2017秋仁爱版八上《Topic3 What should we do to fig》(SectionC)word学案

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1、Unit2 Topic3 Section C一、话题导学:(学习目标)1. Learn some new words:happy, unhappy, happiness, habit, fat, happen2. Go on learning how to keep healthy.3. Learn how to get information by using some simple skills.二、预习导纲:1、单词互译与记忆1) 你们自己 2) 不开心 3) 习惯 4) 发生 2、短语互译与记忆 1) give sb a message 2) keep fit 3)stay safe

2、4)另一方面 5)拒绝,对说不 3、句子理解与熟读1) Its necessary for you to learn about first aid.2) Be happy to be happy.3) You should say no to smoking and drinking.三、课堂导练:1、用所给词的恰当形式填空。1) The sad news made her_. (happy)2) Help to some fish, my friends. (you)3) You should have a good_ habit if you want to keep healthy.

3、(eat) 4) Students should stay away from_ games in the net bar. (play) 5) Smoking is bad for your _. (healthy)2、单项选择。( ) 1) _ is necessary for us _ good books.A. It, readB. This, to read C. That, readingD. It, to read( ) 2) The boy is only three years old. He isnt _ to go to school A. enough old B. e

4、nough young C. old enough D. young enough( ) 3) As a student, we should _ throwing litter around.A. say thanks to B. say hello to C. say no to D. say yes to( ) 4) I cant finish the work _ the help of my classmates.A. with B. without C. have D. no( ) 5.) Vegetables and fruit can make us _.A. health B

5、. unhealthy C. healthy D. happiness 四、复习自测。请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、 意义相符的单词。Its important for us to be healthy. We cant study or work well (1)_ healthy body. Do you want a strong body? Therere many ways to keep (2)_.First, we should eat healthy food. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, a

6、nd (3)_ lots of boiled water. They are (4) _ for our health. But we (5) _drink coffee or tea before we sleep. We shouldnt eat too many candies. Second, it is important (6) to _ sports, such as running or swimming. Also, we can spend an hour (7)_ ball games after school. Third, we have to have a good

7、 (8) _. Many students do not have breakfast before they go to school. Its a quite bad (9) _ and its bad for our health. Maybe we dont have time to have breakfast but we cant learn well in our classes if we dont eat anything. Finally, we must remember: “Early to bed, (10) _ to rise (起来) is the way to

8、 keep healthy, wealthy and wise.”五、课文解读:(1) So try to stay safe when you play them.“stay + adj.” 表示“保持某种状态”,相当于 keep +adj. 如:All of us want to stay/keep healthy.(2) You should say no to smoking and drinking.say no to 意为“拒绝、远离” ,类似的结构还有:say thanks/goodbye/hello to六、评价 内容等级自评小组长评价 预习情况ABCD 课堂表现ABCD 小组合作ABCD


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