Unit 1 Section Ⅱ 语言点一 应用落实

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《Unit 1 Section Ⅱ 语言点一 应用落实》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 Section Ⅱ 语言点一 应用落实(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1Guo Donglin likes to wear (convention) clothes in his daily life.来源来源: 答案:答案:conventional 2Wen Zhang, a famous actor, is always (faith) to his wife.答案答案:faithful3Jos father had her (adopt) because he couldnt look after her himself.答案:答案:adopted4All the furniture in the room h

2、as a (type) European style.答案:答案:typical5It is (prediction) that a storm will come.答案:答案:predicted来源来源:数理化网数理化网6The people had to gather up their few (possess ) and escaped abroad.答案:答案:possessions7The measures are (aim) at stopping the river from being further polluted.答案:答案:aimed8It is (evidence)

3、that he has decided to leave.答案:答案:evident.单项填空单项填空1You should keep an eye _ Allen, for I have lost faith _ him.Ain; on Bon; inCat; at Dfor; for解析:解析:选选 B。考查固定搭配。第一空填 on, keep an eye on 意为“留意;留神;照看” ;第二空填 in, lose faith in 意为“不相信;对失去信心” 。句意:你应该小心艾伦,因为我已经不相信他了。来源:2We offered these students a summer c

4、ourse, aimed _ improving their spoken English.Ato BinCat Dfor解析:解析:选选 C。考查 aim 的固定搭配。句意:我们提供这些学生一个暑期课程,目的是为了提高学生们的英语口语。be aimed at (doing) sth.“目的是” ;aim to do sth.“力求做” ;aim for sth.“力求达到” 。3Forty people survived and some of them described the flights final terrifying moments as the plane _ to land

5、 in driving wind and rain.Apretended BattemptedCsucceeded Ddevoted解析:解析:选选 B。句意:40 人幸免于难,一些人描述了飞机在急风暴雨中试图着陆时的最后那一惊险时刻。attempt“试图;尝试” ,符合题意。pretend“假装” ;succ eed“成功” ,不和不定式连用;devote“奉献” 。4Despite the short stay in this foreign country, he has soon _ himself to the new environment.Aattended BadoptedCa

6、dapted Dadmitted解析:解析:选选 C。句意:尽管他在国外待的时间很短,但他很快地适应了新环境。adapt oneself to sth.“使自己适应” ,符合语境。5It seems that we value what we are trying to get more than what we _ right now.Atake BbringCpossess Dlose解析:解析:选选 C。句意:好像我们更重视想得到的东西而不是我们现在拥有的东西。possess“拥有;占有” ,符合题意。take“带走” ;bring“带来;造成” ;lose“失去” 。6When wil

7、l the star, Lin Xinru, arrive?来源来源: I _ she will arrive in 10 minutes. Lets wait here.Atalk BpredictCspeak Dwant来源来源:解析:解析:选选 B。句意:“明星林心如什么时间到达?” “我预料 10 分钟内会到的,让我们在这等着吧。 ”predict“预测;预言;预料” 。7To improve the quality of the service, we should _ the consumerssuggestions.Aadopt BadaptCrid Dadjust解析:解析:选

8、选 A。句意:为了提高我们的服务质量,我们应该采纳用户的建议。adopt“采纳” ;adapt“改编” ;rid“除掉” ;adjust“调整” 。8 Tony wouldnt lend us a hand when we were in trouble. Well, it is _ of him to be so unkind.Anormal BordinaryCcommon Dtypical解析:解析:选选 D。句意:“我们遇到困难时托尼根本不帮我们。 ” “哎,他一向这么不友好。”normal“正常的” ;ordinary“普通的” ;common“常见的;一般的” ;typical“典型的;有代表性的” 。It is typical of sb. to do sth.“某人一向” ,故选 D 项。



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