Unit 3 Section Ⅱ 语言点三 应用落实

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《Unit 3 Section Ⅱ 语言点三 应用落实》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 Section Ⅱ 语言点三 应用落实(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、.完成句子完成句子1This is for the beginners to solve.这个问题让初学者来解决太难了。这个问题让初学者来解决太难了。答案:答案:too difficult a problem2 , she argues back.每当我发表意见时,她总是反驳。每当我发表意见时,她总是反驳。答案:答案:Every time I express an opinion3As a matter of fact, I cant afford his.事实上,我买不起像他的事实上,我买不起像他的一样昂贵的小汽车。一样昂贵的小汽车。答案:答案:as expensive a car as 来

2、源来源:4 for us to say goodbye.来源来源:来源来源:到我们分别的时候了。到我们分别的时候了。答案:答案:It is high time5 that I have visited the World Expo.这是我第一次参观这是我第一次参观世博会。世博会。答案:答案:Its the first time.单项填空单项填空1If you have a job, _ yourself to it and finally youll succeed.Ado devote Bdont devoteCdevoting Dnot devoting解析:解析:选选 A。分析句子结构可

3、知主句是“祈使句and陈述句” ,所以所填词用动词原形,排除 C 和 D;再由语境可知本句叙述的是肯定的情况,要用肯定句,排除 B;故选A,此处用 do 强调谓语动词 devote。2Its high time that he _ the business _ to his son.Ahanded; over Bwould hand; overChanded; out Dwould hand; out解析:解析:选选 A。句意:他该把公司移交给他儿子了。Its high time that .句型表示“该做某事了” ,从句用一般过去时,由此可排除 B、D。hand sth.over to sb

4、.“把某物移交给某人” ;hand sth. out to sb.“把某物分发给某人” 。故本题应选 A。3I havent seen _ Mary since I came here.Aas lovely a girl as Bso a lovely girl asCgirl as lovely as Das a lovely girl as解析:解析:选选 A。句意:自从来到这里,我从未见过像Mary 这么可爱的女孩。“asadj.a/an单数可数名词as”为固定句式。4 This is the first time I _ pictures with my own camera. Its

5、 time that you _ a picture of me.Atook; took Bhave taken; tookCtook; will take Dwill take; have taken解析:解析:选选 B。句意:“这是我第一次用自己的相机拍照。 ” “你该给我照张相了。 ”This is the first time (that) .句型中从句用现在完成时;Its time that .句型中 that 从句用一般过去时。故选 B。5Li Yang, the founder of Crazy English, says that he copies it down _ he

6、comes across a beautiful sentence.Aunless BwhileCbecause Devery time解析:解析:选选 D。分析语境可知空后部分为时间状语从句,意思是“每当碰到一个美句” ,every time 作连词,引导时间状语从句,表示“每当” 。6All the waiters lined up in front of the gate to welcome the guests _ they arrived.来源来源:Awhile Bthe momentCsuddenly Das if解析:解析:选选 B。此题考查 the moment 作连词的用法。它表示“一就” ,相当于as soon as。while 所引导的句子的谓语动词必须是延续性的。来源:



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