: Lets review the dialogs in Section B first,

4、and then lets review “this/that” and “a/an”.(拿起一个苹果的图片,先师生对话,再让全体学生齐声复说一遍。 )T: Excuse me, S1. Whats this in English?S1:Its an apple.T: How do you spell it?S1: A-double P-L-E, apple.T: Thank you.S1: Thats OK.T: Great, S1, sit down, please. Now boys and girls, repeat the dialog together, please.Ss:(把一

5、支铅笔放在较远处,老师指着铅笔,和一名学生对话,复习巩固“that”。)T: Excuse me, S2. Whats that in English?S2: Its a pencil.T: How do you spell it?S2: P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil.T: Thank you.S2: Youre welcome.T:Very good! Sit down, please.Boys and girls, repeat the dialog together, please.2. (复习 this/that 的用法。 )(教师手拿一块橡皮和学生对话。 )T: Hello

6、, S3! Look at this, is this an eraser?S3: Yes, it is.(将橡皮放在较远处,指着橡皮再问。 )T: Is that a pen?S3: No, it isnt. Its an eraser.T: Thank you. Sit down, please.Boys and girls, repeat the dialog together, please.3. (复习 a/an,教师拿着学习用品或水果图片问学生。 )T: Listen to me carefully, and answer my questions, please. A ruler

7、 or an ruler?Ss: A ruler.T: Good! This is a ruler. You cant use “an”.(拿起桔子的图片问。 )T: A orange or an orange?Ss: An orange.T: Youre right. This is an orange. You cant use “a”. Now, look at the blackboard, and fill in the blanks with “a” or “an”.(板书下列内容。 )Desk apple book orangeStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现

8、 (时间:10 分钟)1. (教师先做自我介绍,介绍以下内容: 来自哪里、年龄、所在学校、年级、班级以及电话号码。然后把第一人称改为第二人称,呈现介绍他人的表达,为学习 1 Read and understand 做准备。提醒学生第一人称单数 I 后面跟 be 动词am,第三人称单数 he/she 后面跟 be 动词 is。 )T: Boys and girls, Ill introduce myself to you, and then Ill introduce a student. Listen carefully.My name is ., Im . years old. Now Im

9、 in .School, Im in Class Four, Grade Seven. My phone number is 13845684578.(介绍一名学生 S1,全班学生复述老师的话,为 1 Read and understand 作铺垫。板书介绍学生的话语。 )T:S1, come here. Boys and girls, listen to me.S1 is from China. She is twelve years old. Now she is in Yuying Junior High School. She is in Class One, Grade Seven.

10、 Her phone number is (0514) 783-1500.Ss: T: Listen to me and repeat, then answer these questions according to the passage.(板书下列问题。 )(1)Whats her name? Her name is Jane.(2)How old is she?She is twelve.(3)Where is she from?She is from Beijing.(4)What class is she in? She is in Class Four.(5)What grade

11、 is she in? She is in Grade Seven.T:(解释表格,全班同学朗读短文后填表。 )Read the passage together. Then complete the chart.NameAgeFromClassGradePhone Number2. (拿出第三部分的教学挂图,进行师生问答,完成 3 Look, listen and learn。 )T: Is this a pencil?Ss: Yes, it is.T: Is that an orange?Ss: Yes, it is.(告诉学生怎样表达两个以上的可数名词。 )T: How to say “

12、三支铅笔”, do you know? Listen:(板书下列内容。 )可数名词变复数规则:(1)一般在可数名词的末尾加-s。如:pen pens, book books(2)以 s, x, c 结尾的名词末尾加-es。如:bus buses, box boxes(拿出教学挂图,进行 Is this/that a/an ? Are these/those ? 句型教学,完成3 Look, listen and learn。 )T: Look at the picture, and answer my questions, please. Pay attention to the plural

13、 form of this/that.(1)T: Is this a pencil?Ss: Yes, it is.T: Is that a box?Ss: Yes, It is.T: Are these pencils?Ss: Yes, they are.T: Are those boxes?Ss: Yes, they are.(2)T: Is this an orange?Ss: Yes, it is.T: Is that a bus?Ss: Yes, it is.T: Are these oranges?Ss: Yes, they are.T: Are those buses?Ss: Ye

14、s, they are.(让学生参照例子,完成 3 Look, listen and learn 对 Is this/that .? Are these/those .? 句型的操练。 )Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:8 分钟)1. (拿出教学挂图,师生对话,完成 2。 )(拿出 2 中的第一幅图,指着图问。 )T: Is this an egg?Ss: Yes, it is.T: Are these eggs?Ss: Yes, they are.(找两个学生上讲台扮演教师问话,使课堂气氛更活跃。 )(拿出 2 中的第二幅图画,挂在稍远的地方,师生对话。 )T

15、: Are those cars?Ss: No, they arent.T: What are those in English?Ss: Theyre buses.(划线生词要重读。 )(找两个学生上讲台扮演教师和其他学生进行问答。 )2. (板书下列内容,让学生根据内容进行问答操练,巩固 1。 )T: Look at the blackboard, then ask and answer.NameAgeFromClassGradePhone numberYang Xin13China27(010) 6662-7443Example:S1: Whats her name?S1: How old

16、 is she?S1: Wheres she from?S1: What class is she in?S1: What grade is she in?S1: Whats her phone number?S2: Her name is Yang Xin.S2: She is thirteen.S2: She is from China.S2: She is in Class 2.S2: She is in Grade 7.S2: (010)6662-7443.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:15 分钟)1. (做一个“找单词,拼句子”游戏,练习 Is this/that , Are these/those 句型。



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