2017秋北师大版英语七上Get Ready《D your classroom》word教案4

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1、 授课日期课型LettersLetters andand SoundsSounds授课教师教学课题总课时:4 第 4 课时教 学 目K 标在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 归纳总结辅音字母 f, v, w, m, n, s and z 在单词中的基本发音和特点。 2. 能通过听,能从含有相似辅音中选出听到的单词。 3. 体会感知名词复数的读音规律并利用此规律给单词分组。 4. 积极参与课堂活动。教学重点f, v, w, m, n, s and z 在单词中的基本发音和特点 名词复数的读音规律教学难点如何引领学生掌握辅音及名词复数的读音规律教学方法引领法教学准备Ppt students she

2、et recorder 教师活动设计学生活动设计设计意图时间安排教学过程Step1 Revision Ask Ss to work in groups of five to compare their homework to choose the best five pieces of five in each group, then read in class to choose the best five pieces of advice as the class rules. Step2 Exercise5 Ask the students to look at exercise 1,

3、play the recording, say: just listen and pay attention to the red letters.Then play again and lead Ss to sum up the red letter sound. Write them on the board: f/f/, v/v/, w/w/, m/m/, n/n/,s/s/ and z/z/Step3 Exercise6Say: look at picture 1, a fish, then ask “Whats the letter?” then ask Ss to write f

4、to complete the word. Then ask Ss to finish the others, then check in class.Step4 Exercise7Work in groups of five to compare their homework to choose the best five pieces of five in each group, then read in class to choose the best five pieces of advice as the class rules. Look at exercise 1, listen

5、 and pay attention to the red letters.Listen and sum up the red letter sound with the help of the teacher.21 世纪教育网Choose and write letters to complete the words. Then check in class.21 世纪教育网采取评出同学 作业中写的最 好的建议作为 班规的形式及 激发兴趣有复 习祈使句引领学生学习 和总结辅音字 母 f, v, w, m, n, s and z 的发音让学生在选择 正确字母完成 单词中区别辅 音训练学生区别6

6、1021 世纪教育网68Write nice and mice on the board, then ask a student to come to the board, then say “Point to what I say.” and say “mice”. Then play the recording, ask them to listen and circle the words they hear. Then check in class by asking Ss to read the words.Step5 Exercise8 Write “books and chair

7、s” on the board and with the s in red. Say“books and chairs” a few times, then ask “ what sounds does the s make in the two words?” write / s/ after “books” and /z/ after “chairs”. Then ask Ss to read the words and circle the word with different sounds. Then play the recording for Ss to check answer

8、s. Step6 Exercise9 Ask Ss to put the words in the correct category by themselves, then check in pairs, then in class.Step7 Homework1. 跟读录音2. 完成学案上的题Listen and circle the words they hear. Then check in class by reading the words.Read the words and circle the word with different sounds. Then check answers by listening to the recording.Put the words in the correct category by themse lves, then check in pairs, then in class.Finish the homework相似辅音的能 力引领学生体会 感知名词复数 的读音规律让学生给单词 分组中更好地 掌握名词复数 的读音巩固课上所学861板书设计课采取评出同学作业中写的最好的建议作为班规的形式及激发兴趣复习祈使句这一复习环节,效果后 反 思很好,很好地激发了学生兴趣,对本节课学习及目标达成起了很好的引领作用



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