仁爱版七上Unit1《Topic 3 What class are you in》word教案D

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1、七上仁爱版英语七上仁爱版英语 Unit 1 Topic 3 What class are you in Section D 教学设计教学设计The main activities are 1, 2 and 5. 本课重点活动是 1, 2 和 5。 . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标教学目标1. Learn the vowels:/, /, /, /, /j/, / 2. Learn some useful words and expressions: now, school, her, phone, his, same, but, friend, high, ID

2、 number, junior high school 3. Review some interrogative sentences, questions and answers: (1) Whats this/that in English? Its an eraser/a map. What are these/those? Theyre books/apples. (2) Is this/that a cake? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Are these/those oranges? Yes, they are./No, they arent. 4. Revi

3、ew some useful expressions: (1) How old are you? Im twelve, too. (2) What class are you in? Im in Class Four, Grade Seven. (3) How old is she? She is fourteen. (4) What grade is she in? Shes in Grade Eight. (5) How do you spell it? E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.(6) Can you spell it, please? Yes. M-A-P, map. (

4、7) Thank you./Thanks. Thats OK./Youre welcome. . Teaching aids 教具教具 录音机/图片/卡片/投影仪或小黑板 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步第一步 复习复习(时间:10 分钟)1. (师生对话,复习日常用语,组织课堂教学。) T: Lets begin our class. Monitor: Stand up, please! T: Good morning/afternoon, class!Ss:Good morning/afternoon, Mr

5、. /Miss ! T: Sit down, please! Ss:Thank you. T: Hello! Whats your name? S1: My name is S1. T: How old are you? S1: Im twelve. T: What class are you in? S1: Im in Class One, Grade Seven. T: Whats your phone number? S1: Its (010)6800-3553. T: Thank you. Sit down, please (让 S1把上面的几个问题串联起来,组成一段自我介绍的短文,复

6、习写作。) T: Now S1, put your answers together, then make a short passage to introduce yourself. S1: My name is S1. Im from Beijing. Im twelve years old. Im in Class One, Grade Seven. My phone number is (010)6800-3553. Thank you. (教师帮助。) 2. (出示地图和小汽车的图片,让学生两人一组问答,复习 Whats this/that in English? What are

7、these/those? 句型。) T: Look at this picture, boys and girls. Please ask and answer in pairs. S2: Whats this in English? S3: Its a car. S2: How do you spell it? S3: C-A-R, car. S2: Thank you. S3: Thats OK. S2: Look! Whats that in English? S3: Its a map. S2: How do you spell it? S3: M-A-P, map. S2: Than

8、k you. S3: Youre welcome. (出示多幅图片,复习指示代词、可数名词的复数表达。) S4: What are these? S5: Theyre buses. S4: What are those? S5: Theyre pencils. S4: Are those apples? S5: No, they arent. Theyre oranges. T: Thank you very much. You are all great. 3. (出示图片,复习 a/an 及单复数。教师展示一本书,一个鸡蛋及多件物品。选出两组学 生,一问一答,问的同学要用误导性的语言,而答

9、的同学要给出正确答语。看哪组进行 得流利、准确。) Now, I need(需要) four students to form two groups. The first group, S6, look at my book, then you ask S7 “A book” or “an book” S7 gives us your right answer. (S6进行误导式问,但 S7给 出正确答案。)S6: Look!“A book”or“an book”? S7: A book. S6: Good!“an egg”or“a egg”? S7: An egg. T: Very good

10、! Thank you! S8:“a pen”or“a pens”? S9: A pen. S8:“Two box”or“two boxes”? S9: Two boxes. S8: “Three bus”or“three buses”? S9: Three buses. T: Well done, boys and girls. 4. (教师带领学生活动,引入新课。) T: Lets chant together. A, A, A. Go and play. E, E, E. Come with me. I, I, I. Dont be shy. O, O, O. Let us go. U,

11、 U, U. You look cute.Step 2 Presentation 第二步第二步 呈现呈现(时间:13 分钟)1. (1) (根据刚才的 chant,教师带领学生们回想已学过的元音音标。从而引入新知识。) T: What do you know about the vowel letters?S1: A a. / / S2: E e. / / (教师用投影仪或小黑板展示一些单词,让学生按开音节、闭音节归类,看谁挑得快。 举手示意。)name cake zero grade that an map can she desk pen egg same these ten we(2)

12、(教师出示一些单词卡片,让学生听并模仿。) T: Ill read some words. Please listen and imitate. (教师板书,学生归纳这三个单词的共同读音。)bike knife nineT: Do they have the same vowel?Ss: Yes, /. (以同样的方法,教师读另一组单词。)six kid pig(学生归纳这些单词都含字母 i,在开音节单词中读/,在闭音节中读/,学生如 有 困难教师可帮助归纳,并告诉学生注意这两个音的发音口型。) (教师让学生想还有哪些单词有这样的发音特点。) T: Other words?S3: “It” s

13、ounds /. S4: “Nine” sounds /.(3) (教师以同样的方法教学 O o 的发音规律。) (教师先读一组单词,让学生听并模仿。) T: Ill read other words. Please listen and imitate. (教师板书,学生归纳这三个单词的共同读音。)go nose phone(以同样的方法,教师读另一组单词。)box dog shop(学生归纳这两组的读音特点,含有字母 O,在开音节单词中读/,在闭音节中读 /D/。教师解释这两个音的发音口型,并让学生试着发音。) (板书并领读)/bikeknifenineI i/sixkidpig/gono

14、sephoneO oboxdogshopT: Other words? S6: Orange sounds /D/.S7: Old sounds /. (4) (教师以同样的方法教学 Uu 的发音规律。) (5) (学生两人之间练习发音,一人用口型,但不发音,另一人猜对方发的是哪个音。教 师先找学生到讲台前示范,然后学生之间互相操练。) (6)(播放录音 1,学生听并跟读。完成 1。) 2. (教师面向全班学生介绍一名学生 S1,全班学生复述老师的话。提醒学生第一人称单数 I 后面跟 be 动词 am,第三人称单数 he/she 后面跟 be 动词 is。为学习 2 作铺垫,导入新课。 )T:

15、 S1, come here. Boys and girls, listen to me. S1 is from China. She is twelve years old. Now she is in No.1 Middle School. She is in Class One, Grade Seven. Her phone number is (010)6256-5233.Ss: T: Ill introduce two students to you. Listen to me and repeat, then answer the questions according to th

16、e passage.(教师介绍 Jane 和黄华,全班学生继续复述老师的话,教师出示问题。)(1)What are their names?(2)How old are they?(3)Where are they from?(学生阅读 2,回答问题。)T: Read the passage together. Then answer the following questions. (拿出小黑板或播放投影仪展示问题)Questions: (1)What are their names?/(2)How old are they?(3)Where are they from?Answer: (1)Her name is Jane and the other student is



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