2018春牛津译林版英语八下Unit 8《A green world》(integrasted skills)word导学案

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1、年级:初二 主备:吴蕴 审核:潘丽娟 时间: 2014.5.22 课题:Unit8 Integrated &study skills&task 课型:新授 课时安排: 一课时 学生姓名_ 家长签名 _ 【学习目标学习目标】1.能从听力材料中获取有用的信息 2.能用已掌握的信息使相关文章的意思表达完整 3.能就环保话题进行交流。 4.学习改正作文中的错误。 5.养成认真检查作文的好习惯。 【课前热身课前热身】背诵并默写以下单词、词组和句子: 1.调查(n) survey 2.空的(adj)empty (反义词 full) 3.灰尘、尘土(n)dust 4.有 害的(adj) harmful (反

2、义词 harmless) 5.土壤 (n)soil 6.在正确位置 in place 7. 煤 (n) coal 8. 石油、原油、食用油 (n)oil 9.气体、煤气 (n) gas 10. 形成(v)form 11.满不 在乎地、粗心地 (adv) carelessly (反义词 carefully) 12.再使用 (v) reuse 13.简单的 (adj) simple (adv simply) 14步骤,措施(n)step 15.电力,力量(n) power (adj powerful) 1.做一个有关学生们日常习惯的调查 do a survey on students daily

3、habits (做一个有关的调查 do a survey on) 2 201房间 Room 201 3.刷牙时关掉水 龙头 turn off the tap when brushing teeth ( 当做某事 when doing sth) 4.淋浴少于10分钟 take showers for less than 10 minutes 5.使用纸张的两面use both sides of the paper 6.回收空瓶子recycle empty bottles7.带他们自己的袋子去超市 take their own bags to the supermarket 8的数量.(多/少)

4、the number of is big/large/small. 9. 你有多环保呢? How green are you? 10. 学生们关于他们的日常习惯被进行了提问。 Students were asked about their daily habits. 11. 这是调查结果。 Here are the results of the survey . (.的结果是Here are the results of) 12.大部分学生,极少数学生 most students, few students 13.这个调查表明学生正在做很多事来帮助保护环境,但还有更多他们能做的事。 The s

5、urvey shows that students are doing a lot to help protect the environment, but there are still many more things they can do.14.污染已成为全世界一个严重的问题。 Pollution has become a serious problem all around the world. 15.有更多的树围绕着看起来更 美 look nicer with more trees around 16.树木减少灰尘,有助于保持空气干净。 Trees reduce dust and

6、help keep the air clean. 17.空气污染对我们的健康有害。Air pollution is harmful to our health. (对有害 be harmful to) 18. 树木也能在暴风雨期间帮助固定土壤。 Trees also help keep soil in place during storms. 19. 为动物提供家园 provide home for animals 20.通过检查你的作业 by checking your work 21.单词使用错误 word usage mistake 22. 拼写错误 spelling mistake 2

7、3. 漏词 missing word 24.人们依赖自然资源生存。 People depend on natural resources to live. 25.水和土壤提供我们必要的食物和饮料Water and soil help provide us with necessary food and drinks. 26. 煤、石油和天然气不仅对家庭有帮助,而且在工厂里更广泛地被使用。 Coal, oil and natural gas are not only useful for families, but (also) have a wider use for factories. 2

8、7其他的像煤、石油和天然气是从地下被挖出来的。 Others like coal, oil and natural gas are dug up from the ground. 28明智地使用它们 use them wisely 29被满不在乎地使用和扔掉 be used and thrown away carelessly 30. 该是我们采取适当行动保护环境的时候了。It is time for us to take proper actions to protect our environment. 31.如果有可能,我们应该尽量少产生浪费,再使用或回收利用东西。 We should

9、try to produce less waste, reuse or recycle things if possible. 32.我们的环境正变得更糟糕,因此,该是我们行动起来保护环境的时候了。 Our environment is changing for the worse, so it is time for us to go green. (go green=protect the environment 保护环境) 33.这是采取的一些简单措 施。 Here are some simple steps to take. (take some steps to do sth 采取一

10、些措施做) 34.如果有可能再次使用水reuse water if possible 35. 当你的电视或电脑不用时关掉 电源。 Turn off the power when your TV or computer is not in use. ( be in use 使用中) 36.不要使用塑料袋。相反,购物时带你自己的袋子。 Do not use plastic bags. Instead, take your own bags when shopping. 37.一种绿色生活方式的更多小提示 more tips for a green lifestyle 38.多锻炼少 看电视 do

11、more exercise and watch less TV 39.依照这些小措施,你们能对地球产生 大影响。 Follow these small steps ,and you can make a difference to the Earth. 40.为了节 约电力in order to save power 41.其他的一些好习惯 some other good habits 42.回收利用也是帮助减少污染的一个好方法。 Recycling is also a good way to help reduce pollution. (.is a good way to .好的方法是)

12、43.我们应该把废物分成不同的小组以便 它能被回收利用。 We should separate waste into different groups so that it can be recycled. 44.而且,对我们来说养成绿色的生活方式是重要的。 Moreover, it is important for us to develop a green lifestyle. 【学海拾贝】 1.我认为周围有更多的树木,我们的城镇会更加美丽。 _ _ 句中的“with more trees around”为介词短语,其副词作用。around 用作_词,意思是 _,_。 我可以听见周围事物笑

13、声。 I could hear laughter _ _. 2.空气污染对我们的健康有害。 _对某人有害_ = _ = _ 水污染对我们的健康是有害的。Water pollution _ _ _our health. = Water pollution _ our health. = Water pollution _ _ _our health. 3. 这是采取的一些简单措施。 _ 采取一些措施做_我们应该采取一些简单的措施来节约用水。 We should _ _ _ _ to save water. 【堂清巩固】 1. There is a _(调查) on learning English. 2. He joined an English club to improve his _ (日常的) English. 3. Smoking is a kind of bad _(习惯). 4. Some of the waste material can be reworked for _ (再利用). 5. The waste can _(separate) into different groups to recycle. 6. Take your own bags when _



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