2018春鲁教版英语六下Unit 10《Is there a post office near here》(第六课时)word教学设计

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2018春鲁教版英语六下Unit 10《Is there a post office near here》(第六课时)word教学设计_第1页
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《2018春鲁教版英语六下Unit 10《Is there a post office near here》(第六课时)word教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018春鲁教版英语六下Unit 10《Is there a post office near here》(第六课时)word教学设计(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时教案设计课时教案设计 年级年级_初一初一_ _ 学科学科_ _英语英语_课题Unit 10 Is there a post office near here? PeriodPeriod 6 6课型Revision教学目标1 1、知识目标:、知识目标:1) Master the new words and target language in this unit. 2) Learn to use the names of buildings and some position adjective phrases2 2、技能目标:、技能目标:Enable students to learn t

2、o talk about the neighborhood.Help the students learn how to talk about buildings and some position adjective phrases.3 3、情感态度价值观目标:、情感态度价值观目标:做一个热爱家乡的孩子并能向笔友介绍自己的家乡教学 重 点1. . ToTo mastermaster thethe newnew wordswords andand drills.drills. 2.2. ToTo useuse thethe usefuluseful expressionsexpressions

3、 freely.freely.教学 难 点ToTo useuse thethe usefuluseful exprexpressionsessions freely.freely.学情 分析本节课本节课, ,学生系统复习巩学生系统复习巩固本单元所学固本单元所学重点内容。难点仍然在于正确运用重点内容。难点仍然在于正确运用所学所学 ThereThere bebe 句型及一般疑问词及其回答。尤其是分清表示方位的介词句型及一般疑问词及其回答。尤其是分清表示方位的介词短语短语 acrossacross from,from, behindbehind ,in,in frontfront of,of, ne

4、xtnext toto 等的用法。老师要等的用法。老师要创造真实环境,引领学生模仿练习,学生将很容易达成学习目标。创造真实环境,引领学生模仿练习,学生将很容易达成学习目标。教学 准 备Recorder.Recorder. MultiMultimediummedium computercomputer教学过程: 结合学科特点,体现单元组教学环节,学习内容,时间预测,教师活动,学生活动,自主学习设计,问题探究,单元组合作,同层竞争,人人参与,精讲足练,联系实际,点拨升华集体备课个人备课StepStep One:One: S Showhow ththe e previewpreview worksw

5、orks (text-books(text-books andand exerciseexercise book)book) inin layers.layers. (5m)Teacher: 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard.2. Watch the students and guide them to do better. 3. Show the aims for students to choose.(At the same time, students step into the second step slowly, some by som

6、e.)StepStep Two:Two: LearnLearn byby themselves.themselves. (20m)Students: 1. Choose learning aims.2. Learn on their own. 1) Review the words and target language points in this unit.Teacher: Watch the students and help them whenever necessary. Gather questions.StStepep Three:Three: DiscussionDiscuss

7、ion (5m)Talk about the problems together. StepStep Four:Four: SummarySummary andand TestTest (5m)StepStep Six:Six: ShowShow studentsstudents howhow toto previewpreview forfor nextnext class.class. Homework:Homework:1.Preview the words in Units 9-10, be able to read and translate half of the key word

8、s.(黑体) 2.Remember all the key words.(DCA 层必做) 3.选做 Preview the content in Units 9-10 A 2a, recite the conversation.小 结:学 科 知 识 构 建 与Unit 10 Is there a post office near here? LearningLearning aims:aims:1)1) MasterMaster thethe newnew wordswords inin thisthis unit.unit. on the left, in front of ,acros

9、s from , , on north street, go along, go shopping, near my house, hospital , hotel , restaurant, post office, police station, Neighborhood,just,along,turn, Left,right,on the right,down2)Ta2)Targerge t t Language:Language: Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is a bank on Center 板 书 设 计Street. Where

10、 is the restaurant ? Its next to the bank. Go straight and turn right. I usually go shopping at the supermarket near my house. I like to play in the park. I go along - Its on the right, next to a-反思与重建附:课前检测题:个性预习作业同层对比课堂检测题: 用适当的介词填空 1.There is a good hotel _ the neighborhood. 2. Go _ Bridge Street

11、, and you can find the hotel _ your left. 3. The supermarket is in front _ the school 4. Is there a pay phone _ here? Yes, there is a pay phone _ Center Street. 作业设置:Homework:Homework:必做: 1.Preview the words in Units 9-10, be able to read and translate half of the key words.(黑体) 2.Remember all the key words.(DCA 层必做) 3.选做 Preview the content in Units 9-10 A 2a, recite the conversation.



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