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1、 2香港旅遊業議會二零一五至二零一六年度報告議會謹訂於二零一六年十一月三十日(星期三)下午二時三十分,假座九龍梳士巴利道十八號香港洲際酒店二樓貴賓廳櫻舉行第二十九屆會員週年大會,以處理下列事務: 1. 省覽主席報告;2. 省覽總幹事報告;3. 省覽並審議截至二零一六年六月三十日止年度的經審核賬目、理事會報告及獨立核數師報告;4. 委任二零一六至二零一七年度核數師並釐定其酬金;5. 選舉理事:a. 介紹理事候選人;b. 宣佈選舉結果。敬請全體會員出席。承理事會命總幹事董耀中 JP二零一六年十一月八日Notice is hereby given that the 29th Annual Gener

2、al Meeting of the members of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong (TIC) will be held on Wednesday, 30 November 2016 at 2.30 pm at the Function Room Cherry of the InterContinental Hong Kong, 2/F, 18 Salisbury Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong to transact the following business: 1. To receive the Chairmans

3、 report;2. To receive the Executive Directors report;3. To receive and consider the audited accounts and the reports of the Board of Directors and the independent auditor for the year ended 30 June 2016;4. To appoint auditors for the year 2016/2017 and to fix their remuneration;5. To elect directors

4、:a. Presentation of candidates for election to the Board;b. Announcement of the result of the election.All members are invited to attend this meeting.By order of the BoardJoseph Tung JPExecutive Director8 November 2016會員週年大會通告 Notice of Annual General Meeting3TIC Annual Report 2015 / 2016附註:1. 已向議會登

5、記為公司負責人的人士,或按議會組織章程細則第42條登記的兩人中的任何一人,均有權代表該會員投票並行使其所有權力。2. 凡有資格出席並投票的會員,均有權委託投票代表出席並投票。根據第36(2)條,投票代表必須為已向議會登記為公司負責人的人士,或根據第42條向議會登記的兩名代表的其中之一,而且不可代表多於一名會員。3. 會員如在週年大會前三十天內加入議會、或在週年大會前三十天內售賣公司,則已按第49條向議會登記的負責人可在週年大會上投票。4. 已登記的公司代表,必須攜帶身份證於週年大會當天到會場登記,登記後才可投票。入場登記將於下午一時三十分開始,大會召開後結束。Notes:1. The auth

6、orised person of the member registered with the TIC or one of the two persons registered with the TIC pursuant to Article 42 of the Articles of Association of the TIC shall be entitled to vote and exercise the same powers on behalf of the member which he represents.2. A member entitled to attend and

7、 vote is entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to attend and vote instead of the member. In accordance with Article 36(2), the proxy must be the authorised person registered with the TIC or one of the two representatives registered with the TIC pursuant to Article 42 and such a proxy may not repres

8、ent more than one member.3. If a company which is a member of the TIC for less than 30 days from the date of the Annual General Meeting or there is a sale of the company within 30 days of the date of the Annual General Meeting, the authorised person that the member has registered with the TIC pursua

9、nt to Article 49 is permitted to vote at the general meeting.4. Registered representatives are requested to bring along their identity cards and register their attendance upon arrival in order to be eligible to vote at the meeting. Registration will start from 1.30 pm and close when the meeting commences.



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