2017秋外研版七上Unit2《The tiger lives in Asia》word教案

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《2017秋外研版七上Unit2《The tiger lives in Asia》word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017秋外研版七上Unit2《The tiger lives in Asia》word教案(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一、教案背景1、面向学生:七年级学生 2、学科:英语 3、课时:14、课前准备:学生预习课文,熟读重点单词。 学生搜集动物的有关资料。 教师准备课件。在英语教学中恰当地、科学地、灵活地运用多媒体,有助于优化教学过程,增强教学效果,提高教学质量。多媒体是一种很好的方式和手段,它能很直观的为学生提供语言意境,唤起学生对英语学习的热情,提高学生学习英语的积极性。二、教学课题 Module 6 unit2 The tiger lives in Asia.三、教学目标 1、准确的理解课文中动物的信息。2、通过学习本节课,增强学生对濒临灭绝的动物的保护之情。3、学会正确的运用首字母大写。四、教学思路学生课

2、前搜集有关动物的资料,并熟读本节课的单词,了解文章的大意。老师课上检查预习成果,指导学生默写本节课的重点短语。小组为单位讨论本节课所提到的动物的信息,并对文中的重点知识合作讨论。在理解课文的基础上,观看一段关于姚明呼吁公众抵制鱼翅的公益广告。呼吁大家积极的保护动物,爱护动物,培养学生热爱动物的情感,增强保护动物的意识。同时认真的阅读文章,注意文中的首字母大写五、教材分析第六模块主要是讲述有关动物的内容,第二单元 The tiger lives in Asia.介绍了 5 种动物,拓展了学生在物种与地理方面的知识。通过描述这五种动物的居住环境与喜好,让同学们了解更多关于动物的知识,同时,通过本单

3、元的学习,进一步激发学生对动物的爱心,增强学生保护动物的意识。六、教学方法自主学习、小组讨论、小组展示、小组总结利用多媒体资源制作课件,力求其中含有视频、音频、图片,从而提高学生的英语学习兴趣。七、教学设计课前延伸(一)导入新课。1、播放一段动物园的视频,让学生用英语回答视频中有哪些动物。视频的位置 http:/ PPT 展示一幅世界地图,让同学们辨认地图上的具体的位置,并根据已掌握的材料说一下这些地方有哪些动物(四)翻译理解课文内容,并熟记文中的重点短语、句型。1、同学们先自行阅读并理解课文,标出课文中的重点短语以及较难理解的句型。2、以小组为单位,讨论解决在自学中遇到的问题。3、老师点拨重

4、难点。(五)看一段鲨鱼被残忍的割掉鱼翅的视频以及姚明的公益广告。http:/ http:/ do you think about it?2. What are you going to do in the future?提问几名同学谈一下对残害动物的现象的认识,并谈一下自己今后的打算1、 以小组为单位进行讨论,各抒己见。2、同学们积极的发表自己的感想。(六)巩固练习翻译下面的句子1.大象生活在非洲和亚洲。2.这只黑白相间的动物是世界各地人民最喜爱的动物。3.它喜欢水并且最喜欢游泳。4.熊猫一天吃大约三十公斤的竹子。1.学生独立翻译。2.小组内互改互评。(七)快乐达标做完巩固练习之后进行当堂达标

5、测验,自我检测一下本节课的学习效果课后延伸(八)课后延伸1、熟记本节课的重点短语单词,写一篇以“My favorite animal”为题的小短文。2、为保护鲨鱼这一公益活动画一张海报3.每日英语:Thats very funny.板书: Module 6 Unit2 The tiger lives in Asia1.Key words: elephant panda zebra tiger monkey2. live in 生活在;居住在3. 30 kilos of bamboo a day 一天三十公斤竹子4.all over the world= all around the world

6、 世界各地5.a little/little a few/few 八、教学反思随着环境问题越来越被重视,动物作为我们大家庭的一部分也受到越来越多的关注,本节课的学习目标除了让学生掌握重点的短语之外,更重要的是培养学生关爱动物的情感。本节课利用图片,学生们不仅能够了解更多关于动物的知识,同时也扩展了他们的地理知识,使学科间的知识能够更好的融合,在掌握好本节课的重点短语句型的基础上,通过观看视频进一步了解动物所面临的危机,进而培养学生们关爱动物的情感。Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia 教学过程(一)导入新课T:Dear students, Do you like ani

7、mals?S: Yes.T: What animals do you like best? Why?S: I like pandas best. Because they are very cute.S: I like monkeys best. Because they are very clever.S: I like elephants best. Because they are very strong.(学生纷纷举手回答)T: I like dolphins best. Because they are very beautiful. Now look at this video,

8、and think about how many animals can you find in it?Then discuss with your group about these animals.http:/ Who wants to share your information about the animal with us?S: There are nine animals in it. The panda likes eating bamboo.S: The tiger lives in Asia.S;The zebra is an African animal. (学生积极的分

9、享他们课前查到的有关动物的信息)T: Very good .All of you did very well.(老师带头给回答问题的同学鼓掌) Today we are going to study Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia. In this class you will learn more information about animals.(二)展示学习目标(展示在 PPT 上)1. To identify information about animals in the reading material.2、To understand short p

10、assage on animals.3、To use capital letters correctly.(三)开始新课T: Boys and girls, look at this picture.(PPT 展示一幅世界地图)What is this?S:This is a world map.T: Where is it?( 询问各大洲的名称)S:AsiaS: AfricaS: EuropeT: Great! You did very well. Now look at these animals. Please help them to find their home.(PPT 上展示几

11、张动物的图片,小组合作讨论,帮助动物找家)T:Volunteer? Who wants to show your answers?S: The elephant lives in Africa and in Asia.S: The panda lives in China.S: The monkeys lives in Africa, Asia and America.T: Excellent! Work in pairs to practice these sentence.Where does the panda (任一动物名)live in?The panda lives in Chin

12、a.(PPT 上出现这个句型)(同桌练习这个对话)T: Who wants to show your dialogue?S:学生展示(四)课文的学习T: Open your book. Turn to Page39. Read this passage first, when you read ,think about these questions.(1)Does the elephant eat meat?(2)What does the panda eat?(3)Does the tiger live alone or live together?(PPT 上展示着三个问题)T: Vol

13、unteer? S: No, it doesnt.S: The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day, as well as plants and leaves.S: The tiger lives alone.T: Great! Read this passage again, and find out the important phrases and sentences. Work in your group to share your finding.(以小组为单位,讨论本节课的重点短语句型,小组进行展示)S:I am from group

14、 5. Our group think a little 是本节课的重点短语。a little 表示肯定,修饰不可数名词;little 表示否定,修饰不可数名词; a few 表示肯定,修饰可数名词;few 表示否定,修饰可数名词。S:I am from group 2.Our group think all over the world =all around the world 意思是世界各地。(学生积极的回答小组分享的结果)(五)看视频,培养热爱动物的情感T: Boys and girls, we have learned the passage in the book. Now, lets watch a video. When you are watching, please think about these questions.(PPT 上展示这两个问题)视频位置:http:/ do you think about it?2. What are you going to do in the future?T:Ok. Discuss with your group about your opinions.S:学生积极的说出他们的想法。(六)巩固练习T: We have learned this unit. In this class,



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