2017秋冀教版英语七上Unit 3《Body Parts and Feelings》(Lessons 16-18)课文重点整理

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2017秋冀教版英语七上Unit 3《Body Parts and Feelings》(Lessons 16-18)课文重点整理_第1页
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《2017秋冀教版英语七上Unit 3《Body Parts and Feelings》(Lessons 16-18)课文重点整理》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017秋冀教版英语七上Unit 3《Body Parts and Feelings》(Lessons 16-18)课文重点整理(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新冀教版七年级上册 Unit3 课文重点整理(Lessons 16-18)Unit 3: Body Parts and Feelings Lesson 16: Happy or Sad1、 感觉高兴_不要伤心。 _怎么了?Whats _? / Whats _ _? / Whats up? 我觉得难过。I feel sad. = I _ sad. 2、 你感觉怎么样?How _ you feel? / How _ you feeling? 好极了。_很好,谢谢。 _不太糟。_一般般。 _我不高兴。I _ feel happy. = I _ _ happy. 3、 Sometimes were d

2、own. Sometimes we are high. 有时我们伤心,有时我们开 心。 当然,两个单词还有别的意思。如:Go down the street. The kite is high in the sky.down 和 high 分别译为_和_。 4、 单项选择。How do you feel?_.A. No. Im sadB. I feel happyC. Im hereD. Yes, Im happyAre you sad? _.A. Im happyB. Sure. Im OK C. Fine, thanks D. No, Im not. I just feel tiredWh

3、at do you want me _ for you?A. do B. does C. to do D. doing_?My eye hurts.A. Are you happyB. Whats wrongC.What do you doD. Are you hurt(2013 山东青岛)How do you like the scarf?Very much. It feels _.A. hardB. sweetC. coolD. soft(2013 江苏扬州)What are you going to be when you grow up?A singer. But my mother

4、wants me _ a teacher.A. amB. to beC. will be D. be5、 词语运用。We can make him _ (laugh)._ (be) Tom hurt? No, he isnt.Your father is very good. _ (not be) sad.How does your mother _ (feel) today?He always _ (laugh) at others when they make a mistake. It is wrong.The girl is crying, because her finger is

5、_ (hurt).I dont have e_ money to buy this sweater.She has small f_, so this pair of shoes is too big for her.Jenny likes red, and Kate likes red, t_.The girl isnt _ (足够强壮) to carry the box.Lesson 17: Seeing a Doctor1、 look bad_see a doctor_ feel sick_have a headache_ take this medicine_have a good r

6、est_ stay home_have a cold_2、 Are you OK? 你还好吗? 这句话的肯定回答是“Yes, I am OK. Thanks.” ,否定回答是“No, I feel sick. / No, I have a headache.”等。OK 是_的缩写形式。3、 表示“患/得了病” ,一般用“have a / an + 病痛”结构。如: have a _ 胃痛have a sore throat_have a _ 牙痛have a backache_have a fever _have an armache_4、 Youd better take this medi

7、cine and stay home. 你最好 _。Youd better 是 You _ _的缩写。其后接动词原形,例如:你最好坐公交车去上学。Youd better _.其否定形式为“Youd better not + 动词原形.” ,例如:你最好不要跟他走。 Youd better _.在口语中,奉劝别人不要做某事时,常用 Youd better not.。 5、(2013 广州)I feel relly tired._ A. Lucky you!B. Youd better work harder. C. Congratulations!D. Youd better go and ha

8、ve a rest.6、阅读理解。 Im a Chinese boy. My name is Wang Li. I have a small nose and short black hair. My eyes are big and black. I have a good friend in my class. He is a boy, too. His name is Eric. He is from the USA. He looks different. He has a big nose and long brown hair. His eyes are small and blu

9、e. But we are the same in some ways. We both have strong shoulders and big ears. We are both 1.7 metres tall. We like basketball and we often play basketball together after school. We feel very happy.Wang Li and Eric are _.A. in the same class B. in different classesC. in same class D. on the same c

10、lassDo Wang Li and Eric look the same?A. Yes, they are.B. No, they dont.C. Yes, they do. D. No, they arent.They are _ metres tall.A. 1.7 B. 1.6 C. 1.4 D. 2.0What do they like to do after school?A. Play soccer.B. play volleyball.C. Play games. D. play basketball.Eric has strong _.A. armsB. shoulders

11、C. noseD. hairLesson 18: We All Look Different1、 look cool_look cute_ short blond hair_look different_ long black hair_wear glasses_2、 We all look different. 我们都看起来不一样。different adj. 不同的表示“和不一样” ,用 be different from。如:我的尺子和你的不一样。 _difference n. 不同如:Can you tell the difference between this chair and

12、that one? _表示“和一样” ,用 be the same as。如:你认为你的英语书和我的 一样吗? _3、 What does he / she look like? 他/她是什么样子? 此结构为“What do / does + 主语 + look like?”用于提问某人的外貌。回答 时可用“主语+be +形容词”或“主语+have / has+形容词+名词”两种方式来描 述人的外表。如:He is very handsome._或 She has two big eyes._。 4、 用 have 或 be 的适当形式填空。Li Ming _ short blond hair.They _ two pairs of glasses.Tom _ twelve years old.Do you _ an eraser?Su Jia and He Dong _ two chairs.Does she _ a nice dress?Kitty _ good-looking.Dannys mother _ a new book.The basketb


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