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1、 China Securities (International) Brokerage Company Limited 中信建投(國際)証券有限公司 18/F, Two Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環交易廣場二期 18 樓 Service Hotline 全國免付費熱線:400-1208-108 General Line 總機:(852) 3465-5600 Email 電郵:cscsci.hk CSCIS/SEC/015CE/201709 網上即時報價申請網上即時報價申請終止終止表表 賬戶名稱: 賬戶號碼: - 身份證護照號碼: 網上即時報價

2、服務網上即時報價服務 - 證券證券 收費收費(每月每月) 申請申請 終止終止 國際版國際版 (包括國內使用包括國內使用)1,3 HK$ 380 國内國内版版1,3 HK$ 230 美股報價美股報價 - 專業客戶2,3 US$ 50 美股報價美股報價 - 非專業客戶3 US$ 5 生效日期: _ 備註:_ 註: 1. 若客戶每月交易額達港幣二百萬,即可獲贈一個月免費港股即時報價服務。 2. 專業客戶在此申請的定義為專業投資者、公司客戶及持牌人士。 3. 網上即時報價服務 - 證券之費用將在證券賬戶中扣除。 即時報價服務協議條款 1、 服務及收費 本公司會於批核服務認購人(“認購人”)當日直接從認

3、購人的證券/期貨戶口內預先扣除有關月費,不足一個月的認購亦以一個月計算,其後的月費將於每月月初由證券/期貨戶口內扣除作為預繳下月的月費。若認購人未能按時繳付該款項,本公司可終止認購人的網上即時報價服務。隨後若認購人取消該服務,必須給予本公司不少於一個月的書面通知,方能取消戶口服務。 2、 準確性以及內容的及時性 港交所及供應商竭力確保所提供的資料準確可靠,但不保證該等資料的準確性,亦不對任何因資料不確定或遺漏所引致的損失或損害承擔任何責任(不論是侵權行為責任或合約責任或其他責任) 。港交所及供應商亦竭力確保及時提供本服務,但不保證本服務的及時程度。認購人應留意,有若干服務本身只提供延時的資料。

4、 3、 確認有關細則 認購人查索本服務所提供的資料或登記使用本服務時,即視為已經接受下列的使用細則。香港交易及結算所有限公司及服務供應商保留絕對權利,可隨時全權酌情修改、修訂或增訂有關細則而無須事先通知認購人。認購人若不接受下列細則約束,則概不得使用本服務。 4、 免責聲明 港交所及供應商對上市公司公怖的內容概不負責,對其準確程度或完整程度亦不表示意見,並謹此明確表示不會承擔因上市公司公怖而引致之任何損失,或因依賴該等內容的全部或部份而引致任何損失之責任。認購人承認對本服務任何部份的依賴均須自行承擔所有風險。透過本服務而獲得的資訊不應賴以作出投資決定,認購人應諮詢適當的專業人士查證有關資料及徵

5、詢具體的意見。 5、 終止 認購人同意港交所及供應商有全權酌情以任何理由決定終止或暫停為認購人提供服務(全部或部份),理由可包括(但不限於)違反了此等細則或此後任何的修訂細則,又或有關戶口不活躍已有一段相當長的時間。港交所及供應商不會為認購人或第三者承擔因終止本服務所涉及任何索償的責任。 6、 法律 本協議書受香港特別行政區法律管轄及其以作解釋。即使爭議發生於香港以外的地方,雙方同意接受香港特別行政區法院司法管轄。 7、 美股及期貨即時報價 本人现授權並同意貴公司將本人必要的相關個人資料給予交易对手方作申請美股及/或期貨報價用途。本人願意遵守,美國及交易对手方之要求,並承諾如有任何個人資料改動

6、(包括:居住地址等),本人有責任儘早與貴公司聯絡及提交個人相關最新資料。 吾(等)已知悉上述協議條款,並同意遵守。 客戶或經紀簽署: 日期: (請用存本公司簽名/印鑑簽署) 公司內部專用公司內部專用 經辦人簽署: 經紀電話確認(如適用): 錄音電話號碼: 錄音時間: 覆核: 批核: 系統錄入: 系統批核: China Securities (International) Brokerage Company Limited 中信建投(國際)証券有限公司 18/F, Two Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環交易廣場二期 18 樓 Service Ho

7、tline 全國免付費熱線:400-1208-108 General Line 總機:(852) 3465-5600 Email 電郵:cscsci.hk CSCIS/SEC/015CE/201709 Online Real-time Quotation Application / Termination Form Effective Date: _ Remarks: _ Notes: 1. Free One Month real-time quotation (Hong Kong Market) will be offered to customers whose trading amoun

8、t exceeds HKD 2 million in a month. 2. Professional Investor, Corporate client and licensed person will be treated as professional client in this application. 3. The fee of Online Real-time Quote Service Securities will be deducted from your securities account. Terms for Real-time Quote Service 1、 S

9、ervice and fees We will deduct the monthly fee directly from the securities/futures account of the subscriber (“Subscriber“) on the date the subscription is approved. Any subscription less than a month will be rounded up as a month. Subsequent monthly fees will be deducted from the Subscribers secur

10、ities/futures account one month in advance on a monthly basis. If the Subscriber fails to make payments in a timely manner, we may terminate the real-time quote service. If the Subscriber wishes to cancel the service, at least a one month written notice shall be served on us before the service can b

11、e cancelled. 2、 Accuracy and timeliness of information The Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the service provider will use their best endeavours to make sure the information provided is accurate and reliable, but make no guarantee as to its accuracy and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising f

12、rom any uncertainty or omission of information (whether or not caused by infringement of rights or breach of contractual obligations or otherwise). The Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the service provider will also use their best endeavours to provide the service on a timely basis, but make no guarante

13、e as to the timeliness of the service. Subscriber shall note that certain delay may be involved in some of the service. 3、 Acknowledgement of rules Once the Subscriber searches the information provided by the service or registers for the service, such Subscriber shall be deemed to have accepted the

14、rules set out herein. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the service provider reserve their absolute rights to amend, revise or add the rules at their sole discretion without giving a notice to the Subscriber in advance. The Subscriber shall not use the service should they not accept the rules herein.

15、 4、 Disclaimer The Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the service provider take no responsibility for the contents of the announcements made by the listed companies, make no representation as to their accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of these announcements. The Subscriber acknowledges that the reliance on any part of such contents shall be at his/her own risk. Subscribers shall not make investment


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