2017秋北师大版英语七上Get Ready《C Your Family》word教案2

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1、授课日期授课日期9.179.17课型课型SpeakingSpeaking andand grammargrammar授课授课教师教师龙翠鸟龙翠鸟教学课题教学课题总课时:总课时: 4 4 第第 2 2 课时课时教教 学学 目目 标标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 能听说读数词 21-100。2. 能通过听,找出对话大意:Sara 在干什么和记录具体信息:Sara 家庭成员的年龄及正确判断出他们的职业,工作地点等。3. 能运用谈论家庭的词汇,句型谈论家庭信息。3. 积极参与课堂活动中和愿意和同学谈论家庭情况。教学重点教学重点1. 数词 21-100 2. 能通过听,找出对话大意和记录具体信息教学

2、难点教学难点 如何引领学生记牢数词 forty, fifty and eighty 的拼写及听力策略的培养教学方法教学方法引领归纳法教学准备教学准备Ppt students sheet 教师活动设计教师活动设计学生活动设计学生活动设计设计意图设计意图时间安排时间安排Step1Step1 RevisionRevision AskAsk thethe studentsstudents toto taketake outout theirtheir ownown familyfamily photosphotos toto askask andand answeranswer thethe ques

3、tionsquestions inin pairspairs like:like: WhoWhoss that/that/ this?this? WhatWhat doesdoes hehe /she/she do?do? FirstFirst givgive e anan exampleexample withwith a a goodgood student.student. Step2 learing Do a dictation exercise about numbers 1-20 with the students Then check in class Ask the stude

4、nts to look at the numbers in exercise7 and say : What numbers are missing? Then ask several students to say the missing numbers. Then point out that we use “_”with numbers like twenty-one. Also point out the spelling of forty, fifty and eighty.taketake outout theitheir r ownown familyfamily photosp

5、hotos askask andand answeranswer thethe questionsquestions aboutabout theirtheir familiesfamilies inin pairs.pairs.Write down numbers 1-20 Then check in class Look carefully, think and say the missing numbersPay attention to what the teacher saysListen and read after it采取互问家庭信息的方式复习谈论家庭的重要表达复习数词 1-2

6、0引领学生学习 数词 21-100558Then play the recording for the students to read after it.Step3 listening PlayPlay thethe dialogdialogueue forfor thethe firstfirst timetime . . Say:Say: NowNow listenlisten toto a a dialoguedialogue anand d findfind outout : : WhatsWhats SaraSara making?making?Say:Say: NextNext

7、pleasplease e listlistenen toto thethe dialoguedialogue againagain andand writewrite downdown thethe agesages ofof SnrasSnras famifamilyly members.members. FirstFirst givegive anan example,example, t thenhen checkcheck inin class.class.Step4Step4 LeadLead thethe studentsstudents toto readread thethe

8、 stastatementstements inin exerciseexercise 9 9 askask themthem toto telltell thethe meaningsmeanings ofof thethe sentencessentences PlayPlay thethe dialogue,dialogue, askask thethe studentsstudents toto circlecircle thethe correctcorrect answers,answers, thenthen checkcheck inin pairs,pairs, thenth

9、en checkcheck inin classclass andand askask themthem toto telltell theirtheir reasonsreasons forfor eaeachch answer.answer.Step5Step5 AskAsk thethem m toto l lookook atat listeninglistening materialmaterial ,Play,Play thethe dialoguedialogue andand askask themthem toto listenlisten andand repeatrepe

10、at Step6Step6 Say:Say: weveweve knownknown SarasSaras family.family. DoDo youyou wantwant toto knowknow eacheach othersothers familyfamily membersmembers information:information: ages,ages, jobs,jobs, likes,likes, etc.etc. ThenThen askask themthem toto workwork inin pairspairs toto talktalk listenli

11、sten toto a a dialoguedialogue anand d findfind outout : : WhatsWhats SaraSara making?making?listenlisten toto t thehe diadialoguelogue againagain andand writewrite downdown thethe ageages s ofof SnrasSnras familyfamily members.members. FirstFirst givegive anan exampexample,le, thenthen checkcheck i

12、nin class.class.readread thethe ststatemenatementsts inin exerciseexercise 9 9 askask themthem toto telltell thethe meaningsmeanings ofof thethe sentencessentences studentsstudents listenlisten andand cicirclercle thethe correctcorrect answers,answers, thenthen checkcheck inin pairs,pairs, thenthen

13、checkcheck inin classclass andand telltell theirtheir reasonsreasons forfor eacheach answer.answer.looklook atat listeninglistening materialmaterial,listenlisten andand repeatrepeatworkwork inin pairspairs toto talktalk likelike thethe exampleexample inin exerciseexercise 10.10.训练听大意的 能力训练听出并记 录年龄的能力让学生明确听 的任务听取具体信息: 家庭成员的职 业,工作地点 等熟悉对话,培 养语感运用数词和询 问职业等句型 来了解别人家 庭情况6939likelike thethe exampleexample inin exerciseexercise 10.10.板书板书 设计设计课后课后 反思反思在引导学生做听力环节的方法方面很到位,目标基本达成



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